The counterattack of the defensive formation

Shao Qianyue was overjoyed when he saw that the Lingshi cannon had been prepared. He seemed to have seen the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy being smashed to pieces. With the twenty or so god emperors in the academy, how could they resist the four forces of the Merchant Alliance? More than a dozen god emperors, more than a hundred gods, and hundreds of god kings were killed.

“Fire!” Shao Qianyue ordered.

“Boom…” Eighteen spiritual stone cannons were fired at the same time, and hundreds of thousands of divine stones condensed together. The huge burst of force was blasted out from the muzzle of the guns, and the huge spaceship suddenly retreated tens of feet away.

“Boom!” Eighteen loud noises gathered together and blasted on the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy. The pattern of the defensive formation was hit hard, and tens of thousands of rays of light suddenly appeared, and the surrounding space continued to shatter. Tens of thousands of cracks appeared in the void, and countless void blades flew out, bombarding the defense array of Xuantian Academy and the defense array of the giant spaceship indiscriminately.

Before the formation pattern of the defensive formation disappeared, tens of thousands of sword beams suddenly burst out from the defensive formation and blasted towards the giant spaceship.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” The three giant spaceships were smashed into the defensive formation by the sword light of the acquired magic weapon, and the entire giant spaceship was reduced to debris and fell from the sky.

The monks of the Yulin Business League on the spaceship were excitedly looking at the defensive array of Xuantian Academy, waiting for the defensive array to shatter, they could occupy Xuantian Academy in one fell swoop, become the largest force in the Five Elements universe, and get countless Cultivate resources and improve your cultivation.

These cultivators never expected that this defensive formation turned out to be an offensive and defensive formation, not to mention that the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy was the acquired magic weapon Zhanyue Sword of their business alliance god emperor, this acquired magic weapon Zhanyue Tens of thousands of sword beams burst out from the sword, smashing the defensive array of the giant spaceship, then smashing the spaceship, and then hitting them again.

The god emperor on the giant spaceship was stunned when he saw the tens of thousands of sword lights bombarding him, and shouted, “No! Get out of the way!” But before it was too late, the tens of thousands of sword lights had already shattered The spaceship penetrated their bodies, their bodies were smashed to pieces, and many monks’ primordial spirits were separated from their bodies, floating in the air in panic.

Dean Tiansen was overjoyed when he saw that the defensive formation was not shattered after being bombarded by the spirit stone cannon, and also saw how powerful the defensive formation’s counterattack was. He immediately ordered, “All fellow daoists, get out.”

The god emperor elders and deacons of Xuantian Academy rushed out of the defensive formation and killed the monks of the Yulin Business League.

Shao Qianyue, the leader of the Yulin Merchant League, originally thought that even if the Lingshi Cannon couldn’t blow away the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy, it would be smashed to pieces. He didn’t expect that this defensive formation turned out to be a large formation integrating offense and defense. No matter how powerful the bombardment is, the counterattack will be as powerful as it is.

A sword light passed through Shao Qianyue’s stomach, leaving a hole the size of a bowl. Shao Qianyue realized that he was injured, and quickly swallowed a few healing pills, only to find that the elders of the Xuantian Academy had already killed him. up.

Gu Xiangfei checked the defensive array and found that with the innate magic weapon of the Flame Banner, not only the defense has been increased by dozens of times, but the counterattack has also been many times stronger. Otherwise, how could the defensive array on the spaceship be smashed? Being able to smash the spaceship is entirely due to the Flame Flag.

Now it’s just a flame flag from the ground that is so powerful. If the innate five-element flags are assembled, if they are arranged in a formation, it is estimated that even the strong in the holy realm will not be able to break through them. In turn, they can trap and kill the strong in the holy realm.

He now has two innate five-element flags, and he still needs the remaining three five-element flags to gather together. He wants to find the other three more and more, but he has no time to think about these now. Then he sacrificed his sharp spear, passed through the college’s defensive formation, and killed the monks of the Yulin Business League.

Gu Xiangfei’s brake gun rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights and blasted at the shattered souls. After these souls left their bodies, they didn’t know where to escape. The countless rare resources of Xuantian Academy can restore the body, even if they can’t restore the body now, they can still stabilize the soul, otherwise they can’t do anything except seize the body.

The spear light rolled up by the brake gun hit these primordial spirits, and the worlds of these primordial spirits were torn apart one after another, and various objects in the world fell to the ground, forming small hills one after another.

Several Yuanshen, the god emperors of the Yulin Business League, were stuck by the huge suction force of the brake gun. The Yuanshen twisted and tried to struggle away, but Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed them. Their worlds were torn apart one after another, and the items inside were waved by him. Swept away, then cremated into nothingness.

The other primordial spirits saw that Gu Xiangfei was so powerful that the god emperor’s primordial spirit world was torn apart, and they all ran away in fright.

Shao Qianyue, leader of the Yulin Merchant League, was surrounded and bombarded by two god emperor elders from Xuantian College. His recovering body was shaken away by his forcibly elevated divine essence. Blood flowed out like a spring, soaking his clothes, and bleeding on the ground.

Seeing two god emperor elders besieging a god emperor, Gu Xiangfei immediately rolled up tens of thousands of guns and blasted at the god emperor. The two god emperors bombarded frantically, looking clumsy and embarrassed, and Gu Xiangfei’s Brake Spear bombarded him again, and he quickly sacrificed a protective tripod to block the bombardment of Brake Spear.

He knew that the attack on Xuantian Academy had failed today. He did not expect that the defensive array of Xuantian Academy was so powerful. He directly counterattacked and smashed the spaceship, and killed most of the monks and god emperors of the business alliance. Now he has to escape here quickly. Otherwise, he would be killed today. He raised his hand and grabbed a Boundary Breaker Talisman, a flash of light flashed, and the Boundary Breaker Talisman rolled up and Shao Qianyue disappeared.

two god emperorsThe elder and Gu Xiangfei saw Shao Qianyue escape using the Boundary Breaker Talisman, cursed bitterly, and turned around to look for another god emperor to surround and kill.

More than forty god emperors of the Yulin Merchant League were blasted and killed more than a dozen god emperors by the sudden eruption of the acquired magic weapon Zhan Yuejian. Some god emperors were even killed by the blast. The emperor’s primordial spirit was bombarded and killed by Gu Xiangfei again, and the surviving god emperor also lost his limbs, his arms and thighs were cut off by Jianmang, his strength plummeted, and he was bombarded and killed by the god emperor elders of Xuantian College, and fell again A few, the rest saw that the general situation was over, and the leader ran away, and they also fled here one after another.

Immediately after the bombardment of the spirit stone cannon, the god Qihe quickly sacrificed his armor and shield. He knew how defiant Gu Xiangfei’s formation was, and all the strong in the holy realm were seriously injured by his defensive formation. , after the bombardment of this spirit stone cannon, the counterattack will definitely be more ferocious.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the spirit stone cannon did not smash the defensive formation, and the counterattack of this defensive formation was stronger than the counterattack of the boundary formation. Tens of thousands of sword beams bombarded over, and the defense on the spaceship The big formation was instantly smashed to pieces like paper, and then the extremely strong spaceship was smashed to pieces.

He hid at the back of the spaceship, and saw with his own eyes that tens of thousands of monks in front were bombarded by sword lights. Some monks didn’t even escape their souls. It was riddled with holes, but fortunately, the sword glow was already at the end of its strength, so it didn’t smash his shield.

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