Breaking Through the God Emperor Realm

Yan Yixue didn’t expect that Xiaoyu’s aptitude was so heaven-defying. Besides her low cultivation base, some talismans could not be refined yet, and the realm of talisman dao had faintly surpassed her own.

Xiao Yu’s talent is so powerful, Yan Yixue is naturally overjoyed, but she did not publicize Xiao Yu’s talent everywhere, she knows that Xiao Yu is still in the growth stage, and only she and Gu Xiangfei know this secret.

After Gu Xiangfei came back, he entered the training room in the cave to practice. He raised his hand and took out the innate five-element flag, dragged out a top-grade divine vein, and placed the five-element flag on top of the top-grade divine vein to form a spirit-gathering array.

Sitting cross-legged on the top-grade divine vein, the ruled kung fu began to work, and the breath of the five major rules of the innate five-element flag suddenly poured into his body, and the extremely clear rules of the way of heaven immediately stood out, carrying pure divine spirit, followed by his ruled kung fu Falun Gong, Gu XiangFei felt that his understanding of the five-element rules was more transparent, clearer, and easier. The five-element rules of the innate five-element flag were indeed powerful, and he was overjoyed.

The pure spiritual energy of the top-grade divine veins wrapped him up like a vortex of divine energy, the divine essence was continuously solidified, and his cultivation base gradually increased.

The later stage of the Divine Prestige Realm is equivalent to the seventh level of the Divine Prestige Realm. Gu Xiangfei quickly broke through to the eighth level of the Divine Prestige Realm. He raised his hand and grabbed three top-grade divine veins. Now that he has the spirit gathering array arranged by the innate five-element flag, he decided to You must cultivate to the great perfection of the gods, and then pass through the tribulation and break through to the god emperor.

After the disciples of Xuantian Academy returned from the secret realm, Dean Qiao Tian announced that within the next 20 years, all the disciples of the academy will practice in seclusion, and they will not be allowed to leave Xuantian Academy without any reason or excuse. Every student will strive to raise a higher realm , Let the strength of the academy step into a new level.

The deacons, stewards, and disciples of the Divine King Realm and the Divine Prestige Realm have received a lot of resources and returned to their respective caves to practice.

Once Xuantian Academy was sealed off like this, the major forces and sects outside were suddenly confused. They didn’t know what happened to Xuantian Academy, and the undercover monks didn’t send any news. They lost their source of information. The situation of Xuantian Academy, his eyes were darkened, he didn’t know anything, and he didn’t dare to contact the monks who were undercover in the academy. Once he was found out by the academy, he would definitely be shot and killed, so it was a waste of a clue.

Time flies, and there is no time to cultivate. There are no disciples walking around in Xuantian Academy. The whole Xuantian Academy is like no man’s land. Even some children can’t see them playing. Everyone is practicing hard.

Ten years later, Gu Xiangfei broke through to the great consummation of the gods, and spent another five years compressing the gods in his body to make his gods more solid and mellow, so that he could break through to the god emperor state in one fell swoop.

This time he did not cultivate in the star beads. He felt that the rules of heaven in the five-element universe are not as clear in the star beads. It is irrelevant to practice in the star beads in other realms. The realm of the god emperor is the last hurdle in the cultivation of the gods. , can enter the last step of cultivation in the God Realm, so practicing outside can be more integrated with the rules of heaven in the five-element universe, not to mention the innate five-element flag and the rules of heaven in the five-element universe. More transparent and clearer.

In the past ten years or so at Xuantian Academy, there have been people crossing the tribulation and breaking through the realm. Every few days or on the same day, a few disciples cross the tribulation and break through.

After Xiao Yu absorbed the last trace of the colorful spirit cloud, her cultivation level broke through to the God-Cultivating Realm, breaking through a big realm every year on average. The speed of her cultivation was so fast that it was the fastest in Xuantian Academy, including the Five Elements Universe. It can be seen that her aptitude is How against the sky, the Chaos Dao Body is indeed the top qualification in the cultivation world.

Now Xiao Yu’s Dao of Talisman, Dao of Alchemy, Dao of Formation, and Dao of Artifacts have all reached level eight, becoming the number one among the four cultivation skills of Dan, Artifact, Array, and Talisman in Xuantian Academy.

This is still Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation, and there is no time to teach her, otherwise her pills, tools, and arrays would have been promoted to the ninth rank. The experience of planting jade is derived alone.

Xiao Yu is now a slim girl, wearing a white skirt, with a monk’s black hair on her temples, flying phoenix hairpins obliquely, her face is like a silver plate, her eyes are like autumn water, her two beautiful eyebrows are like a slender crescent moon, and her nose is plump and plump. Her lower vermilion lips were dotted, her muscles and bones were shiny and smooth, and she was even more beautiful than her mother Yan Yixue.

After breaking through the God Cultivation Realm, Xiao Yu was just about to leave the tribulation area of ​​Xuantian Academy when a huge and familiar aura waved, and Xiao Yu immediately jumped up and flew towards the familiar aura.

Gu Xiangfei had already cultivated to the Great Perfection of God, and was about to come out to cross the catastrophe. A familiar wave of breath came, and a slim and beautiful girl appeared in front of his eyes. It was his precious daughter.

“Father, are you out of customs?” Xiao Yu threw herself into Gu Xiangfei’s arms happily, acting coquettishly like she was when she was a child, and she hasn’t seen her father for more than ten years, and she misses her own father very much.

“Xiao Yu has already advanced to the God-Cultivating Realm? It’s really good. You are watching from the side. Dad is going to cross the tribulation and break through to the God-Emperor Realm.” Gu Xiangfei patted Xiao Yu’s shoulder and brought her to the ground.

“Okay! I’ll protect dad, dad wants to cheer!” Xiao Yu happily clenched her fists, cheering for her dad.

“Okay! Stay away, at least a hundred miles away, or I’m afraid that Thunder Tribulation will lock you in.” Gu Xiangfei smiled and gave Xiao Yu a few words.

He raised his hand and grabbed a top-grade divine vein, and sat cross-legged on the top-grade divine vein. The regular kung fu began to operate, but within a few breaths, the sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the sky suddenly darkened.

When Xiaoyu saw such a huge black cloud, she was a little worried about her father’s thunderstorm. This was the first time she had seen such a terrifying thunderstorm cloud. How powerful is the thunderstorm arc?

While Xiao Yu was worried, the sky suddenly boomed! There was a loud noise, and nine bucket-thick black thunderbolts fell. Xiao Yu was so frightened that he closed his eyes, not daring to watch the thunderbolts hit his father, and secretly prayed for his father.

Gu Xiangfei saw nine bucket-thick arcs of destructive thunder falling down, and thought in his heart, as expected, the Dao of Heaven just didn’t want him to cross the catastrophe and break through, and wanted to kill him.

His regular exercises and the Qianyuan body training formula were activated at the same time. Nine bucket-thick lightning arcs hit him, absorbed by his regular exercises and refined into divine essence, which impacted the gaps in the acupoints in the realm of the god emperor.

Kaka! There was a light sound in the body, the acupoints of the God Emperor Realm were separated,A few cracks were opened by the impact of the huge divine power, and it is estimated that another impact can break through the gaps in the acupoints of the God Emperor Realm.

Boom! The second wave of eighteen bucket-thick lightning arcs fell, and the huge thunder sound shocked the entire Xuantian Academy. Some disciples, deacons, and elders of the god emperor all flew out of the cave and came to the tribulation area.

“It’s Elder Gu who is crossing the tribulation, what a powerful lightning tribulation arc, this is to destroy Elder Gu!” The disciples who came to the tribulation crossing area the first time saw such a thick black thunder tribulation arc, they were all stunned in shock, They all discussed.

“It’s Brother Gu who is crossing the tribulation and breaking through the realm of the god emperor, but his arc of thunder tribulation is too thick!” The elders of the god emperor who heard the sound were a little bit a little nervous when they saw such a thick black arc of thunder tribulation. Worried about whether Gu Xiangfei can survive the God Emperor Thunder Tribulation.

“Mother, can Dad survive the thunder disaster! Brother, please think of a way and help Dad!” Seeing Yan Yixue and Gu Yunjie rushing over to watch, Xiao Yu hurriedly came to their side and said worriedly.

“Don’t be afraid, your father has practiced the body training formula to the ninth level of the God Realm, and this lightning arc can’t hurt him, so don’t worry! Xiao Yu.” Yan Yixue comforted Xiao Yu.

Gu Yunjie also patted Xiao Yu on the shoulder, signaling her to continue watching.

Click! With a soft sound, Gu Xiangfei felt that the gap between his God Emperor acupoints was broken away by the huge thunder arc aura, a huge aura emanated from his body, and at the same time the extremely clear rules of heaven appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness. Suddenly understand some incomprehensible rules of the road.

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