: The Future of the Academy

What Gu Xiangfei practiced was regular exercises. The rules of heaven that he could use, in addition to the five-element rules of the five-element universe, also had the rules of four other universes. He had been to all of these universes, and he had also assimilated the rules of these four universes. He even assimilated the void rules of Kongwu City. Although they are not very comprehensive, at least he uses a lot more rules than other god emperors.

During the month when he stabilized his realm, he not only mastered the rules of the Five Elements Universe, but also mastered the other rules before he came out of the practice room and was going to find Dean Qiao Tian in the Dean’s Hall. Discuss the internal assessment of the college.

When I came to the courtyard outside the cave, I saw that the god fruit tree in the courtyard was full of fruits. These fruits were the god fruit that Xiao Yu liked to eat when he was a child. Talisman, there is no time to eat these god fruit.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and picked off a divine fruit. He opened his mouth and took a bite. The fruit was very fleshy and the juice was very sweet. Xiao Yu didn’t know the name of this divine fruit, so he called it Tiantianguo. It was her favorite fruit when she was a child.

“Ah! Daddy… You stole my fruit. This is what I’m going to use to make spirit wine. I can’t even bear to eat it. Daddy is a glutton, hehe…” Xiao Yu flew into the courtyard from the outside, just in time to see Gu Xiangfei was eating fruit, and immediately laughed at him a few words.

“You know how to make spirit wine? I thought you didn’t have time to eat these spirit fruits now.” Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered that there were still many spirit fruit trees in his world. After he broke through to God Emperor, he didn’t check his world. It’s because he has a lot of items in the star beads, and he uses the star beads a lot, but he doesn’t care much about his own world.

Checking his own world with his divine sense surprised him. After breaking through to the God Emperor, his world was dozens of times larger than before. The god emperor went to the Brahma universe to move the planet.

The rules in this world are all the rules he assimilated, and these rules are very clear. The dozens of divine veins placed inside have been integrated with this world, and the divine spirit is very strong. This is a top-level The cultivation world! Some original god grass and god fruit trees, with the expansion of the world, are scattered in every corner of the world.

“Father, what are you doing? Why are you in a daze?” Seeing that he didn’t speak and ignored her, Xiao Yu hurriedly pulled his arm and asked.

“Ah! It’s okay. I’m looking at the god fruit trees in my world. Many god fruits are ripe., I’ll bring you to brew the gods bar! “Gu Xiangfei was interrupted by the light rain, and he raised his hand to take out these mature god fruit and piled them in the yard, and soon formed a mountain of god fruit, these god fruits all carried a strong spirit.

“Wow! They are all edible spirit fruits of level five or level six. That’s great. I’m going to brew spirit wine right now, and let dad try my brewing skills.” Xiao Yu raised his hand and put away these spirit fruits, With affection for her father in her eyes, she knew that her father planted these divine fruits for her, and they were all divine fruits that she liked to eat. She specially found these divine fruit trees for entertaining guests in the divine world, and planted them in her own world. , give her to eat when ripe.

Gu Xiangfei smiled, the couple loved this clever and lively daughter to the extreme, and with the care of their mother, Xiao Yu was simply the apple of the eye of the family, and everyone doted on her.

Leaving the cave and coming to the main hall of the dean, Qiao Tian saw him coming, put down the jade slips he was reviewing, and poured him a cup of divine tea.

“Seeing that brother Gu’s realm has solidified, I feel relieved, haha… This time, brother Gu has greatly increased the strength of the academy after breaking through the god emperor realm. I estimate that in a few years, the academy will be able to add a few more god emperors. Our academy will become stronger and stronger, and I will make those sects, business alliances, and alliances tremble on the ground, haha…” The more Dean Qiao Tian talked, the happier he was, and he couldn’t help laughing .

Gu Xiangfei knew that when Dean Tiansen was in office, he was vain and submissive with many forces, and he had no choice but to give in. Elder Qiao Tian also knew his difficulties. In fact, he had no choice. There is no power to fight back at all, once war with these forces, whether Xuantian Academy can exist is really a problem.

Dean Qiao Tian finally let out a breath of anger. As the academy becomes stronger and stronger, according to Dean Qiao Tian’s character, he will definitely release the previous aggrieved patience, and these forces are probably about to end.

“The internal assessment of the academy is still based on the original five assessments, Dan, Weapon, Array, Talisman, and Method. Now our academy pays the most attention to the assessment of fighting skills. In the future, the academy will fight in the Five Elements Universe. These disciples must improve their combat power. The world is invincible, but I also hope that they can be the best in the same world.” Dean Qiao Tian waved his hand, he is a militant himself, without the patience of Dean Tiansen, he likes to rely on his cultivation for everything Overwhelm each other.

“Brother Qiao Tian said that the four major cultivation skills of the alchemy formation talisman are not all for the battle in the end. Only a strong combat power is the only way to win. To strengthen the academy, only by improving the skills of the disciples Combat strength, the college passes the internal assessment, and selects some disciples with good qualifications to increase training. After these disciples break through to the god emperor, the strength of the college will increase. I don’t know if I understand it correctly.” Gu Xiangfei He expressed his understanding and thoughts about these things.

“Yes! That’s what it means. Brother Gu understands it very clearly. This is how I plan now. This is also the only solution to make the academy stronger quickly.” Dean Qiao Tian slapped his thigh. He admired Gu Xiangfei’s proposal. These things, a few words can clearly explain the future development path of the college.

The two discussed the details of this internal assessment, and finally decided that Gu Xiangfei would be the chief supervisor of this assessment, and the other god emperor elders would assist.

After returning to the cave, Gu Xiangfei entered the training room again. After breaking through to the realm of the god emperor this time, he decided to start practicing the nine supernatural powers. With the great improvement in the use of the rules, he felt that he should practice the nine supernatural powers now more than before. When cultivating, it is easier to display these divine channel rhymes.

The Great Destiny Technique, the most powerful of the nine supernatural powers, the Great Karma Technique, the second most powerful supernatural power, and each of the following great supernatural powers can easily destroy a planet or even a universe when practiced to the extreme.

Although there are one hundred and eight changes in the Great Changing Art, there are nine small magical powers under the Great Changing Art. For these small magical powers, he just practiced a blood drop, followed by a small curse, which can easily Curse one or several planets. As for the content of the curse, it depends on the hobbies and interests of the caster. It can make monks on the entire planet into lunatics, fools, or other abnormal monks.

The small sky-swallowing technique combined with the heaven-swallowing pot should be comparable to the great supernatural powers, and the small teleportation technique can easily move a planet to any place if it is practiced to the extreme.

The small freezing technique can instantly freeze a planet, and the small storm technique can turn the entire planet into a storm planet, and no one or animal can survive.

Afterwards, there are blood questioning, imprint tracking, celestial vision, and heavenly calculation. These nine small supernatural powers are composed of the Great Yixingshu supernatural power, which cannot be underestimated among the nine great supernatural powers.

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