The Threat of the God Venerable

“Leader, why don’t we give them that wilderness secret realm, we can’t open it anyway, why don’t we just be a favor.” The Elder God Emperor next to him suggested.

“It’s a good idea, and I think it’s feasible.” Elder God Emperor echoed.

The other god emperor elders also nodded in agreement. Xuantang glanced at Elder Lin Cheng, what do you mean?

“I think this wasteland secret realm can be given to Xuantian Academy as a starting point. This also shows that we are sincere. Otherwise, if we send this secret realm alone, Xuantian Academy will only give them the secret realm that we can’t open. Since you want to give it away, don’t make people unhappy, and it will be self-defeating when the time comes, but it will be counterproductive.” The words of Elder Lin Cheng, the other god emperor elders thought about it, and felt that it was true. They originally wanted to befriend Xuantian Academy, but now If time still makes them unhappy, it won’t be worth it.

“Okay! Just as Elder Lincheng said, in addition to this wilderness secret realm, I will send two secret realms out.” Xuantang is also very courageous, otherwise he would not be the leader of the business alliance. Anyway, they also snatched these secret realms. Every time the emperor of the god formation enters the secret realm, more than a dozen elders of the god emperor smash the defensive formation together, breaking the formation head-on.

Two years after the giant spaceship flew, it came to the edge of the endless sea in the central God’s Domain. Gu Xiangfei felt the spaceship tremble and knew that he had reached the edge of the endless sea, Chaotian City.

“Elder Gu, this is a wish from our business alliance. Please accept it and pass it on to Dean Tiansen.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming out of the room, Xuantang took out a jade slip of a secret map and handed it to him.

Gu Xiangfei scanned the jade slips with his spiritual sense and found that they were maps of three secret realms. He was overjoyed. He likes to open secret realms the most. He got a lot of good things in secret realms. Now the Wanyu Business Alliance has sent three more secret realms. The favorability of the Wanyu Business Alliance suddenly increased.

“Thank you, leader Ren. In the future, feel free to come to Xuantian College to find us if you have anything to do with the business alliance. This cooperation is a pleasure.” Gu Xiangfei’s words made Xuantang very happy. It seems that the gift this time is exactly what Elder Gu wanted!

After bidding farewell to Xuanxuan Hall and the god emperor elders of the Shangmeng, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the spaceship and headed for Xuantian Academy.

After returning to Xuantian Academy, he first went to the main hall of the dean. Dean Tiansen felt relieved when he saw him come back.

“Brother Gu is back, is this operation going well?”

“Everything is going well. The leader of the Wanyu Business Alliance gave us three secret realms. These are the jade slips of the secret realm map.” Gu Xiangfei smiled and took out the jade slips of the secret realm map and handed them to Dean Tiansen.

“Forget it, put it away! At that time, it will be your Zhendao branch to develop the secret realm.” Dean Tiansen didn’t accept the jade slip, and asked him to take it back.

Gu Xiangfei was not too polite, put away the jade slips, took out the spirit tea he had refined from empty purple bamboo leaves, and poured a cup for Dean Tiansen.

“Now there are seven god-level monks in our college who want to break through the realm of the god emperor. I hope that after they break through as soon as possible, the strength of our college will be improved a lot, so that the alliance forces who covet our college can also restrain themselves, but now they are worried. When breaking through…” Dean Tiansen is very helpless as the dean now. He is not as strong as the old dean in the past. It’s time to compromise.

“Didn’t the Star Emperor Pill already be given to them? Do you need something else?” Gu Xiangfei listened to Dean Tiansen, as if these gods had other requirements.

“They want the top-grade artifact armor and shields, preferably acquired magic weapons, otherwise they won’t guarantee that they can overcome the tribulation and break through to the god emperor. I heard that you got some acquired magic weapons. Can you see if you can…” Dean Tiansen He was a little hesitant to speak, meaning that he wanted Gu Xiangfei’s acquired magic weapon to be given to these god-level monks, so that they could quickly cross the catastrophe and break through the god emperor, so as to strengthen the strength of the academy.

“No, no matter how many things I have, they are still mine.This kind of condition threatens you, so they don’t want to cross the catastrophe and break through the god emperor. I will take back the star emperor pill. Even if this kind of person becomes a god emperor, he will be a parasite of the college in the future. Their conditions are not met, and they may bite back. “Gu Xiangfei was furious. These people must have heard from somewhere that they have acquired magic weapons, and they took the opportunity to propose such a condition. They are not satisfied after getting the Star Emperor Pill. If other god-level monks get the Star Emperor Pill, they will definitely work for the academy. Well, the cultivators in the Academy’s Divine Prestige Realm even threatened the dean, are they still worthy of being members of the academy?

“Elder Gu is right! You, the dean, were threatened by a monk in the godly realm, and you are a monk in the godly realm of the college. I don’t think you are suitable for being the dean.” A figure fell into the hall. The old dean who led away the strong man in the holy realm.

“Old dean, old dean, it’s great that you’re fine.” Gu Xiangfei and Dean Tiansen quickly stood up and saluted.

“Elder Gu is now going to take back the Star Emperor Pill, and if he resists, he will be killed.” The old dean was still very strong, and directly ordered Gu Xiangfei.

“Yes!” Gu Xiangfei turned around and left without the slightest hesitation. He found that after Dean Tiansen became the dean, he was always worried about gains and losses. He was afraid of wolves before and tigers later.

The seven cultivators of the God Realm of Xuantian Academy are now gathering in the cave of Kang Linye God, whispering something.

“I don’t know if the dean can agree to our request? What if we don’t agree? Don’t we break through to the God Emperor?” A cultivator in the state of God was a little worried and expressed his worries.

“We don’t make this request now. After breaking through the god emperor in the future, we don’t even have a acquired magic weapon. How can we fight against other god emperors? You are not being used like a dog by those god emperor elders. Are you willing to be someone else’s boss for the rest of your life? Dog?” Kang Linye opened his mouth to confuse several other cultivators in the Godly Realm. He accidentally heard that Gu Xiangfei had more than a dozen acquired magic weapons. He had originally obtained the special Star Emperor Pill of the academy. They should break through the god emperor and become the new force of the academy. Well, now that you have acquired magic weapon, why not take this opportunity to ask for it, the academy needs them now, maybe they will agree to their conditions.

“Shenzun Linye is right. The academy is now vigorously cultivating us. Don’t want it now. I’m afraid we won’t have the chance to ask for it in the future. If we don’t give the acquired magic weapon, we won’t break through to the God Emperor. Anyway, we are not in a hurry. We have been waiting for so many years. It’s not too late, and the college should be in a hurry.” Another cultivator at the side of God Exalted encouraged everyone, and his words meant to threaten the dean.

“Haha… I think after all this, Dean Tiansen will definitely ask Elder Gu for the acquired magic weapon. You said that Elder Gu got so many acquired magic weapons, and you didn’t even mention giving us a few. You are really stingy I don’t think we should make a breakthrough even if we have obtained the acquired magic weapon. Let Dean Tiansen beg us to make a breakthrough. Anyway, we are not in a hurry, so let the academy go in a hurry! Haha…”

“Bang! The gate of the cave was kicked away, and a cold voice came, “The college is not in a hurry. According to the order of the old dean, hand over the Star Emperor Pill now, or you will be shot. “

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