Dean Qiao Tian’s Decision

“Brother Gu has such powerful supernatural powers.” Emperor Kanli saw the various changes in the forest and was taken aback. What kind of supernatural power is this? If a monk is covered by his supernatural power, he can directly control life and death by others, which is equivalent to handing over his own destiny to others. This supernatural power is simply too powerful, but Emperor Kanli did not ask him what it is Supernatural powers, everyone has privacy, just like them, everyone has life-saving supernatural powers at the bottom of the box, so naturally they will not reveal them.

“Hehe, Brother Kanli praised you so much. It’s just a life-saving supernatural power. Let’s go now!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t explain the great destiny magic power. Talk about breaking the topic.

With a wave of his hand, the golden-winged roc was put away, and Emperor Kanli Divine Formation sacrificed the spaceship. Everyone stepped on the spaceship, and Emperor Kanli Divine Formation inspired the spaceship to gallop all the way to Xuantian College.

After Gu Xiangfei boarded the spaceship, he no longer worried about the safety of the academy. Just now he heard Elder Li Shi and several God Emperor elders discuss that all the alliance monks who attacked the academy were killed.

Now that the college has passed the crisis, Gu Xiangfei didn’t ask Elder Li Shi either. After all, it was just a message to them, and the specific situation would naturally be clear when he returned to the college.

In the next few days, there was no more attack. The spaceship galloped all the way back to Xuantian Academy, and saw traces of repairs on the square. Obviously, there was a big battle here.

When Dean Qiao Tian saw them coming back, he felt relieved. Elder Tiansen and the other two god emperor elders went to guard the treasure house of Xuantian Academy after the battle.

Everyone gathered in the main hall of the college. Dean Qiao Tian told them about the attack on the college.

“This time the academy was attacked by an alliance of several major forces. Thanks to the counterattack array arranged by Xiao Yu, it was even stronger than Brother Gu’s array. It really deserves to be a tiger father without a dog girl, otherwise the academy would be bombarded and shattered. After the battle, there must be heavy losses.”Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, thinking, Xiaoyu’s formation is so powerful? When he left, Xiao Yu was only the eighth-level god formation king. Could it be that he had been promoted to the ninth-level god formation emperor during this period of time? Although Gu Xiangfei was somewhat puzzled, he was still very happy to hear Dean Qiao Tian praised Xiao Yu.

“Dean, we found out that there are three major forces and four sects united to form an alliance. The three major forces are the Alchemy Alliance, the Sea Clan Alliance, and the Sanxiu Alliance. The four major sects are the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace. Sword Sect, Lonely Valley, and Wind Thunder Sect, this alliance is called Mietian Alliance, which means to destroy Xuantian Academy.” Elder Li Shi told Dean Qiao Tian in detail about the information he found on the road.

“I heard that there are still some god emperors from the Brahma universe, but there are not many of them, and I don’t know where they entered the Five Elements universe. Now our college is like a piece of fat. Almost every force wants to take a bite. Thanks to this crossing After passing the difficulty, now send an order to kill all the disciples of these four sects, and then check that the disciples who are involved with the three major forces will also be killed, so that we will not worry about undercover agents in the future.” Qiao Dean Tian was very decisive in doing things, and immediately a deacon led the order to leave.

Gu Xiangfei sighed for these sect disciples, their sect could do such a thing, it means that they have given up on them, these disciples are very innocent, but everything must be decided, he can’t say that Qiao Tian The dean has done a bit too much. It is hard to guarantee that among these disciples, some will continue to be undercover agents with a fluke heart. Dean Qiao Tian did this for once and for all.

“Now our college is on the defensive first, Vice President Gu, you will have to work hard during this time. First, re-strengthen the college’s defensive formations, and then arrange a few more defensive formations, and try to make the college an impregnable wall. They bombarded with spirit stone cannons, and they can persist.” Dean Qiao Tian arranged another task for Gu Xiangfei, this time the alliance attacked the academy, which made him very worried, and he made up his mind that after Gu Xiangfei came back, he must give the academy more Arrange several defensive formations.

“Okay! I will do my best.” Gu Xiangfei also wants to set up a few more defensive formations, mainly because his family members are in the academy now, in case something like this attack on the academy happens again when he is not there However, once the academy’s defensive array was shattered, it would be too late for him to regret it.

“What about those sects and alliances now? Could it be that their attack failed, and this matter is over?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen asked Dean Qiao Tian, ​​he was holding back his anger and had no place to vent his anger, and was looking for these alliances of the back account.

“In the past? Our college will let them go, unless they all go to reincarnation a hundred times, otherwise our college will let them go to reincarnation, but we can’t attack them now. After our defensive formation is completed, there will be no worries. It’s time for us to attack.” Dean Qiao Tian said firmly.

“Father, it’s great that you’re back.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei come back, Xiao Yu excitedly grabbed his arm and leaned on his shoulder very affectionately.

“Xiao Yu has done a good job. The array is better than me now. The dean praised you a lot today.” Gu Xiangfei patted Xiao Yu on the shoulder. He was very satisfied with this daughter, and his eyes were full of deep concern .

“Hee hee, Dad, it was Uncle Tiansen who gave me his experience in array formations. I blended his array formations with the arrays you taught me, and added the arrays I derived myself, and then arranged them. Out of this delayed counterattack formation…” Xiao Yu explained to him the formation that she derived in detail.

The more Gu Xiangfei listened, the more surprised he was, and he was also shocked by the formation that Xiao Yu could deduce. She unexpectedly opened up a new formation path, and Xuantian Academy has added another formation branch since then.

“This is the illustration of the void pattern. Your cultivation level was too low before. I was worried that you would damage your mind when you painted the pattern. Now that your cultivation level has improved, you can learn the void pattern. There is also a crape myrtle sky fire, I got it from killing the god emperor, let me use it for you! In addition, there are some ores for upgrading the spirit fruit and flames, all of which are for you to improve alchemy.” Gu Xiangfei gave all these things to Xiao Yu.

“Great, thank you dad, I’m missing a flame right now, I’m going to refine it now.” Xiao Yu took the ring excitedly, turned and entered the cave.

Seeing Xiaoyu leaving excitedly, Gu Xiangfei felt very relieved in his heart. He was even more amazed at Xiaoyu’s daughter’s talent. He passed all these things on to her and wanted to see how far she could go. He also looked forward to it. These skills of Xiao Yu can surpass him.

In a cave of Xuantian Academy, a disciple of the Divine Sovereign Realm sat cross-legged in the practice room to meditate. Suddenly, a phantom appeared from behind him, bit off his neck, and swallowed his primordial spirit with one mouthful. Before he could react, his body died and his dao disappeared. Only then did this phantom reveal his real body. It was a fog monster, which opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, swallowed his body in a few mouthfuls, and then turned into a phantom and disappeared. in the void.

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