: The Experience of the Array Masters

The old dean left Xuantian Academy with three god emperor peak elders. Elder Tiansen chose two carefree god emperor elders to guard the treasure house with him. The place is full of gods and spirits, which is suitable for their Qingxiu. .

After Elder Qiao Tian was appointed as the dean, he began to vigorously rectify Xuantian Academy. Elder Qiao Tian was born in the Law Enforcement Court. He was very strong and ruthless. In order to report the disciples and deacons of these people, the atmosphere of the college was improved for a while.

Gu Xiangfei brought hundreds of magic array masters from the Array Dao branch, ready to break through the secret realm given to them by the Wanyu Business Alliance.

There are now 635 array masters in the array branch. After several years of study and deduction, these array masters have improved their array skills. When they heard that Gu Xiangfei was going to take them to crack the array in the secret realm method, is full of joy, eager to try, hoping to be able to in the formation of the secret realm,Test your own level of formation, otherwise you just learn to deduce, without actual operation, how can you know where your understanding is wrong.

Gu Xiangfei found Elder Li Shi and explained his purpose of coming, “Brother Li Shi, we are going to break the formation of the secret realm at the formation branch, and please go with the magician of our formation branch, without the guard of the emperor , I am afraid that if it is attacked by other forces, it will suffer huge losses.”

“Okay! Brother Gu can go with my brother, as long as he doesn’t treat me as an outsider, I will naturally help.” Elder Li Shi agreed immediately, and being able to get closer to Gu Xiangfei was a good thing he could only wish for.

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed a large spaceship of the formation branch, and a group of formation masters from the formation branch stepped onto the spaceship. Gu Xiangfei started the spaceship and took Elder Li Shi to the secret realm.

Among the three secret realms sent by the Wanyu Business Alliance, there is a wilderness secret realm. This secret realm was attacked by more than a dozen god emperors of the Wanyu Business Alliance for several months. There was no movement, and finally had to give up. Gu Xiangfei did not go to this secret realm. Those who asked the magicians to go to the secret realm to learn the way of formation naturally would not choose the more difficult secret realm, but chose another secret realm.

The spaceship flew for half a month before arriving outside a secret place. This is the secret place of the Yulin Merchant League that was robbed by the Wanyu Business League. It is hundreds of millions of miles away from the sphere of influence of Xuantian College, and the speed of large spaceships is inherently slow. , That’s why it took half a month to fly. If he used the Heavenly Law Wheel, it would take half a day at most, but there are too many magicians now, so he didn’t sacrifice the Heavenly Law Wheel.

“You go to deduce the defensive formation of this secret realm! I don’t expect you to be able to open the secret realm, but I hope you can learn the formation layout of this secret realm and improve your formation practice.” Gu Xiangfei put away the spaceship and faced the Tao branch. This mission announced by the magicians.

These magic formation masters are all overjoyed, now there is a secret realm defense formation in front of them, it is a good time to learn the way of the formation, as soon as Gu Xiangfei’s voice fell, these magic formation masters rushed forward and scattered in the secret realm The defensive formation was deduced outside, and each magician quickly found a position, sat down cross-legged and deduced the defensive formation.

“Brother Li Shi, please drink tea. I will set up a defensive formation here first, so that no one will attack us.” After Gu Xiangfei arranged the magic formation masters of the formation branch, he was going to set up a large defensive formation. The guards are in the big formation, so there is no need to worry about other forces attacking them.

“Brother Gu, just get busy, don’t worry about me.” Elder Li Shi scanned the surrounding area with his divine sense, and found no abnormalities, so he felt relieved. Gu Xiangfei asked him to come over to help protect him, and he would naturally do his duty.

Gu Xiangfei quickly set up a nine-level defensive array, and by the way, he also painted the void pattern, and arranged a trapping and killing array.

“Okay, elder brother Li Shi, please come over and drink tea.” After setting up the big formation, Gu Xiangfei took out the divine tea made from clear purple bamboo leaves, and poured a cup of divine tea for Elder Li Shi.

“Good tea, I feel like my sea of ​​consciousness has been purified, and some previous mottled information has been cleaned up. It’s really good tea! Haha…” Elder Li Shi finished drinking a cup of divine tea , Full of praise, this time following Gu Xiangfei is too right, the god tea that can purify the sea of ​​consciousness is rare in the God Realm, this time the luck is good.

“This is when I was wandering in the void, I found a plant of Jingkong purple bamboo. I refined the branches and leaves to make a super artifact spaceship. I refined the branches and leaves into purple bamboo tea. I brewed one or two pieces every time I drank it. It can purify the Sea of ​​Consciousness once, but it may not work after the Sea of ​​Consciousness is purified, there are still dozens of tablets here, brother, you can drink it if you don’t think it’s too little!” Gu Xiangfei told him the origin of purple bamboo tea, At the beginning, Elder Li Shi also went to the Western God Realm to attack the Brahma Universe, so he naturally knew that Gu Xiangfei was chased and killed by the God Emperor to the void.

“Not too little, not too little, thank you brother Gu for the tea, this is a good thing.” Elder Li Shi happily took the jade box that Gu Xiangfei handed him, and carefully put it into his ring.

The magic formation masters of the Array Dao branch deduced the defensive formation outside the secret realm. Gu Xiangfei and Elder Li Shi exchanged some precautions about advancing to the God Emperor.

“Brother Gu, when you break through the God Emperor, you need to comprehend the rules of the Heavenly Way. The moment you break through the God Emperor, the rules of the Heavenly Way are clearest at this time. If you have the help of a gangster at this time, you can understand the rules of the Heavenly Way more clearly. The more you comprehend, the more help you will be able to advance to the holy realm in the future, this kind of artistic conception can only be realized by yourself, it cannot be expressed in words.”

Gu Xiangfei heard Elder Li Shi talking about the gangsters. There are many gangsters in his ring, but he feels that the rules in these gangsters are mottled, and there are many rules mixed together, as if the breath of countless strong men has been integrated into it. The reason why he didn’t put the gangster into the star bead was because he was afraid that the mottled breath would contain the soul thoughts of those strong people, and they would discover the secret realm of his star bead.

After ordinary monks get the rogue stone, they will definitely put it in the place they think is the safest, and the safest place on their body is in their own world. Once they put the rogue stone in their own world, if the rogue stone takes the strong Soul thoughts, then I have no secrets at all. After advancing to the holy realm in the future, after encountering these strong men, it is easy to be taken down by them and become their slaves.

It was also when Gu Xiangfei was running regular exercises that he discovered the mottled breath in these rogue stones, which aroused his vigilance. He didn’t put the rogue stones into the star beads, but put them in the ring, and he didn’t realize these things. The various rules carried in the gangster are afraid of being targeted by the soul thoughts of these strong men.

“Li ShiBrother, I feel that there are too many mottled breaths in the rocks. It seems that there are many regular breaths left by the strong. I am afraid that these rocks carry the soul thoughts left by the strong. According to the rules, it is possible for these strong people to discover the secrets of the enlightened people. After advancing to the holy realm in the future, there will be no secrets in the eyes of these strong people. “

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