: The Jade Slips Given by Qihe

After Gu Xiangfei killed a few monks at the God King Realm, he tore apart their worlds, but found nothing good. These items were randomly scattered on the ground. He kept killing monks above the God King Realm, tearing them apart In this world, the entire square outside Xuantian Academy is scattered with divine stones, elixir, divine grass and divine fruit, ores, jade slips, shields, armor, various attack artifacts, flying artifacts, and jade boxes. Woke up.

“Brother Gu, save me.” Gu Xiangfei was killing happily. When he heard someone calling him, he quickly scanned with his divine sense and found that the Qihe God was surrounded and bombarded by two god-level monks.

“This is a friend, you guys have misunderstood.” Gu Xiangfei walked up to God Venerable Qihe, blocked the incoming blade light, and said to the two deacons of God Realm of the academy.

“So that’s how it is. I said he just resisted and didn’t fight back. It turns out that he is a friend. Daoist friends should have said it earlier!” The two monks in the Godly Realm turned around to look for other monks from the Yulin Business League after speaking.

“Thank you, Brother Gu. This time, the Yulin Merchant League is done. I have also decided to leave the Merchant League. Brother Gu, there will be a period later.” The God of Qihe clasped his fists at Gu Xiangfei, turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute, brother Qihe, this ring is for you, take care!” Gu Xiangfei took out a ring and handed it to God Qihe, he knew that God Qihe would not join Xuantian Academy, he would rather make a casual Xiu, he also saved himself from being looked down upon by others after joining Xuantian Academy.

“Brother Gu must have given you something good. I’m not being polite anymore. By the way, I almost forgot about the important thing. Here is a map jade slip. This is the treasure house map of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce. There are many defensive formations in it. I know that Gu My brother is a God Formation Emperor, so I have prepared a gift for you.” God Venerable Qi He took the ring, took out another jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, then turned around and left the battlefield with his fists clasped.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. Although the treasure house of the Yulin Business League was not as good as the treasure house of Xuantian College, there must be a lot of good things in it. Now almost all of the Yulin Business League has been disabled. The leader Shao Qianyue was seriously injured and fled the Five Elements Universe. He doesn’t know how many years it will be before he comes back, this treasure house is his own.

The battle between Xuantian Academy and the Yulin Business League spread quickly throughout the Xuantian Divine Realm, and then throughout the Five Elements Universe. Many monks knew that this time the Yulin Business League was over. They were all taken over by other alliances, and the Yulin Business Alliance disappeared in the long river of the Five Elements universe after it was established millions of years ago.

After this war, the reputation of Xuantian Academy once again stood in the Five Elements Universe. Many business alliances and alliances, as well as major sects, knew that Xuantian Academy’s background was indeed strong. Although it suffered heavy losses, it was not a mere Yulin merchant. The alliance can swallow it.

“In this battle, our college was able to win a big victory. Vice President Gu made a great contribution. Without Vice President Gu’s defensive counterattack, we must have suffered heavy losses this time. The college that was finally established will suffer a second blow. A blow.” Dean Tiansen sat in the hall, and more than 20 god emperor elders also sat in the lower part of the hall, summarizing the achievements after the war.

“Haha… Our Xuantian Academy has Brother Gu, and it’s even more powerful. I admire Brother Gu’s formation, which is comparable to the Holy Formation.” Elder Zhou was the first to stand up and thank Gu Xiangfei.

The other god emperor elders also echoed, “That’s right! Brother Gu’s array is worthy of being the Emperor of the God Array of my Xuantian Academy. Brother Kanli’s vision is really powerful.”

“Brother Gu’s defensive counterattack array is too powerful. The spirit stone cannon didn’t smash the defensive formation, and the counterattack is more aggressive, powerful, and ferocious than the spirit stone cannon, haha…”

Thinking of the bombardment of the spirit stone cannon, many god emperor elders couldn’t help sighing at Gu Xiangfei’s formation. The defensive formation unexpectedly blocked the spirit stone cannon’s bombardment, and the counterattack formation was several times stronger than the spirit stone cannon. .

Dean Tiansen took out the spirit wine and fruit, and everyone toasted to celebrate the victory of the war.

When Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, he saw that Xiaoyu was already in the realm of a celestial being, playing with Zhou Shanshan in the courtyard. He was overjoyed. This chaotic Taoist body is really powerful, and he hasn’t returned for a long time.Come on, Xiao Yu has already crossed the catastrophe to the realm of heavenly immortals.

“Father, I miss you so much!” Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming back, Xiao Yu ran over bouncingly and jumped into Gu Xiangfei’s arms.

“What are you playing with Shanshan?” Gu Xiangfei asked casually while hugging Xiao Yu.

“We are learning talisman, mother taught us, it’s fun, I will draw it for dad to see.” Xiao Yu slipped out of his arms while talking, picked up the talisman pen, and quickly drew on a piece of talisman paper a talisman.

“Come on!” Xiao Yu threw the talisman into the air, opened her small mouth and shouted, the talisman turned into a rain cloud, wow! With a bang, there was a light rain, which wet the ground.

“Wow! Xiaoyu’s rain-turning talisman has added more rain, so I’ll draw one too.” Zhou Shanshan clapped her little hands, praised Xiaoyu a few words, and picked up the talisman brush to draw a talisman.

“Come on!” Zhou Shanshan shouted as she threw the talisman into the air.

Crash! Another burst of rain fell, and the ground was wet again.

“Okay! Both of you are very good, but don’t throw this talisman on a person, you can throw it on a tree, or on the flowers and plants next to it.” Gu Xiangfei saw that the two of them were so young, and they learned the talisman so quickly. You can also learn Talisman when you are older.

“We know, mother told us, let’s draw a few more pictures, and go outside to water the big tree.” Xiao Yu obediently agreed, and pulled Zhou Shanshan to lie on the stone table and started drawing again.

Gu Xiangfei smiled, and returned to the cave. Now his parents-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle and aunt are all practicing, and this battle did not affect them.

Gu Yunjie is also cultivating in the cave. He has just broken through to the Real God Realm and is stabilizing his cultivation. This kind of battle is not suitable for monks like them to participate. The academy sends out disciples who are above the God King Realm. They stand out, they are the future of the academy, they cannot be used as cannon fodder.

Yan Yixue also went out to participate in the battle. Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness has been watching her, fearing that she will be in danger, but Yan Yixue is very strong, and killed several god kings with the terrifying halberd in his hand, trying to tear apart Their worlds, but none of them succeeded, and they collapsed several worlds, and they were very unhappy.

She saw that Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and tore apart the monk’s world. No matter if it was a monk in the state of gods or an elder of the god emperor, they could tear apart their world with just raising his hand. This let her know that her cultivation was still low. , The understanding of the rules and exercises is not very thorough.

Gu Xiangfei came to the training room, took out the jade box he had snatched, and opened them all. Inside were some high-level god fruit and high-level ore. These things are very common to him. He also knows that even if a business alliance has good things, They are also in the world of the leader Shao Qianyue. It is considered good for other people to have these things. When he saw the map of the treasure house given to him by the god Qihe, his heart became hot. There is nothing wrong with the college now. Get back everything in this treasure house.

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