Family Story

Boom! The third wave became nine bucket-thick arcs of lightning and fell on Gu Xiangfei, Tiandao seemed to know that he had broken through to the God Emperor, and turned into nine black arcs of thunder again.

The onlookers saw that Gu Xiangfei had broken through to the God Emperor, and they were all overjoyed, but seeing his lightning tribulation arc continue to come down again, they became worried about him again.

However, Gu Xiangfei took the opportunity to forge his body with the Thunder Tribulation Arc. He is now at the ninth level of the God Realm, and he is only one step away from reaching the Holy Body. Once his body training formula breaks through to the Holy Body, any bombardment from the God Realm will mean nothing to him. He can resist it with his physical body, and he will ignore the void blade light and void vortex.

After the last wave of lightning calamity fell, his body training formula failed to break through to the holy body, but this was also within his expectation, the holy body is not so easy to advance.

A colorful spiritual cloud fell from the sky, and the pure and rich spiritual energy made him feel so comfortable that he couldn’t help moaning. He even accelerated the operation of his exercises to absorb the pure and rich spiritual energy, and stabilized his realm after refining.

“Congratulations, Brother Gu…Congratulations to Elder Gu…haha…” The God Emperor elders headed by Dean Qiao Tian congratulated him in unison. The disciples and deacons of the academy also congratulated Gu Xiangfei for breaking through the God Emperor. This is simply a great joy for Xuantian Academy.

“Thank you guys for protecting me, and thank you all the disciples and deacons.” Gu Xiangfei changed into a suit of clothes, clasped his fists refreshed and thanked everyone for their congratulations.

“Father, you almost scared me to death when you crossed the catastrophe. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a thick lightning arc.” Xiao Yu grabbed Gu Xiangfei’s arm, with lingering fear on his face, obviously Gu Xiangfei The Thunder Tribulation frightened her so much that she hadn’t fully recovered yet.

“It’s okay, I have body training formulas, and these thunder calamities are nothing.” Gu Xiangfei patted Xiao Yu’s little hand to comfort her timid mood. Seeing his daughter caring so much for him, he felt very relieved.

“Haha… Xiaoyu girl, you haven’t seen tens of thousands of lightning arcs bombard your father when he broke through to the God King Realm. That was truly earth-shattering and killed hundreds of thousands of monks from the Brahma Universe in one fell swoop.” Elder Li Shi laughed. Hehe talked about the scene of the cosmic war with Brahma.

The elders of the god emperor who had seen the thunder bombardment all looked at Gu Xiangfei with lingering fear. This guy cannot be regarded by ordinary people. Only he dares to do such a crazy thing, and only he does it without damage. Other monks are like this It had been shattered by the arc of lightning.

“Everyone, let’s leave! Go back and practice hard, and the internal assessment will start next year. I hope you will not disappoint the cultivation of the academy.” Dean Qiao Tian saw tens of thousands of disciples and deacons gathered here. Whispering, it was clear that they were inquiring about Gu Xiangfei’s past, and directly asked them to get out.

After the dean spoke, everyone quickly turned around and used their body skills to leave the Transcending Tribulation Area. The place was immediately quiet.

“Brother Gu, let’s go back to stabilize the realm first! Come back to the main hall after the realm is stable, and discuss the internal assessment matters.” Dean Qiao Tian saw that after everyone left, there was nothing else going on here, and he was going to be busy with the academy. Then he bid farewell to Gu Xiangfei.

After Gu Xiangfei bid farewell to all the god emperor elders, he returned to the courtyard of the cave mansion. Yan Yixue, Xiao Yu, and Gu Yunjie’s family sat together. Gu Xiangfei took out the god tea and poured them all a cup. Everyone sat and talked while drinking tea .

“Xiaojie, you are now in the realm of the gods, how do you feel about the world you have opened up?” Gu Xiangfei first saw Gu Yunjie’s realm, and his aptitude is not bad, although he is not as heaven-defying as Xiaoyu, he is also at the top of the gods realm Spirit root, otherwise the cultivation speed would not be so fast.

“Father, the world I created seems to be half the size of the earth. I think it will expand as my realm improves, and I have already refined the Taiji diagram. This innate treasure is indeed powerful. Even the god emperor can do nothing about it. Why hasn’t Xiaohao ascended now? Could something have happened?” Gu Yunjie was very concerned about this enemy in his previous life, but as they settled their suspicions, the two took care of each other very much.They practiced together and compared each other whose cultivation speed was faster, but now that they were separated, Gu Yunjie began to worry about Gu Yunhao again.

“I don’t think he has ascended yet! Otherwise, my master would have sent me a message. After I have cultivated to the immortal emperor, ascension depends on the will of the heavens. Some monks can ascend soon, and some monks are in the realm of the immortal emperor. It will take many years to ascend, just wait!” Although Gu Xiangfei comforted his family, he thought in his heart that if Gu Yunhao did not ascend again, he would go to the fairyland to see what was going on.

“Father, maybe the second brother is waiting for the second sister-in-law to ascend together!” Xiaoyu is now a big girl, and when she has nothing to do, she goes to play with her elder brother, and listens to him talk about the living habits of the people on earth. Now it can be said that she knows the earth very well The way people think.

“Hmm! What Xiaoyu said makes sense, maybe Xiaohao is compressing the immortal yuan while waiting for Ziyu to ascend together!” Yan Yixue also thinks so, she knows her son’s temperament very well, and she is very pleased that his son is not that kind. People with wives and concubines, like Gu Xiangfei, always treat her well alone, which makes Yan Yixue feel very happy and proud of her original decision.

The family chatted for a long time. Gu Xiangfei explained and corrected some things that the family members didn’t understand about cultivation, and taught Xiaoyu his three major skills of pill, device and formation.

Xiao Yu’s talent is astonishing, he quickly finds out what he doesn’t understand, and asks his father for advice. Gu Xiangfei doesn’t hide his daughter’s secrets, so he naturally teaches him everything.

The father and daughter sat in the courtyard for half a month, and Xiaoyu’s alchemy array skills had improved significantly. Gu Xiangfei would also give her on-the-spot pointers on her alchemy, device, and formation, and demonstrated to Xiaoyu from time to time.

Yan Yixue and Gu Yunjie saw that they were discussing pills, tools, and formations. They didn’t practice and were not interested in these, so they went back to their practice room to practice.

“Okay, I’ve taught you everything that needs to be taught, and the rest is up to you to comprehend by yourself, and I can’t help you with these.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he saw such a smart daughter. Hollowed out by her, there is nothing left to teach.

“Hee hee, thank you for your teaching. I will soon surpass my father. Now I will try to refine the elixir.” Xiao Yu said with a smile, then turned and went to the training room to learn.

Gu Xiangfei looked at Xiao Yu’s back with satisfaction, looking forward to her future achievements.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei came out of the training room. His realm had been stabilized, and he had mastered the understanding of the realm of the god emperor. Only then did he realize that the realm of the god emperor was stronger than the realm of the god emperor, and it was not comparable to other realms. He finally understood Why can’t I block the blow of the God Emperor when I am in the late stage of God Exalted Realm.

The rules of heaven in the realm of the god emperor are very different from those in other realms. God emperors use the rules of heaven in their attacks. They can quickly apply the rules of heaven to their own domain and use the powerful rules of heaven to crush their opponents. In the same realm, it depends on how many rules of heaven can be used, which can be described as a slight difference, and a thousand miles away.

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