The experience of the old dean

Gu Xiangfei raised his legs and entered the cave, and looked coldly at the seven god-level monks in the cave. He had heard the discussions of these people outside, and he was furious. This is a group of white-eyed wolves, so he broke the restriction. Kicked the gate of the cave.

Kang Linye was shocked when he saw the incident and heard that Gu Xiangfei was under the order of the old dean. Of course they knew that the old dean was decisive in killing. The location of the day college.

“Fellow daoists, now that the matter has been exposed, we have no way out. Let’s fight! Escape from Xuantian Academy.” After finishing speaking, Kang Linye sacrificed a long spear and rolled up tens of thousands of spears, regardless of the other gods. Mang, Xiang Gu Xiang flew over.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect these people to dare to fight. He was not sure about dealing with the god emperor, but he didn’t take these gods to heart. What’s more, among the seven god-level monks, only three people did it, and the other four had already done it. Step aside.

He raised his hand and punched the three of them. At the same time, the realm of Godly Realm directly surrounded the three of them, imprisoning them within his domain.

Kang Linye and the other two gods felt that a huge domain crushed their domain and imprisoned them. The divine origin blade light they blasted out also broke inch by inch in Gu Xiangfei’s domain and dissipated. Surprised, this Elder Gu is so powerful, a single domain can crush them, not to mention that he hasn’t done anything yet.

The three of them were shocked when they saw a fist hit them, and the surrounding space suddenly stopped, and even the broken blade stopped, but the fist continued to hit them, ” Time supernatural power!” Kang Linye and the other two monks in the divine state suddenly had a thought in their hearts, it’s over.

“Boom!” Huge fists hit them, their bodies were shattered, and their primordial spirit was still imprisoned in Gu Xiangfei’s domain. Turn the fire into nothingness.

The other four god-level monks saw Gu Xiangfei, and killed Kang Linye and the other two god-level monks in just a few breaths. They were shocked. Even if the seven of them went up together, they would not escape the end of being bombarded. Moreover, Elder Gu actually tore apart their world. You must know that even the elders of the God Emperor can only tear apart the world of monks after going through the soul search, and the success rate is only half the chance.

“This is our Star EmperorDan, we are willing to accept the Academy’s punishment. “The remaining four god-level monks, seeing that Gu Xiangfei is so powerful, don’t dare to say anything more. Now that they can save their lives is the greatest hope, they immediately took out the Star Emperor Pill.

Gu Xiangfei put away the Xingdi Pill with a wave of his hand, and said, “Seeing that if you didn’t do anything, I will report to the old dean. Come with me to see the old dean now!”

The four god-level monks have reached this point, so they have no choice but to follow Gu Xiangfei to meet the old dean, hoping that the old dean will let them go, but the strength and decisiveness of the old dean made them tremble and regret following Kang Linye. They threatened the dean together.

Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the dean, and saw that apart from Emperor Kanli, other god emperors and elders were there, listening to the old dean’s story about being chased and killed by a strong man in the holy realm.

“Old dean, I have already killed Kang Linye and two other monks in the state of gods. These four people did not resist. I brought them here and ask the old dean to deal with them.” Gu Xiangfei saluted the old dean and walked aside Get out of the way, revealing the four god-level monks behind.

“Not bad!” The old dean nodded to Gu Xiangfei, very satisfied with his handling method, raised his hand and slapped the four god-level monks into a blood mist, making them reincarnate.

Seeing the decisive behavior of the old dean, Gu Xiangfei secretly admired it. This is the strength a dean should have. Like Dean Tiansen, he wants to resolve everything peacefully and seeks perfection after being wronged. The forces are the same, inextricably entangled, lost among the forces.

“This time I was able to escape from the pursuit of the strong man in the holy land because I found a place called Kongwu City, which is located in the center of the void of our five universes, where it can block the Dao thoughts of the strong man in the holy land. It is the only place left by the Dao of Heaven for us in the God Realm to advance to the Holy Realm and not be discovered by the strong in the Holy Realm.” The words of the old dean made Gu Xiangfei think that he was wandering in the void, found the place of Kongwu City, and still arranged it there Formed a void strangle formation and strangled some monks.

“At the beginning, thanks to the old dean’s desperate efforts to block the blow of the strong man in the holy realm, we were able to save our lives, and we were able to recover because of Elder Gu’s elixir, otherwise our Xuantian Academy would have been annexed by other forces. “Elder Qiao Tian told the old dean what happened after he left.

“Elder Gu did a good job, but it’s a pity that you didn’t break through to God Emperor. Otherwise, I can rest assured that Xuantian Academy will be handed over to you. Elder Qiao Tian will succeed as the dean, Elder Gu will continue to serve as the deputy dean, and Tiansen will be the grand elder in charge. Guard the treasury, and the rest of the positions remain unchanged. In the future, our college will not compromise with any force, regardless of the internal and external, and even if the college is destroyed, we will not bow to any force.” The old dean explained the college’s affairs again, and was about to leave Xuantian college.

The old dean fled to the void at the beginning, but the strong man in the holy realm did not continue to bombard Xuantian Academy, but chased the old dean and continued to bombard him, trying to kill him, but this strong man in the holy realm was killed by other holy realm The strong man stopped him, and the old dean escaped to Kongwu City, where he recovered from his injuries, and then came back to see the situation of Xuantian Academy.

He originally thought that Xuantian Academy might have been shattered and removed from the Five Elements Universe. He also wanted to re-establish Xuantian Academy and continue to let Xuantian Academy stand at the top of the Five Elements Universe.

When he came to Xuantian Academy, he saw that Xuantian Academy was still there, and he found that although many disciples and elders had died in the academy, there were still three elders who guarded the treasure house. The elders of the god emperor, these elders of the god emperor followed him on the high-rule planet.

The old dean was overjoyed that Xuantian Academy was still there. Although many disciples and elders had died, it saved him a lot of effort. Seeing Dean Tiansen’s deeds and Gu Xiangfei’s words, he felt a little bit sorry for Dean Tiansen’s deeds. Dissatisfied, he appreciated what Gu Xiangfei said, and now he heard Elder Qiao Tian said that they all recovered because of Gu Xiangfei’s rescue, and he was extremely satisfied with Gu Xiangfei.

“This jade slip map is the map of Kongwu City. In the future, the god emperors and elders of our college will go to Kongwu City after they need to advance to the holy world. They must not stay in the college to advance, so as not to be blocked by those powerful saints. Bringing disaster to the academy.” The old dean took out a jade slip and handed it to Dean Qiao Tian, ​​and then transmitted it to the three god emperor peak elders guarding the treasure house.

“The dean is back, as long as you are fine, we can only recover the sea of ​​physical consciousness by the rescue of Vice Dean Gu. The position of Vice Dean Gu was also arranged by me.” After the three god emperor peak elders came to the main hall, Let’s talk about the situation in the college again.

“I already know. You and Elder Tiansen will hand over the matter of guarding the treasure house. I will take you to Kongwu City and find a chance to advance to the Holy Realm!”

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