: A Powerful Counterattack Formation

“Boom! Attack!” As the heavenly wheel suddenly accelerated, Gu Xiangfei yelled again. Half of the eight god emperors who were about to attack had already been lost. The five god emperors shattered their bodies, and their primordial spirits came out of their bodies. They wanted to escape in panic, but found that their primordial spirits had been imprisoned by the powerful realm of the divine emperors.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed a primordial spirit, and tore open his world. All the items inside were swept away by him, and he did the same thing, tearing open the world of the remaining seven god emperors, and the world of the eight god emperors All kinds of items were swept away by him.

The god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy, although they know that Gu Xiangfei can tear open the world of the god emperor, but they can tear open the world of eight god emperors in a row. How strong is the understanding of Zhandao in order to tear apart the world of the eight god emperors!

“Okay, brothers, now we start to share the loot.” Gu Xiangfei put away the wheel of heaven, raised his hand and took out all kinds of items in the world of the eight god emperors and piled them on the ground, all kinds of jade boxes, god stones , God veins, elixirs, god fruits, acquired magic weapons, high-grade ores, and jade slips of exercises, forming a small mountain standing on the ground.

The five god emperor elders were overjoyed and applauded in unison, “As expected, you can make a fortune by following Brother Gu. No wonder Kanli, an old fellow, is reluctant to leave Brother Gu.”

Each person chose one of the Acquired Magical Treasures, and the rest was given to Gu Xiangfei. Each person shared 300 million divine stones, five divine veins, and all kinds of pills that Gu Xiangfei didn’t want, and distributed them to the five god emperor elders. We all know that Gu Xiangfei is the ninth-level God Alchemy Emperor, so naturally he will not be polite to him.

Gu Xiangfei put the god spirit fruit and the high-grade ore into the ring, and there are more than 30 jade boxes here, and they erased the restrictions and opened them for inspection.

The things in the world of the god emperor must be some valuable items, and now they are all cheaper. There are rare god fruit in the jade box, and there are top-level attribute ores. Gu Xiangfei chose two pieces of fire-attributed ores for flame upgrades. Five god emperor elders.

After distributing the spoils, the five god emperor elders checked all kinds of jade slips again. If there were jade slips that needed to be referred to for research, several god emperor elders also divided them up. Everyone was full of joy and excitement.

After Emperor Kanli drove the spaceship to catch up, everyone continued to move forward, but Gu Xiangfei entered the room on the spaceship, dragged out a top-quality divine vein, sat cross-legged on it, and refined the elixir while restoring the depleted divine energy in his body.

The god emperors outside Xuantian Academy came up with a way to use the spirit stone cannon on the remaining medium-sized spaceship to bombard the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy. After activating the spirit stone cannon, they quickly escaped from the spaceship to avoid being counterattacked by the defense. Destroying the formation, anyway, stalemate like this is not the solution, it is better to try this method, in case the defense formation of Xuantian Academy is smashed, they god emperors can also destroy Xuantian Academy, after all, the academy is now There are not many god emperors anymore.

After calculating the target of the spirit stone cannon, a god emperor immediately activated the spirit stone cannon, and then quickly escaped from the spaceship.

“Boom!” With a loud sound, hundreds of thousands of spirit stone shells condensed from divine stones bombarded the defensive formation. The flickering of the formation pattern, the force of the bombardment was gradually resolved by the formation pattern, and then a terrifying sword light was instantly aroused from the defensive formation.

“Boom!” After the medium-sized spaceship was smashed by the sword light, the remaining energy of the spaceship did not weaken and flew thousands of feet behind the spaceship before slowly dissipating.

The god emperors of these alliances were secretly glad to see that the defensive formation of Xuantian Academy could still fight back. Fortunately, they avoided the bombardment of the sword light, otherwise they would lose some monks of the alliance, but why only one appeared? What about the blade? There were hundreds of thousands of sword glows before.

These alliance god emperors were puzzled, and suddenly millions of sword lights burst out from the defensive formation and bombarded them. Millions of terrifying sword glows shrouded it.

“Not good! Rewind!” The faces of more than twenty alliance god emperors were instantly frightened by these terrifying sword lights. How could this be like this? Could it be that this counterattack formation can delay the outbreak?

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, and more than twenty alliance god emperors were directly blasted into pieces by millions of sword lights. Even the primordial spirit could not escape from the body. The space was instantly torn apart, and a Thousands of feet of black hole, countless void blades flying around, mixed with meteorites and other objects in the void, constantly falling from the void black hole to the groundOn the day, a mountain of meteorites quickly piled up on the square outside the college, and some void god fruit trees were mixed with it.

After a full stick of incense, the void and black hole slowly healed under the restoration of the laws of heaven and earth.

In Xuantian Academy, Dean Qiao Tian, ​​Elder Tiansen and several other god emperor elders, as well as hundreds of thousands of disciples, deacons, and stewards, were all stunned by the scene in front of them, and they have not recovered for a long time.

“Ah! The foundation of the defensive formation has been shattered.” Xiao Yu’s voice came, and everyone came back to their senses. Dean Qiao Tian flashed to the square outside the college, and then several god emperor elders also came On the college square.

“Xiaoyu, what kind of formation is this? How can you delay the counterattack, and the counterattack is too strong, how did you arrange this kind of formation.” Elder Tiansen didn’t go outside, he was all arranged by Xiaoyu Fa was stunned.

“I just drew a few more counterattack formations, and added a few more attack formations to the last formation. I saw that the first counterattack formation was blasted too fast, so I drew a few compression formations. Wen, let the bombardment power compress and then counterattack to increase the strength of the counterattack, I didn’t expect it to be so powerful.” Xiaoyu said while taking out a formation flag and explaining it to Elder Tiansen.

“Genius! As expected, you are brother Gu’s daughter. She is stronger than your father’s formation, and you can draw such formation patterns.” Elder Tiansen is also a ninth-level god formation emperor. After listening to Xiaoyu’s explanation, he immediately understood The relief compression pattern that runs through this large counterattack formation can’t help but admire.

Dean Qiao Tian and several other god emperor elders have now cleaned up the battlefield, the void meteorite mountain has also found some void materials, and the god fruit tree has also been transplanted into their own world by them. Small fortune.

In less than half an hour, the entire square outside Xuantian Academy returned to its original appearance. If you don’t know it, you won’t guess that there was a fierce battle here.

Xiaoyu and Elder Tiansen began to busy refining the formation foundation again, and then carved the formation pattern, in exchange for the large defensive formation foundation shattered by the blade of the void. The blade light that was counterattacked by the formation shattered the void, and the blade light flying around in the void shattered the defense formation. If the god emperors of the alliance knew about it, they would not die of anger.

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