Continuous Attacks

There were three god-level monks and two god-king level monks on the spaceship. Seeing Gu Xiangfei suddenly appearing in front of them, they were all horrified. They didn’t expect the opponent’s flying magic weapon to catch up.

These five monks were also very decisive, and immediately flew out of the spaceship, ready to flee in all directions. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched out, and the huge God Emperor Domain unfolded. The five monks had no time to escape, and everyone was shocked. The one who chased them was actually a strong God Emperor. They were imprisoned by the God Emperor Domain, as if they were deeply trapped in a quagmire.

“Bang!” A terrifying coercive breath crushed directly, and the five monks were blasted into five balls of blood mist by his punch, like five blood flowers bursting, scattered in the air, and the speeding spaceship was blasted into five balls by him. crumbs.

When Gu Xiangfei was rushing back, he was less than tens of thousands of miles away from the secret place of the wasteland, and felt a huge wave of spiritual energy coming from him. After sweeping his consciousness, he was even more furious. There were hundreds of monks outside the defensive formation bombarding the big In the formation, countless gods exploded, and the formation patterns of the defensive formation kept flickering. It is estimated that the defensive formation will be smashed in half an hour.

Emperor Kanli God Formation is in the defensive formation and is constantly reinforcing the formation with divine stones. Judging by his appearance, although the clothes are on, the mud and blood on his body have not had time to wash, half of his hair is messy, obviously the injury has not healed yet, He was bombarded by these monks, and quickly took injuries to maintain the defensive formation, hoping to hold on until Gu Xiangfei came back.

Although the Void Strangling Formation is still there, Emperor Kanli can’t stimulate the void formation patterns that Gu Xiangfei has arranged, so he has to use God Stones to reinforce the divine aura needed in the formation in the defensive formation.

He raised his hand to sacrifice the Brahman Spear, and the regular evasion technique was launched, but within two breaths he came to the defensive formation outside the secret realm of the wilderness. Imprison these monks in their own domain, and at the same time, their spiritual consciousness stimulates the void strangle formation.

The void pattern suddenly lit up, and then disappeared into the void. Countless void blades formed instantly in the large formation, bombarding the void and strangling the monks in the formation indiscriminately.

“Not good! This is a void strangling formation, everyone should defend first.” The cultivator surrounded by the void strangling formation shouted in the large formation.

Before Gu Xiangfei’s Brake Spear hit these monks, suddenly three huge auras appeared beside him and bombarded him.

Gu Xiangfei’s heart trembled, and he thought to himself, how cunning! Surprised to keep so many backers, it seems that this attack has been premeditated for a long time.

The three huge auras were obviously the three god emperors sneaking up on him, and they were still in the middle stage of the three god emperors, forcing him to give up killing those monks. He turned his gun and blasted at the three huge auras. Condensed into three spiritual thorns, blasting towards their sea of ​​consciousness.

“Boom!” The four huge gods blasted together, Gu Xiangfei flew upside down, the blood in his body was tumbling, and almost half of the bones in his body were broken. The body art restores the bones that were broken by the bombardment, and his body at the ninth level of the God Realm was broken by the bombardment. If he was not a monk at the ninth level of body forging, this bombardment would kill him.

The three god emperors who attacked him felt the pain in the sea of ​​consciousness, and couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of black blood. They were shocked and thought to themselves, attack with consciousness! Thanks to the three of them blasting away the God Emperor of Xuantian Academy, otherwise they would definitely be bombarded and killed one or two people by the other party.

The three god emperors hastily used their exercises to restore the sea of ​​consciousness that had been bombarded, but repairing the sea of ​​consciousness was not so easy.They also don’t have spiritual consciousness skills, so they can only use their divine essence to constantly nourish the damaged sea of ​​consciousness.

It took Gu Xiangfei no more than three breaths to restore all the bones in his body. Seeing the breath of the three god emperors circulating, he didn’t dare to attack him. The divine consciousness thorns condensed into three more, and at the same time the realm of the god emperor expanded, blasting towards the three god emperors.

A wave of destructive dao rhyme bombarded over, and the three god emperors hurriedly sacrificed the Houtian magic weapon in their hands with injuries in the middle stage. Just about to urge the gods to bless the Houtian magic weapon, suddenly there was severe pain from the sea of ​​consciousness, and they shouted With a sound, the Houtian magic weapon in his hand was also thrown on the ground, and black blood was continuously spurted out of his mouth. It was obvious that the sea of ​​consciousness was bombarded for the second time, and most of them had already died.

Boom! Tens of thousands of spear lights bombarded them, and three blood mist exploded. The three god emperors never thought that they would die so aggrieved. Want to escape, look for opportunities to seize the house or restore the physical body, but find that you are imprisoned in the other party’s domain, all thoughts are lost, and you are ready to reincarnate.

Gu Xiangfei saw that his divine sense stab made another contribution, raised his hand to tear open the world of a god emperor, swept away all kinds of items in his world, and raised his hand to grab the second primordial spirit, tearing apart the opponent’s world , the third Yuanshen saw that Gu Xiangfei had torn apart the worlds of his companions one after another, and couldn’t even do reincarnation. He wanted to beg for mercy, but he couldn’t make a sound. Consciousness unraveled and it felt like the world was being torn apart and plunged into nothingness.

After clearing away the three divine emperors who were attacking him, Gu Xiangfei let go of his divine sense and found no more danger, so he mobilized his divine essence to bless the Brake Spear, rolled up countless spear lights, and blasted towards the void to strangle the monks in the formation them.

These monks who were constantly cut by the blades of the void lost more than half of them long ago. Only a few god emperors and more than 20 monks in the state of gods were left. the last straw.

Void strangled the five god emperors in the formation, and their bodies were shattered by his spear light. The primordial spirit was imprisoned by his domain, tearing apart the worlds of the five god emperors continuously, and a large amount of resources were swept away by him. Those cultivators in the Godly Realm were directly blasted and killed by him, and even Xiangfei of their World Valley didn’t bother to tear them apart.

Raising his hand, he grabbed a jade bottle and threw it to Emperor Kanli, “Brother recovers from his injuries first, and I’ll take care of the funeral here.”

Emperor Kanli Divine Formation was not polite to him either. After Gu Xiangfei came back, he felt relieved, knowing that these monks would be killed by him in the end, raised his hand and crushed the jade bottle, swallowed the whole bottle of elixir, and sat cross-legged On the ground, run the exercises to absorb the power of the elixir and recover from his injuries.

Gu Xiangfei re-drawn the Void Strangling pattern, and in the excited state, he took out the formation flag to reinforce the defensive formation with several defenses.

Although the array masters of the Zhendao branch all knew how powerful Gu Xiangfei was, they never thought that Gu Xiangfei would become even more powerful after breaking through the god emperor. In this battle, at least twenty god emperors and more than three hundred gods were killed. Realm cultivators, although relying on the void strangle formation, killed most of the cultivators, but Gu Xiangfei head-on blasted and killed several god emperors, and these god emperors were all in the mid-term cultivation, and they admired Gu Xiangfei even more in their hearts.

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