: Treasure House of Yulin Merchant League

The journey from Xuantian College to Yulin Business League, under the gallop of the Heavenly Dao Wheel, arrived at Yulin City, the headquarters of the Yulin Business League, in just two days.

Gu Xiangfei put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and transformed into a monk in the Yulin Merchant League. When he entered Yulin City, even the guards ran away. The monks all fled in all directions, afraid of being chased and killed by the monks of Xuantian Academy.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the city, he swept over with his spiritual sense, and soon saw the main hall of the headquarters of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce. Now the main hall is empty, even the tables and chairs have been removed.

He has clearly remembered the location of the jade slips on the treasure house map. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he saw several corpses in the treasure house. Obviously, these monks wanted to blast open the treasure house and were trapped and killed by a large formation.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he saw a primordial spirit hiding in a corner, probably a monk who wanted to seize the opportunity to seize the treasure house.

He raised his hand to grab it, and tore open the primordial spirit world. Inside were some intermediate materials and some intermediate god grass. He didn’t even look at these things, and they were burned to ashes.

There are several nine-level serial killing formations arranged here. After checking with his false eyes, he took out the formation flags and entered each of them into the killing formations.

Click! With a soft sound, the serial killing formation stopped, and a gap was opened. Gu Xiangfei stepped into the killing formation, raised his hand and waved the formation flag, and the killing formation was opened again. He had already passed through the killing formation.

A gate appeared in front of him. Countless formations were engraved on the gate. To protect this treasure house, unless there is a jade tablet to open the gate, the only way to do it is to use violent bombardment.

These patterns couldn’t help Gu Xiangfei. He didn’t even take out the formation flag, and directly used his spiritual consciousness to draw the pattern of the void, destroying the pattern on the gate of the treasure house.

Array patterns were destroyed and disappeared by his void pattern attack, and soon the pattern patterns on the gate of the treasure house were completely destroyed. With a wave of his hand, the door was pushed open, and inside was a passage several feet away, on both sides of the passage The walls are engraved with formation patterns, obviously this passage is also a strangling formation.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t even draw the pattern this time, he directly entered the star beads and passed through.

After passing through the passage, there is another gate, which is also engraved with patterns.

After passing through three such gates and passages in a row, the last gate of the treasure house was opened.

This treasure house is much smaller than the treasure house of Xuantian Academy, but the various items inside are neatly arranged, sorted into categories, and the rows are very regular.

After Gu Xiangfei’s divine sense scanned, he found a lot of top-level ores, more than a dozen acquired magic weapons, a large pile of jade boxes, hundreds of them, some jade slips of exercises, rows ofThe columns are very neat.

I don’t have time to check them one by one now, so let’s put them away and go back to check them slowly!

With a wave of his hand, he swept away all the items in the treasure house, and even took away the shelves holding the items.

Looking at the treasure house again, it was empty, not a single god stone was left.

After letting go of the illusory eyes to check again, I was ready to leave with peace of mind.

As soon as I walked out of a gate, I heard a wave of spiritual power bombarding the large formation outside, and the formation patterns kept flickering. Obviously, the bombardment outside was very powerful. It must be the bombardment of the god emperor, and it is not a god emperor. Three to five god emperors.

Gu Xiangfei was startled, and immediately dodged into the star bead, turned into a grain of sand, attached to a corner of the formation, and waited for them to smash the formation before taking the opportunity to escape.

“Boom…” The continuous bombardment of several god emperors quickly shattered the first gate, and then shattered the pattern on the wall, and began to bombard the defensive formation on the second gate.

The majestic spiritual fluctuations came, and Gu Xiangfei guessed that these god emperors were using the acquired magic weapon to bombard the formation, otherwise the bombardment would not be so powerful and the speed would not be so fast. Obviously these god emperors are the god emperors of the Yulin Merchant League, They escaped after being injured during the attack on Xuantian Academy, and now they came to the treasure house after recovering from their injuries. They wanted to get the treasures in the treasure house and escape from Xuantian God Realm.

“Crack!” With a loud noise, the second gate was shattered, and six god emperors appeared in Gu Xiangfei’s eyes. It seemed that his guess was missing one, and it turned out to be six god emperors.

“There is another gate, smashing this gate will allow you to enter the treasury, fellow Taoists, let’s continue the bombardment! Get the treasure as soon as possible and run away, the sooner the better.” One of the six god emperors said to the other The god emperor said, obviously this god emperor is very familiar with the defense of the treasure house, and he may have been to this treasure house before.

Gu Xiangfei took advantage of these god emperors bombarding the passage, and the imperial envoy Xingzhu fled outside, and then carved patterns of void strangling at the first gate. Since these god emperors are here, don’t even think about running away.

But after a dozen or so breaths, Gu Xiangfei heard the curses of these god emperors coming from inside, and the foul language was very excited. Maybe it was because they saw that the treasure house was empty and everything was gone. They wasted a lot of divine energy and money. Xinli, after finally opening a door, only to find that the contents inside had been taken away, so naturally he cursed Shao Qianyue more than once.

They knew that the only one who could enter the treasury was the leader Shao Qianyue, and it was impossible for the other god emperors to come in. The six of them had to spend a lot of effort to shatter these large formations. into the treasury.

Since there is nothing inside, these god emperors are ready to leave this treasure house after cursing.

The six god emperors cursed like mortals. Just after they left the first gate, no one was prepared for the void strangulation formation waiting for them, and the six of them got into the void strangulation formation headlong.

“Not good! It’s the Void Strangling Formation, ah…” The six god emperors were taken aback. Tens of thousands of void blade lights suddenly erupted, pouring down like a violent storm, and bombarded them indiscriminately.

Gu Xiangfei stepped out of the star bead, sacrificed the brake spear, rolled up a spear and blasted at a god emperor whose limbs were shattered.

“Pfft!” Sha Shenlance nailed his soul, raised his hand and tore apart his world, swept away the items in his world, and blasted at another god emperor, and he did the same thing, and he killed all six god emperors one by one. Boom, although there are not many good things in the world of these god emperors, at least everyone has an acquired magic weapon.

He raised his hand and threw a ball of flames, reducing the bodies of these god emperors to ashes, and then walked out of the main hall of the Yulin Chamber of Commerce unhurriedly.

After leaving the main hall of the Yulin Commercial League, and seeing the entire Yulin City, many monks had already escaped. When the six god emperors came back, they first ransacked several commercial buildings of the Yulin Commercial League before entering the treasure house of the main hall of the Commercial League.

Gu Xiangfei followed the fleeing monks out of Yulin City, and was surrounded by monks from several alliances outside. When he saw monks wearing the costumes of the Yulin Business Alliance, he killed them.

Gu Xiangfei had originally turned into a cultivator of the Yulin Merchant League, so his clothes were naturally from the Yulin Merchant League. Seeing that he was a cultivator of the God Realm, two cultivators of the God Realm immediately rushed towards him.

Gu Xiangfei stretched out the big hand of Shenyuan, grabbed the neck of a cultivator in the realm of gods, and used his body to block the blade light of another monk in the realm of gods.

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