: The Secret Realm of the Wasteland

The internal assessment of Xuantian Academy has started, and Emperor Kanli has also left the barrier. After he broke through to the late stage of God Emperor and stabilized his cultivation, he came out of the cave. to the examination site.

As the chief supervisor, Gu Xiangfei was arranging the affairs in charge of more than a dozen god emperor elders. After the emperor Kanli landed, he burst out laughing.

“Haha… Brother Gu has broken through to God Emperor, not bad! Not bad! Congratulations brother.” After finishing speaking, Emperor Kanli cupped his hands to congratulate Gu Xiangfei.

“Brother Kanli is out of customs, congratulations! Congratulations! I have finally broken through to the late stage of the god emperor. My brother came just in time. You are in charge of the array test!” The two congratulated each other, and Gu Xiangfei gave him a task, Kanli God ArrayIf the emperor didn’t come, he would have to take charge of the Dao assessment.

“Okay! Let me see if the array masters of the array branch have improved?” Emperor Kanli readily agreed, and he also wanted to improve the level of the array masters of the array branch.

Emperor Nie Dan was in charge of the evaluation of alchemy, Chen Tingshi was in charge of the evaluation of talisman, Elder Li Shi was in charge of the evaluation of Qi Dao, and other god emperor elders were in charge of the evaluation of fighting skills.

The internal assessment of the academy is not at all easier than the external assessment, and it is also very strict. Although the disciples who fail the assessment will not be expelled from the academy, so many disciples and deacons are watching, and their faces are also dull , so during the internal assessment, each disciple was very serious and did not dare to make a single mistake.

As the chief supervisor, Gu Xiangfei has been checking several assessment sites with his spiritual sense. He saw senior brother Leng Yuandong blowing away his opponent, seeing eighth senior brother Lin Xing being blown off the stage by his opponent, and seeing fourth senior sister Mei Yuting break through to the talisman At the fifth level, Lei Yuxuan’s thunder gun shattered the opponent’s shield and was rescued by the elders of the god emperor.

Suddenly, his spiritual sense saw Gu Yunjie, stepped onto the fighting stage, and blasted his opponent away with just a few strikes. Obviously, he used regular techniques to find the opponent’s weakness. Xiao Yu and Zhou Shanshan applauded him from below.

Zhou Shanshan has also grown into a beautiful big girl. Standing with Xiao Yu, she looks like two fairies floating away from the world, attracting the attention of many disciples.

The internal assessment of the academy lasted for ten days, and a thousand outstanding disciples were selected. Senior brothers Leng Yuandong and Lei Yuxuan passed the assessment and advanced to the God-Sculpture Realm, eighth senior brother Lin Xing missed the thousand, Gu Yunjie passed the assessment of the Divine King Realm, and fourth senior sister Mei Yu Ting passed the examination of the talisman teacher.

Xiao Yu and Zhou Shanshan did not participate in the assessment. They are already seventh-level and eighth-level rune kings of the Fudao branch, and the rune kings above level seven will not participate in the assessment.

After the assessment was over, some people were happy and some were sad. Those disciples who failed the assessment, seeing the generous rewards for those who passed the assessment, felt envious, jealous and hated in all kinds of ways.

“Brother Gu, this assessment is over. It’s time for us to take the magic formation masters to open the secret realm. You did a good job last time. Let them develop formations outside the secret realm and give on-site guidance. Let a few gods with good talents The array masters have been promoted to the God Array King, I want to take them to the secret realm a few more times, and there will definitely be someone who will advance.” Kanli God Array Emperor came to Gu Xiangfei on the third day after the assessment, and now Gu Xiangfei has broken through to the God Emperor realm , even if some forces want to deal with them secretly, they will be crushed.

“Okay! Then let’s go to the secret land of the wilderness. This is the secret land given to us by the Wanyu Business Alliance. Although the road is a bit far away, we can’t give up on this secret land.” After Gu Xiangfei broke through the God Emperor, he always wanted to meet the God Emperor head-on. There was a big battle, and now that Emperor Kanli Shenzhen came, he decided to go out with a big name, to see if it attracted some forces to attack?

The magic formation masters of the Array Dao branch heard that they were going to crack the defensive formation of the secret realm, and their spirits multiplied one by one. They all got formation upgrades outside the secret realm, and found some resources inside the secret realm.

After returning to the academy, he exchanged the pills, ores, talismans, and artifacts he needed with the disciples of other branches. It can be said that going to the secret realm is a fat post that can improve the cultivation of the array and make a fortune. Naturally, everyone is vying for the first place.

After the announcement was made by Emperor Kanli and Dean Qiao Tian, ​​they sacrificed a large spaceship, greeted Gu Xiangfei and the magic formation masters from the Zhendao branch to board the spaceship, and galloped away according to the directions on the jade slip map that Gu Xiangfei gave.

The Wasteland Secret Realm is located in the southeast of the Xuantian God Territory. As the name suggests, this place is a wasteland with a radius of a million miles. There is not even a single grass on the ground except gray sand and stones.

A large spaceship approached from far away and slowly landed in this barren land. Soon hundreds of monks got off from the spaceship. The voices of the people became noisy, bringing some human vitality to this silent place.

After Gu Xiangfei disembarked from the spaceship, after scanning with his consciousness, he found that there were traces of bombardment by monks in a place hundreds of thousands of miles away. After a few steps, he came to the front and found a large natural defense formation. He didn’t know such a place. How could it be discovered.

He raised his hand and took out the formation flag, and first set up a large defensive formation outside the secret border. After being attacked several times, Gu Xiangfei is now very cautious. The void strangles the formation patterns, so that it can not only protect the magicians, but also bombard the invading enemies.

“Brother Gu is thinking of being thoughtful, so that you don’t have to worry about other forces’ sneak attacks. Even if there are many people coming, you can persist until the academy’s rescue arrives.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen is very pleased that Gu Xiangfei can think of this, and now the academy is in an embarrassing situation. It’s the only way to do it for safety.

“Brother has won the award, there is no other way now, we can only ensure the safety of these disciples first, and then slowly figure it out.” Gu Xiangfei smiled. This is how he and Elder Li Shi dealt with Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. Their strength is not enough, otherwise they would have rushed to Jiuyuan Dao Palace long ago, which would have allowed them to be so rampant.

“Go and develop the defensive formation of this secret realm! Don’t worry about everything here, just work hard to improve your formation!” Emperor Kanli ordered the formation masters of the Dao branch.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei had already set up the defensive array, the array masters of the array branch were very at ease. They had all seen Gu Xiangfei’s array, and no longer worried about someone’s sneak attack, and immediately came to the natural place in the secret realm. Outside the defensive formation, each found a suitable position, sat down cross-legged and deduced the formation.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice a cave, and invited Emperor Kanli to enter the cave. After the two sat down, Gu Xiangfei took out anotherGod tea, the two chatted while drinking tea.

“I think that in another hundred years, I will enter Kongwu City to realize the breakthrough of the Holy Realm Avenue. From now on, the Zhendao branch will be handed over to Brother Gu.” When the matter was brought up, I hope that Gu Xiangfei can take over the position of dean of the branch. Although Gu Xiangfei is now the vice dean of the college, it does not affect his continuing to serve as the dean of the Zhendao branch.

“I’ll do my best…” Before Gu Xiangfei could finish his words, a huge aura of terror and coercion came, and the patterns of the defensive formation flickered non-stop. Then follow and dodge out.

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