Bombarding Xuantian Academy

When Elder Tiansen and Xiao Yu were discussing the Dao, there was an uproar outside, and the two quickly turned their heads to look.

Fourteen medium-sized spaceships are lined up in the air. The twenty-eight spirit stone cannons on the spaceships are adjusting their angles, intending to aim at the gate of the academy, preparing to smash the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy, and then enter the interior of the academy.

“Xiaoyu, you go and look at the formation base, I will guard the formation heart, whether you can block this first round of Lingshi cannon bombardment depends on how powerful the defensive formation’s counterattack is.” Elder Tiansen hoped that Zhan Yue in the formation’s heart The counterattack of the sword is stronger, and it is best to smash this spirit stone cannon. The last time the Yulin Merchant League used spirit stone cannons to bombard it like this, but that time there were eighteen spirit stone cannons, and now there are twenty-eight spirit stone cannons. There are ten more spirit stone cannons than the Yulin Chamber of Commerce.

“Fellow daoists, the moment of life and death for the academy has come. As long as we hold on to the first round of bombardment, we will be able to kill the invading enemy. Fellow daoists, please take care of the defensive formation. Once the formation is blown away, the first Time to block the gap and try to prevent outsiders from entering, Elder Tiansen will soon repair the defensive formation.” Dean Qiao Tian encouraged the god emperor elders of the academy, and these god emperor elders also knew the defensive formation It is the only barrier of the academy, so naturally no one will be let in.

“Fire!” A god emperor on the medium-sized spaceship shouted loudly.

“Boom…” The muzzles of twenty-eight spirit stones burst into dazzling light at the same time, and the cannonballs of divine energy condensed by millions of god stones flew out of the muzzles, and the fourteen medium-sized spaceships suddenly stopped and retreated At more than two hundred feet, the medium-sized spaceship trembled, as if it was about to fall apart. The god emperor on the spaceship quickly used his divine energy to stabilize the spaceship.

“Boom…” Twenty-eight powerful spirit stone shells bombarded the defensive formation, and the formation patterns of the defensive formation suddenly lit up, very dazzling, and the formation patterns flickered continuously. It was torn apart in an instant, hundreds of thousands of cracks appeared in the void, and countless void blade blades came out of their pupae, scattered in all directions, and bombarded anything that could block the void.On things that are empty.

Without waiting for the flickering patterns of the defensive array to disappear, and without waiting for the countless void blades to dissipate, the heart-shattering Moon Sword of the defensive array suddenly appeared bright, and then the hundreds of thousands of sword beams in the top-grade divine veins provided divine aura With support, they blasted towards the fourteen medium-sized spaceships outside the defensive formation.

The anti-defense array arranged by Gu Xiangfei, how fierce the attack is, the counterattack is as powerful as it is. Boom… A continuous roar came, and fourteen medium-sized spaceships were directly smashed into twelve by the Zhanyue Sword. , the god emperors on several spaceships were torn apart by the sword light, and the primordial spirit just came out of the body, and was cut off by the sword light behind it in an instant, turning into nothingness.

“Xiao Yu, quickly check the defensive formation.” Elder Tiansen didn’t look at the result of Zhanyue Sword’s bombardment. The sword will not emit hundreds of thousands of sword glows.

Xiao Yu saw twelve medium-sized spaceships shattered by the Zhanyue Sword’s sword light. Except for a few god emperors who fled, the rest of the monks who were below the god level were almost killed by the Zhanyue Sword’s sword light. A lucky monk escaped, and the other monks were smashed into pieces. Countless primordial spirits came out of the body, and the scattered primordial spirits were cut off by the follow-up moon-cutting sword from time to time.

Hearing what Elder Tiansen said to her, Xiao Yu quickly began to check the formation foundations. Some of the formation foundations had been severely damaged and could no longer be used. Connect with other bases.

Elder Tiansen also checked the Zhanyue Sword in the heart of the formation, and found that the Zhanyue Sword had been used to the extreme, with countless cracks appearing, and it would shatter after another bombardment. This Moon Zhanjian had also fulfilled its final mission.

It seems that the formation heart is going to be changed this time. Elder Tiansen couldn’t help being a little surprised when he saw the cracks in the Zhanyue Sword. It is not so easy to change the formation heart. It must be connected with all the formation lines on the formation base.

This defensive formation was arranged by Gu Xiangfei, but now that Gu Xiangfei is not around, Elder Tiansen is still not sure how to connect the formation patterns at the center of the formation with the formation patterns at the base of the entire defensive formation, because this is not the defensive formation he arranged. It is okay for him to maintain the core of the formation, but he feels that he cannot do it yet if he wants to change the core of the formation.

“Dean, the heart of the defensive formation is about to shatter. If there is at most one more bombardment, the heart of the formation will be shattered. At that time, the defense of the large formation can only rely on the foundation of the formation. Our situation is very serious.” Elder Sen came to Dean Qiao Tian and told him the news, so that he could prepare in advance.

“Is there no way to change the mind of the formation?” Dean Qiao Tian was a little puzzled. Elder Tiansen, you are the emperor of the ninth-level god formation, and you are responsible for defending the formation. Why are you telling me this now? I don’t know the way.

“There is no way. This defensive formation was arranged by Brother Gu. I have never seen many formations on the base of the formation. Otherwise, the counterattack would not be so powerful. These formations need to be connected with the formations on the center of the formation. Only then will it multiply.” Elder Tiansen told his own difficulties, now is not the time to save face, if he doesn’t understand, he just doesn’t understand.

“There are also heavy losses outside now, why don’t we take the opportunity to kill some god emperors, it is best to smash the spirit stones on the two spaceships, otherwise they will use the spirit stone cannons to bombard us, our large formation will definitely not be able to defend Hold on.” Seeing the situation outside, Elder Tiansen wanted to repel these forces, so that he could persist until Gu Xiangfei and the others returned.

“No! There are at least 20 god emperors outside. Once they go out and get entangled by them, there may be losses. Now the academy can no longer lose the god emperor elders. We only have eight god emperors here. Go out It’s just sending you to death, let’s defend inside!” Dean Qiao Tian analyzed the current situation, although the counterattack blasted and killed a few god emperors, but the difference between the number of god emperor elders in the college and the god emperors outside is too big. Big, now I can only stick to it inside.

Seeing the current situation, Elder Tiansen had no choice but to give up going out to kill the enemy, and went to maintain the defensive formation first.

The alliance of the three major forces and four sects outside has suffered heavy losses. They never thought that Xuantian College’s defensive formation would also have a counterattack formation. The Tian Academy was wiped out, and the news did not spread.

Now there are twenty-three god emperors in their alliance, and several of them have been seriously injured and have lost the ability to fight again. Now they have taken pills to heal their injuries.

There are also two medium-sized spaceships. The spirit stone cannon on one of the spaceships was smashed by the sword light, and dozens of god-level monks died. Only one spaceship was intact. Now I dare not continue to bombard it with the spirit stone cannon. If they are counterattacked by the defensive formation again, they will suffer losses again, and the situation will be stalemate like this. Those outside dare not continue to attack, and those inside dare not come out to fight.

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