Comprehending the Great Destiny Technique

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel again, and this time he replaced five other god emperor elders. The god emperor elders who followed Gu Xiangfei before took out various pills, jade slips of exercises, acquired magic weapons, etc., let him not follow The five god emperor elders were extremely envious, and this time they forced a replacement to explore the route.

This time, they had been flying for three days to explore the route without encountering any attacks. They would arrive at Xuantian Academy in two days’ journey. The five god emperor elders were actually a little disappointed, with expressions of hesitation on their faces.

Gu Xiangfei thought it was a little funny that there were still people who were looking forward to being attacked. He put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel and waited for the Emperor Kanli to come over.

There is a forest here, with a radius of about tens of thousands of miles. It is impossible for someone to ambush and attack them here.

Elder Li Shi followed Gu Xiangfei out to explore the route this time. He hoped that he didn’t encounter the monks who attacked them. Seeing that he was very close to the academy, he didn’t want anything to happen.

The other four god emperor elders looked at the forest. After checking with their spiritual sense, they did not find anything abnormal. One of the god emperor elders raised his leg and kicked a stone flying under his feet.

“Ow!” A scream came from the forest. Obviously, the monster was injured by the stone he kicked away, and the scream came out.

Gu Xiangfei quickly checked with his divine sense, and saw a fog monster in the forest, showing its figure, its front legs had been severed, and a colorless liquid flowed out. The liquid disappeared instantly when it flowed to the ground, and merged with the earth.

How could there be such a thing in this forest? It’s no wonder that the gods can’t see it. The biggest talent of the fog monster is that it can hide its body and use the surrounding environment to hide and attack. Their attack power is not very strong, but they can hide around the monks and attack unexpectedly. The sudden attack without warning made the monks hate this kind of monster.

Gu Xiangfei let go of his illusory eyes to check, and there are hundreds of fog monsters in this forest. This kind of fog monsters usually appear in the void, but now they appear in this forest. Could it be that there is something wrong with this forest? Something that is attracting these fog monsters.

Suddenly there was a sound transmission from the golden-winged roc in the star bead, and it wanted to come out of the star bead.

Gu Xiangfei’s restriction on the star bead is always on, so if there is any movement outside, the star bead can also know it. This is Gu Xiangfei who has opened the restriction on the star bead since the strong man in the holy realm attacked Xuantian Academy. His idea is If one day he falls, the family members in the star beads can come in and out freely, lest the family members fall with him.

The golden-winged roc came out of the star bead, and called out excitedly, “Chirp…” Spreading its wings, it entered the forest in an instant, and immediately there was a mess in the place it passed by, and the trees and vines were swept by its wings. destroy.

When the fog monsters in the forest heard the call of the golden-winged roc, they immediately jumped out of their figures in fright, trembling uncontrollably, and stayed in place motionless, allowing the golden-winged roc to tear up their bodies and devour them.

“It turns out that this stupid bird is their natural enemy. As expected, one thing will drop one thing. The way of heaven has arranged for each creature to have the talent to survive, and there will be natural enemies. It will not make every creature bigger. Naturally Law, mutual generation and mutual restraint, this is fate.” Gu Xiangfei saw the scene in front of him, muttering to himself, immediately fell into the epiphany of the Great Destiny Technique.

Elder Li Shi and the other four god emperor elders saw Gu Xiangfei release a big bird, which could swallow the fog monster, and saw that Gu Xiangfei fell into an epiphany, they immediately raised their hands and waved, two high-grade divine veins Throw it next to Gu Xiangfei and provide him with spiritual energy.

Gu Xiangfei fell into an epiphany, and the regular exercises automatically started to work. Everything absorbed the divine energy according to his instinctive reaction. Elder Li Shi’s divine veins were thrown by his side, just to supplement the divine energy he needed.

Elder Li Shi and the other four god emperors saw that he had fallen into sudden enlightenment, and immediately stood around to protect him.

The two high-grade divine spirit veins flashed suddenly, and two thick streams of divine spirit energy burst out from the divine spirit veins, and soon formed a vortex of divine spirit energy rain and fog, enveloping Gu Xiangfei.

Five days later, Emperor Kanli’s spaceship galloped over and saw Elder Li Shi and the others stop here to protect Gu Xiangfei. They stopped the spaceship, immediately raised their hands and grabbed a formation flag, and arranged a large defensive formation around Gu Xiangfei.

“Brother Gu is having an epiphany? And where did that big bird come from?” After the Emperor Kanli arranged the defensive formation, he also arranged an isolation formation before he asked Elder Li Shi and the others.

“Elder Kuangzhan discovered the fog monster by accident, and brother Gu released a big bird. I didn’t expect this big bird to be so powerful. With just a cry, these fog monsters were scared and obediently let it be swallowed. Brother Gu seemed to think that What, I fell into an epiphany.” Elder Li Shi told Emperor Kanli about what happened here.

“Fog monster? How can there be such a monster here? Then this big bird is not an ordinary monster. Brother Gu has a lot of good things!” Emperor Kanli was first surprised by the fog monster, Then he looked at the golden-winged roc who was refining the fog monster beside Gu Xiangfei, and felt a little jealous in his heart. Such a beast is very rare.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in comprehending the supernatural power of the Great Destiny Technique. He had already practiced the Great Destiny Technique when he was in the Immortal Realm, but his cultivation base was too low at that time, and the rules of the Immortal Realm could not be compared with the rules of the God Realm, which restricted him. The comprehension of the Great Destiny Technique, and now there is another opportunity to comprehend the Great Destiny Technique, and it is the God Realm with higher rules, so he will naturally not let go of this rare opportunity.

The Avenue of Destiny is a skill born from the rules of heaven and earth when the universe opened up, and it is also a supreme law that was handed down when the universe opened up. All things in the sky have their own destiny. Gu Xiangfei can realize it with a small grass in the fairy world. Feisheng, and now he saw the golden-winged roc casually screaming again, the fate of these fog monsters was in the hands of the golden-winged roc, and he instantly felt the magical charm of the great destiny technique.

Ten days later, the aura on Gu Xiangfei’s body became stronger and stronger, and came from within his body, “Crack!” With a soft sound, the gap in the middle stage of the god emperor was broken, the high-grade god spirit veins shrunk sharply at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dense vortex of god spirit qi spun even faster, piercing into his body one after another, and he refined it into a stable state of god essence.

This is the real entry level. Compared with the entry level of the Great Destiny Technique realized in the fairy world, it can be described as a world of difference.

A day later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, felt the surging divine power in his body, and then used the great destiny spell to punch the forest.

The trees, vines, and weeds in the forest are all shrouded in the magic channel rhyme of his Great Destiny Art. As his thoughts constantly change, life and death wither, and they are full of vitality. All the fate here is controlled by his one thought In between, the introduction to the great destiny spell.

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