Spirit Stone Cannon Attack

As soon as Gu Xiangfei went out, he saw that Emperor Kanli had already fought with a god emperor outside the defensive formation. The two were using their magical powers to fight each other, and saw that there were nine god emperors outside the defensive formation. More than a hundred monks in the Godly Realm are staring at Emperor Kanli, and it seems that they are going to fight in groups in the next moment. Let’s kill Emperor Kanli first.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei came out, a god emperor rolled up tens of thousands of stick shadows and bombarded him immediately.

The huge God Emperor Domain crashed over like a huge wave, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched out, the powerful God Emperor Domain collided with the opponent’s domain, click! The opponent’s God Emperor domain shattered like an ice cube meeting a raging flame. The shadow of the fist and the shadow of the staff bombarded together, and the space suddenly broke inch by inch, causing countless ripples and scattered in all directions.

not good! The god emperor didn’t expect the young god emperor’s domain to be so powerful, he smashed his own domain directly, and instead trapped himself in the opponent’s domain, making himself unable to move half a step. In his heart, he started to burn his divine essence Want to break free from the opponent’s territory.

A huge fist hit him from far to near, bang! There was a loud noise, the body turned into slag, and the primordial spirit wanted to escape but was trapped by the other party’s domain. When he saw the young god emperor again, he raised his hand and felt that his world was being torn apart by him. , suddenly shocked, a flash of fire flashed, and the primordial spirit turned into nothingness.

Gu Xiangfei bombarded and killed a god emperor of the opponent in just three breaths, tore apart the opponent’s world, and swept away the things in his world. The seven god emperors who were watching were shocked. The god emperor of Xuantian Academy is so powerful, why didn’t they listen? As I said before, everyone looked at each other, and immediately sacrificed all kinds of acquired magic weapons in their hands, and bombarded Gu Xiangfei with millions of various blade lights.

Gu Xiangfei saw the seven god emperors bombarding him together, and immediately activated the void strangling formation, and more than a hundred god-level monks who were onlookers were also involved in the void strangling formation.

“Not good! This is the Void Strangulation Formation. This Xuantian Academy’s is Gu Xiangfei. I should have thought it was him,” someone in the strangling formation shouted.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out several punches in succession. After he broke through to the God Emperor, his understanding of the divine channel rhyme of the Great Destruction Technique deepened, almost approaching the realm of Xiaocheng.

Several divine channel rhymes of the great destruction technique blasted in the void strangle formation. The first god emperor who was bombarded by the divine channel rhyme of the great destruction technique felt himself being overwhelmed by a huge destructive aura. Before he could ask for help, his physical body Turned into nothingness, the primordial spirit was also destroyed, and even the acquired magic weapon in his hands was turned into nothingness.

The other god emperors and god-level monks were shocked when they saw this scene, and their expressions changed drastically. What kind of supernatural power is this? A god emperor was turned into nothingness without even the slightest struggle. Even his acquired magic weapon was melted. Before they could react, they felt several horrific Dao Rhymes of Destruction attacking them. Any resistance would be futile. In just two breaths, seven god emperors and more than a hundred god-level monks turned into nothingness.

Gu Xiangfei’s regular exercises started to work, and he raised his hand to scatter the Dao Yun of Destruction, which turned into traces of Dao Yun, absorbed by his regular exercises, and became his Dao Yun of the Great Destruction Technique again, and entered his body.

The god emperor who was fighting against Kanli God Formation Emperor originally hoped that these god emperors would smash the void and strangle the formation. After beheading Gu Xiangfei, he would then kill Kanli, the dean of the formation branch. Gu Xiangfei was completely bombarded and killed, so frightened that he blasted out a huge whip shadow, turned around and was about to escape from here.

A fearful coercive field directly trapped him, as if entering a swamp, the surrounding space became thicker, he quickly used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with the rift talisman in his world, and just about to activate it, suddenly a burst of consciousness came from the sea of ​​consciousness. With a sharp pain, he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and a huge sharp breath blasted over. First, the skin on his face was torn, and then the flesh and blood were blown away by the sharp breath.

Boom! With a bang, a spear pierced his eyebrows, pinning his soul, and there was a huge suction force from the gun body, and the soul was directly torn out of the body, click! With a sound, he felt his world was torn apart, and turned into ashes after a flash of fire.

After Gu Xiangfei made a series of movements, it took no more than three breaths. Emperor Kanli looked at his movements in a daze, and said after a while, “After Brother Gu broke through to the God Emperor, no matter the domain, the divine essence, or the power of the Dao I understand, and I have gone up a few floors! What my brother admires is the five-body cast.”

“Hehe, I’m overwhelmed by my brother, I just have more experience.” Gu Xiangfei smiled modestly. He has killed dozens of god emperors. Naturally, he has more experience, mainly because he understands the rules of these god emperors. Just a little more.

“Brother, don’t be humble. From the first time I used the void strangle formation, I… get out of the way!” As soon as Emperor Kanli’s voice fell, a huge terrifying aura came instantly, where the two were standing, boom! a bang.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t waitAfter finishing the words of Emperor Lishenzhen, he had already launched the regular escape technique. After leaving here, he and Emperor Kanli Shenzhen felt the terrifying aura coming from him almost at the same time.

Although Gu Xiangfei escaped ahead of time, he was also swept away by the shock wave bombarded by the spirit stone cannon. His clothes shattered in an instant, almost as if he was naked. Thanks to his ninth level of body forging, his body was not injured. He quickly took out his clothes and put them on. At the same time, after scanning with his consciousness, he found that several monks on a spaceship were turning the spaceship around tens of thousands of miles away, preparing to run away.

He glanced at Emperor Kanli Shenzhen again, and found that this old man was worse than him. He was completely naked and bloody. Blood and sand were mixed together, and half of his messy hair was missing. Emperor Kanli Shenzhen didn’t even have clothes. Without wearing it, he swallowed the elixir directly, sat down cross-legged and practiced exercises to heal his injuries, which showed that his injuries were a bit serious.

Gu Xiangfei was furious. It turned out that this group of people hadn’t been killed. He thought he had already killed this group of monks, but he didn’t expect that someone would hide in the distance and bombard them with spirit stone cannons. One was still standing and talking, which happened to be a fixed target for the other party.

He raised his hand to sacrifice the heavenly wheel, and chased after the spaceship that had just turned his head. This time, if they weren’t alert, they would have been killed by the spirit stone cannon. This spirit stone cannon is more powerful than the god emperor’s bombardment. There are many, and they are all bombarded with divine stones, the power has been increased a lot, and one spirit stone shell is enough to kill the two of them.

Several monks on the spaceship saw that the spirit stone cannon did not kill them, and immediately prepared to flee. You must know that although the spirit stone cannon is powerful, it takes a few breaths to reload the god stone. Facing the monks in the realm of the god emperor, they Don’t dare to continue loading the god stone bombardment, and now that it has been discovered, the plan has failed, so run away quickly!

The speed of Tiandao wheel was increased to the maximum by Gu Xiangfei, and the opponent’s super artifact spaceship was caught up by Gu Xiangfei before it ran a million miles. Several monks on the spaceship saw a flash of light, and Gu Xiangfei was already side by side with them together.

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