Bombing all the way

The huge realm of the god emperor burst out, and this space was shrouded by Gu Xiangfei’s rules. After these god emperors entered his domain, they were surprised to find that their gods had slowed down, and they hurriedly burned their gods Want to break free from the opponent’s domain, otherwise you will be a lamb to be slaughtered in other people’s domain.

Before these god emperors could break free from Gu Xiangfei’s domain, his Brahman Spear had already bombarded them, and countless spear beams directly bombarded and killed these god emperors in his domain, even the primordial spirit was smashed into a pile of pieces. The slag fell down.

The monks on the remaining two spaceships fled the spaceships one after another when they saw Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power. At such a short distance, the spirit stone cannon was useless, and it was too late to lock the target.

Gu Xiangfei saw that there were still four god emperors on the two spaceships, and they had already rushed towards him. Hundreds of monks in the god realm also sacrificed various attacking weapons in their hands, and millions of blades bombarded him.

He waved his hands to sacrifice the Qiankun tripod to protect himself, and the Brake Spear in his hand rolled up hundreds of thousands of spear lights, and blasted the blade lights at the god emperor and the god-level monks who rushed over, and blasted out a burst of supernatural powers of destruction , a supernatural power of a large cutting technique, and a supernatural power of a large space technique.

After the blasting of the three Dao Yun of the Great God, the entire space was shrouded in a piece of Dao Rhyme of Destruction and Dao Rhyme of Cutting, and then the Dao Rhyme of the large space technique instantly compressed and tore the space apart.

“Boom…” The continuous blood mist exploded, and hundreds of god-level monks were instantly torn apart by the space, and they exploded to death. Slicing Dao Yun cuts into pieces.

“Boom!” The Qiankun Cauldron emitted a ray of light, blocking all the bombardment of the blade light. Gu Xiangfei’s God Emperor Domain even encircled the four God Emperors in his own domain, and the Brake Spear in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of spear lights. Blast towards the four struggling god emperors.

The martial arts rules of these four god emperors have been assimilated by Gu Xiangfei’s rules. No matter how they struggle, they are always shrouded in a strange rule by a huge aura of rules. The rules of this side of heaven and earth no longer belong to them. Just like a person needs to breathe air, there is not even a trace of air in this space, and the four god emperors turned pale with shock. What kind of magical power is this?

“Bang…” The continuous gun light bombarded them, the flesh was directly smashed, and the primordial spirit was imprisoned. The panicked primordial spirit of the four god emperors saw that the god emperors of Xuantian Academy had come one after another. Tore apart their world, swept away all kinds of items in the world, and then cremated them into nothingness.

In this battle, Gu Xiangfei killed at least ten god emperors and hundreds of god-level monks. After summing up the experience of this bombardment, what made him most gratified was the Qiankun Ding. He didn’t dare to face the bombardment of so many god emperors and gods. Even his body on the ninth floor of the God Realm would be blasted to pieces.

Then there are a few of his great magical powers, and he has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. He has cultivated these great magical powers to the level of Xiaocheng, and he is indeed worthy of the top magical powers in the legends of the earth. , in front of these great supernatural powers, they are like paper paste, and they can be destroyed in an instant.

He raised his hand and put away a bunch of rings. Although there was nothing good in these rings, they were put away in order not to waste resources. Another fire turned this place into ashes.

Swallowing a few elixirs to restore the sea of ​​consciousness and physical body, while waiting for Emperor Kanli and the others to arrive, he raised his hand and struck out a restraint, then pulled out a high-grade divine vein, and sat cross-leggedThe downward movement method absorbs the spiritual energy of the gods and replenishes the depleted divine energy in the body.

An hour later, Gu Xiangfei retracted the divine pulse, shattered the restraint, and jumped onto the spaceship galloping over from Emperor Kanli.

“Brother Gu, it seems that there has been another fierce battle here. Fortunately, you are fine. When we go next time, we will send a few more people to investigate ahead, and we can work together to solve the situation if we encounter it.” Elder Li Shi saw the situation here. The traces of the battle, knowing that Gu Xiangfei killed another group of attackers, fearing that he will be injured, next time arrange a few god emperors to go to the front to investigate together.

“Okay, I’ll restore my spiritual energy first, and I’ll go to a few more people next time.” Gu Xiangfei knew that the situation was critical now, so he didn’t show politeness to Elder Li Shi. He first ensured that his spiritual energy was sufficient.


In the main hall of the president of Xuantian Academy, President Qiao Tian was dealing with the affairs of the academy, a flash of light flashed, and a message talisman flew in front of him and stopped. He raised his hand and crushed the message talisman, and Gu Xiangfei’s voice came from inside, ” Brother Qiao Tian, ​​now there are three major forces and four sects, and the god emperors from other universes are coming to attack the academy, we are rushing back, we must persevere.”

After listening to Gu Xiangfei’s message, Dean Qiao Tian immediately summoned the remaining elders of the God Emperor, and by the way, Elder Tiansen who was guarding the treasure house and the other two elders of the God Emperor.

“I just received a message from Vice President Gu that there are three major forces, four sects and god emperors from other universes who are coming to attack the academy. Elder Tiansen, you are now in charge of the academy’s defense array. You are the only emperor here. The academy’s defense The big formation will be handed over to you, and the other elders quickly summoned their disciples to go to the academy’s defensive formation and prepare for the battle!” After Dean Qiao Tian arranged the duties of the elders, his aura was like a rainbow, like a vast sea burst out.

When Elder Tiansen came to the defensive formation, he first planted a few divine veins at the base of the formation, and then planted a top-grade divine vein at the center of the formation to ensure that the defensive formation’s counterattack was strengthened.

The god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy gathered their disciples to the defensive formation, preparing to take the opportunity to attack the attacker once the formation was blown away, and deal a fierce blow to the attacker.

Yan Yixue brought Gu Yunjie and Xiao Yu to the defense formation. The six relatives in the cave had been installed by her in the existing world. Once the formation was blown away, she would take the opportunity to escape from here.

The reason why she brought Gu Yunjie and Xiao Yu with her is that Gu Yunjie has a Taiji diagram, which can protect the three of them at critical moments. Xiao Yu is now the eighth-level god alchemy king of the four major skills of alchemy, equipment, array, and talisman, the king of artifacts, and the king of magic formations. , the king of talismans, with the eighth-level talisman refined by Xiao Yu, can also protect the three of them for a while. With these double insurances, they can escape from Xuantian Academy safely.

Xuantian Academy was waiting for the formation. Xiao Yu saw that Elder Tiansen was maintaining the defensive formation by himself, so he also came to help, and kept taking out formation flags to strengthen the foundation of the defensive formation.

Elder Tiansen was overjoyed when he saw that Xiaoyu’s array skills were infinitely close to the ninth-level god array emperor, and decided to pass on his array skills to her.

“Xiaoyu, this is my own experience in array formation. Let me study it for you now! Although it is not as powerful as your father’s array array, I still have my insights into array array. I hope I can help you.” Elder Tiansen took out a A piece of Taoist Jade Slips was handed to Xiaoyu.

“Thank you, Uncle Tiansen. My father said that your formation is also very powerful. Some places have stronger insights than my father. I wanted to ask Uncle Tiansen for advice, but I have never seen you.” Xiao Yu happily took the jade slip , and even flattered Elder Tiansen a few words, which made him very happy. Gu Xiangfei even admitted his own views on formation, which shows that his formation is still good.

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