The Situation of the Academy

The magic array masters deduced this secret realm defense formation for half a year before Gu Xiangfei took out the formation flag and opened the secret realm defense formation. can’t do it.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei opened up this secret realm defense formation within a few breaths, these magicians all showed admiration on their faces, and asked questions one after another about what they didn’t understand, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t hide his secrets , explained it to them very concisely, and after hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, these magicians all showed expressions of enlightenment.

After Elder Li Shi saw that Gu Xiangfei opened the secret realm defense array, he sent a message talisman to the college, telling the college to send disciples to enter the secret realm and search for resources.

“Now everyone can enter the secret realm for a period of three days. You must come out when the time comes. This is the benefit of our Zhendao branch.” Gu Xiangfei has already scanned the entire secret realm with his divine sense, but he didn’t find what he wanted. Now his vision It has improved a lot, and it is not the top material and Dao fruit, so it is not seen in the eyes.

These magicians were overjoyed when they heard Gu Xiangfei’s words. It turns out that Xuantian Academy still has such benefits. Although the time is very short, if you are lucky, you can also find some rare god fruits and high-grade ores.

After thanking Gu Xiangfei and Elder Li Shi, everyone rushed in impatiently, looking for rare items in the secret realm.

Gu Xiangfei and Elder Li Shi guarded the law outside to prevent other forces from entering the secret realm.

Now Xuantian Academy is quite different from before. Many forces are eager to move against Xuantian Academy and want to take the opportunity to rob them of their resources. After all, it is well known that Xuantian Academy suffered heavy losses.

In the past, when Xuantian Academy opened the secret realm, there were at least six god emperor elders accompanying them as guards. Now, only one god emperor elder can accompany them. It is obvious that there is not enough personnel to deploy, which is why these forces covet them.

Fortunately, after Jiuyuan Taoist Palace came to attack them this time, other forces did not join in. Maybe they all know the name of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, and they don’t want to rob Xuantian Academy’s resources with Jiuyuan Taoist Palace.

Three days later, these divine formation masters all left the secret realm, all with smiles on their faces. Obviously, they all got some good resources.

“Everyone came out according to the stipulated time, and there was no delay.Time, this is the first time you have entered the secret realm, there will be many such opportunities in the future, as long as you don’t do greedy things, you will all enter the secret realm again. “Gu Xiangfei is very satisfied that these magicians can follow the rules and come out on time, and nothing greedy or insufficient has happened.

“Thank you, Elder Gu, and thank you, Elder Li Shi.” These magicians were overjoyed when they heard that they would still have a chance to enter the secret realm, and couldn’t stop thanking them.

“Okay, now let’s continue to deduce the secret defense formation! After the disciples of the academy arrive, we will go back to the academy.” It will take ten days for the disciples of the academy to come here. The masters continued to deduce the secret defense formation. Only by continuous practice can they improve their formation level faster.

Twelve days later, two large spaceships from the academy arrived, followed by four god emperor elders. Gu Xiangfei knew them all. After meeting and greeting each other, he ordered the disciples to enter the secret realm to search for resources.

“Brother Gu, brother Lishi, we caught two undercover agents from Jiuyuan Taoist Palace in the academy, and they sent a message to Jiuyuan Taoist Palace to leak your whereabouts.” Elder Zhou told them about being attacked by Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. .

Gu Xiangfei knows that there are many sect disciples and casual cultivators in the academy. Some of these people joined Xuantian Academy sincerely, and some were sent undercover by the top ten sects or other forces. Xuantian Academy has been dealing with these matters. These undercover agents were killed on the spot.

After Elder Li Shi summoned him back this time, Dean Qiao Tian of Xuantian Academy immediately checked the disciples of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace, and sure enough, he found that two disciples had secretly sent a message talisman to Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. Killed the undercover agent of Jiuyuan Taoist Palace.

“Thank you, Brother Zhou, for telling us that our mission has been completed, and the next thing is your business. See you in our academy!” Gu Xiangfei and Elder Li Shi clasped their fists to Elder Zhou and the other god emperors and bid farewell.

The four god emperor elders also returned gifts. This is the rule every time they perform a mission in the secret realm. After a god emperor elder from the academy takes over the secret realm, they can withdraw.

After returning to Xuantian Academy, Gu Xiangfei went to the Dean’s Hall to hand over the secret mission.

“Brother Gu, I can rest assured that I can come back safely from this secret mission. Now our college is coveted by many forces, and we can’t afford to lose it!” Although Dean Qiao Tian is strong, the situation is grim, and he has nothing to do. It can make the college stronger quickly.

“Our college’s current resources should be able to last until the next time we recruit disciples. I think we can crack the secret realm after the college recruits disciples! At that time, some people in the college may be able to break through to the God Emperor, so our college will have a sense of relief. Land.” Gu Xiangfei knew that there were only hundreds of thousands of disciples in the academy, and the daily resources required were much less than before, which should be enough for the consumption of these disciples.

“Brother Gu’s proposal is exactly what I want. During this period of time, the academy has also inspected some late-stage disciples of the Godly Realm, and is preparing to train them vigorously. I hope they can break through to the God Emperor, and Brother Gu should also break through to the God Emperor as soon as possible. That’s right, once Brother Gu breaks through to the God Emperor, the academy will be like a magic needle, even if there are some powerful forces, we can deal with one or two.” Dean Qiao Tian’s biggest hope is that Gu Xiangfei can break through the God Emperor, he is now the God Emperor. In the later stage of Zunjing, Gu Xiangfei’s array way and the power of alchemy way, the god emperor elders of the academy have all witnessed it with their own eyes.

“I’m going to retreat and practice when I go back, hoping to break through to the God Emperor in twenty years.” Gu Xiangfei also plans to retreat and practice after returning from the secret realm this time. Now that he has the Xiantian Five Elements Flag, he wants to try to use the Xiantian Five Elements Flag to set up a gathering spirit array , to see how the effect of practice is.

After returning to the cave, I saw Xiaoyu playing with Zhou Shanshan. Xiaoyu broke through again, and now she is in the realm of immortality. Zhou Shanshan is also a celestial being. Both children have good talents.

“Father, you’re back.” Xiao Yu shouted happily when she saw Gu Xiangfei come back.

“Hello, Uncle Gu.” Zhou Shanshan yelled when she saw Gu Xiangfei. Yan Yixue asked him to call him that way. He originally wanted to call Elder Gu or Vice President Gu, but both Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue came from the mundane world. Yes, just like in Gujia Village they called people of seniority, let Zhou Shanshan call her uncle and aunt.

“What are you playing? Why are there no talismans? Let’s eat the divine fruit first!” Gu Xiangfei took out some divine fruit from the ring and put them on the stone table in the courtyard.

“We have already learned how to draw talismans, and now my mother can’t teach us anymore, and my mother also said that we should follow her to the branch of Fu Dao to listen to Grandpa Chen explaining Fu Dao. We didn’t want to see a group of old men, so we played at home. “Xiao Yu said as he picked up a piece of spiritual fruit and gnawed it. Zhou Shanshan was also used to eating spiritual fruit, so she laughed and ate it with Xiao Yu.

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