Returning to the Academy

Gu Xiangfei had just escaped for a few breaths, when he felt an aura that was more terrifying than the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique bombarding him. Even though he was already far away from the Cleaving Knife Sect, he felt that the terrifying aura of coercion was not something he could resist , Even if the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique has been cultivated to great success, it will not be able to withstand the blow of the strong in the holy realm. Only after he has cultivated to the holy realm can he fight against the strong in the holy realm. Now he understands the gap between the holy realm and the god emperor , is simply the difference between an ant and an elephant.

He took out a few communication talismans to contact Emperor Kanli and the others. He was relieved when he saw that the communication talismans were activated. Emperor Kanli and the others should be fine, otherwise the communication talismans would not be activated.

Soon I received a reply from Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Elder Lishi. These old guys are all experienced people. After seeing Gu Xiangfei fleeing, they all took out their own life-saving means and quickly escaped On the planet where the Sword Sect is located, they have all experienced the incident of the powerful saints bombing Xuantian College, so they naturally know the power of the powerful saints.

After the ten people gathered together, everyone was very happy. No one thought that the fate of the Splitting Knife Sect would disappear like this. It’s a pity that some of the divine veins and acquired magic weapons were blown to pieces. Fortunately, their people did not lose. This is also because they were lucky and escaped quickly.

“Should we go back to the academy now or go to Lonely Valley?” Gu Xiangfei felt relieved when he saw that no one was missing an arm or a leg, so he asked for their opinions.

“Back to the academy, the planet where the Cracking Knife Sect is located has just been destroyed, and the Jiuyuan Dao Palace has also been destroyed. Someone will investigate this matter soon. Our actions have been exposed, and we will not be able to find it if we go to the Lonely Valley. It’s time.” Emperor Kanli analyzed the current situation, and the other god emperor elders also nodded in agreement, so everyone decided to go back home.

“This is the area of ​​the Northern God Realm. Let’s go to Qingshan City to make a teleportation array and return to the academy.” Elder Li Shi took a look at the location and decided where they were going.

The Emperor Kanli Divine Formation sacrificed the spaceship, and then everyone boarded the spaceship, telling about their situation after escaping, and headed all the way to Qingshan City.

Two days later, everyone returned to Xuantian Academy and came to Dean Qiao Tian’s main hall. Dean Qiao Tian was overjoyed to see that many of them had returned. Now the academy can’t afford another loss from the God Emperor. up.

“Dean, this time we destroyed the Jiuyuan Taoist Palace first. When we destroyed the Cleaving Knife Sect, we didn’t expect the elders of their sect to suddenly advance to the semi-holy realm. Fortunately, we escaped quickly, otherwise we would have returned No more, the Cleave Knife Sect was smashed to pieces by a strong man in the Holy Realm before we could make a move. Now that two of the seven major forces have been wiped out, I think the remaining five forces must be powerless to fight anymore. They are now It is estimated that we are worried about us attacking them every day.” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen told Dean Qiao Tian about his going out this time, and analyzed the current situation of the remaining five major forces.

“Okay! Well done! Let them defend themselves in fear now! Let us take action when we have the opportunity, and let them know that Xuantian Academy is going to take revenge, and it’s revenge for destroying the sect, haha…” Qiao Dean Tian is very satisfied with this action. Although there is a link of a strong man in the holy realm, it is the best result for the academy to have no losses, and nothing else is important.

Gu Xiangfei returned to his cave and saw that his family members were practicing in seclusion. He also came to the practice room to practice the nine supernatural powers in seclusion. Seeing the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Art performed in the Cleaving Knife Sect, he felt that he still had many shortcomings. Thinking of the other great supernatural powers, there are many things that need to be realized. Unfortunately, his Dao fruit is not yet mature, otherwise he can use these Dao fruits to comprehend these supernatural powers. It can be said that it is easy to realize the shortcomings of them , Complement and improve these deficiencies, and it is possible to advance to the Dacheng realm.


Kongwu City is located in the center of the void in the five universes. Many monks who are looking for resources in the void will settle here and sell some void materials and void god fruit obtained in the void.

Kongwu City is controlled by three major forces. Hundreds of years ago, several god emperor peaks of these three major forces went to a void secret realm with their own hands, resulting in empty Wuwu City. The strong are not there, only one The deputy city lord is guarding Kongwu City.

After a hundred years of bombardment in the secret realm of the void, the three major forces returned without success. Unexpectedly, when they returned to the gate of Kongwu City, they were attacked by the void strangle formation. They did not lose a monk in the bombardment of the secret realm for a hundred years, but they lost at the gate of Kongwu City. More than a dozen god-level monks and two god emperors were also destroyed by the void strangle formation. Thanks to the god emperors of the three major forces who smashed the void strangle formation pattern, the consequences would be unimaginable.

These three major forces are God Emperor Huai, the director of Kongwu City, God Emperor Pang Boyue of the Pang clan, and God Emperor Haoyu of the Haoyu Alliance. The most powerful of these three forces belongs to the God Emperor Pang Boyue of the Pang clan. Among the thirteen god emperors, five of them were late god emperors, and the patriarch of the clan, Pang Boyue, was at the peak of the late god emperors. Among the three major forces in Kongwu City, he was faintly leading the pack.

The gate of Kongwu City was attacked by the Void Strangling Array, which made them very angry. The city director, God Emperor Huai, immediately inquired clearly about what happened in Kongwu City.He yelled at the deputy city lord as a waste, and found the face of the monk who arranged the void strangle formation from the surveillance array, and immediately released the image of the monk, and the entire Kongwu City wanted this monk in the god-king realm.

The old dean of Xuantian Academy was hunted down by a strong man in the holy realm, and fled all the way to the void, only to escape from the pursuit of the strong man in the holy realm, and found Kongwu City while wandering in the void.

The old dean found an image of the wanted cultivator of the God King at the gate of Kongwu City. He didn’t expect that there were still monks wanted in this place, so he entered Kongwu City just after taking a look.

After entering the city, the old dean quickly figured out the three major forces in the city. Except for the Pang clan, which made him a little afraid, he didn’t pay attention to the other two forces at all. He had no interest in being the city lord, and managing the city was even more troublesome. Otherwise, he would not have given up the position of head of Xuantian Academy.

The old dean found that after being promoted to the holy realm here, there is a void to cover him, and the strong saint realm can’t find his trace. Various heaven and earth rules of the five universes are gathered here, which is more suitable for understanding and breaking through the holy realm. He decided to occupy a place in Kongwu City as the home of the god emperor elders of Tian Academy.

The old dean acted vigorously, first attacking the most powerful Pang clan. Although the Pang clan had five late-stage god emperor peaks, which made him a little afraid, the old dean is now half-step holy, as long as the strongest When the big power is disabled, the other two powers will obediently give up a piece of land to him without him doing anything.

He decided to attack the elders of the late god emperors of the Pang clan first, deal with them one by one, and then kill the rest of the Pang clan in an open and honest manner, and seize the territory of the Pang clan.

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