Killing the Pang Clan

Half-step Saint Realm is going to fight against a late-stage god emperor peak, and he can be easily killed, but facing five late-stage god emperor peaks, the old dean is not sure yet. He is worried about these late-stage god emperor peaks. In times of crisis, the pressure might increase, which would encourage them to break through to the half-step holy realm, so the old dean decided to sneak attack one of them alone.

The first peak elders of the late god emperor of the Pang clan were suddenly bombarded and killed on the streets of Kongwu City. Originally, these god emperor elders seldom went out, and they would only show up unless there was an emergency. Dongfu practice.

This peak elder in the later stage of the god emperor is a seventh-level weapon king. After retreating in the cave, he broke through to the eighth-level artifact king. He took out some void materials and prepared to refine the flying artifact, but found that his wind attribute materials were not enough. Dongfu, come to the streets in the city, and look for the wind attribute materials you need in these commercial buildings.

The shopkeepers of many commercial buildings saw him respectfully, and almost all the wind attribute materials sold to him were half price or free, which made him very satisfied. When he just came out of the commercial building, he was greeted by a The cultivator raised his hand and grabbed his neck, urging the divine essence in his hand, boom! With a bang, the late-stage god emperor turned into a cloud of blood mist and fell on the street.

The peak elder in the late stage of the Pang clan god emperor fell so simply and rudely that many monks in Kongwu City did not react. They were all taken aback when they were crushed. They were able to crush this god emperor’s late stage peak in an instant. At least he was a monk in the semi-sacred realm. Not to mention their city lord’s mansion, even the three major forces combined are not their opponents. When will Kongwu City come? Such a strong man.

City Director Huai Shendi was also taken aback by the report from the law enforcement team. This semi-sacred powerhouse must have some grievances against the Pang clan. It is better for their City Lord Mansion to wait and see how things change, and immediately ordered them to go down. The law enforcement team pretended not to I know, when people from the Pang clan asked, they said that the monitoring array was being rearranged, and they didn’t see it.

The elder god emperor of the Pang clan fell, and soon the whole clan knew about it. The patriarch Pang Boyue, the god emperor, was furious, and immediately sent out all the god emperors of the clan, vowing to find out and kill the god emperor who sneaked into the clan, and draw out his soul Burning for thousands of years.

After asking the law enforcement team, I found out that the monitoring array was rearranged just at this time, and there was no image of the god emperor who sneaked into the clan. Pang Boyue thought that the other party was the peak elder of the late god emperor who sneaked into the clan. The peak of the late God Emperor.

The old dean pinched a peak elder in the late stage of the god emperor of the Pang clan, knowing that many god emperors of the Pang clan would come out to seek revenge on him soon, and this was the result he wanted, otherwise the god emperor of the Pang clan would Huddled in the clan, he really couldn’t blast away the clan protection formation of the Pang clan.

The elders of the god emperors of the Pang clan came out of the clan formation and let go of their spiritual senses to sweep in disorder. The monks in the entire Kongwu City were immediately in chaos. With so many powerful gods swept by, it must be the presence of many god emperors. What are you looking for? Can so many god emperors use their divine sense to sweep at the same time, who else is looking for the monk who smashed the elders of the god emperors of the Pang clan?

A peak elder in the late stage of the god emperor of the Pang clan separated from many god emperor elders and went to Xilou. He wanted to start investigation from Xilou. The God Emperor can use his consciousness to tear apart the isolation formation, but this will conflict with the Haoyu Alliance in Kongwu City. Now they are only looking for the God Emperor, and they don’t want to cause the Haoyu Alliance’s dissatisfaction, so as not to cause trouble trouble.

The elder god emperor had just walked to the entrance of the rest building, when a few monks came out of the rest tower. Seeing him coming, he hurriedly avoided the side and let him enter the rest tower first. The god emperor nodded, very satisfied with these few monks. The attitude of the monk, just as he raised his leg and stepped into the rest building, suddenly there was a huge terrifying coercion,It came from among these monks that he had no time to react at such a close distance. A monk raised his hand and grabbed his neck. With a sound of “Boom!”, the peak elder of the late god emperor of the Pang clan was pinched and exploded, turning into a A cloud of blood.

The entire Xilou was in chaos in an instant, and these monks fled here one after another. This is the peak cultivation level of the late God Emperor! It was crushed so easily, obviously this god emperor is stronger than the god emperor of the Pang clan.

The elders of the god emperor of the Pang family quickly got the news, and hurried to Xilou from all directions. A peak elder in the later stage of the god emperor ignored the many monks in Kongwu City, and directly released the god emperor domain and imprisoned these monks. Galloping all the way, all the monks who stood in the way were crushed by him. Just when he was passing by a monk, suddenly the monk stretched out his big hand and grabbed his neck, bang! With a bang, the body of the peak elder in the late stage of the god emperor was pinched and exploded, and even the primordial spirit could not escape.

The Pang clan lost three peak elders in the late stage of the god emperor one after another, which made the patriarch Pang Bo even more shocked. He immediately sent a message to let these elders of the god emperor come back, so as not to be killed one by one. Someone was attacking them, and hurried to the clan resident, and four god emperors fell on the way. The five god emperor late-stage peak elders of the Pang clan were beheaded by him, and he also killed several god emperor middle-stage elders along the way. Elders, and he followed these god emperor elders all the way into the defense formation of the Pang clan.

Two days later, the Pang clan was removed from Kongwu City, and the head of Pang Boyue, the patriarch of the Pang clan, hung on the top of Kongwu City.

God Emperor Huai, the director of Kongwu City, and God Emperor Haoyu of the Haoyu Alliance did not show their faces from the beginning to the end, but every move of Kongwu City was in their eyes. After seeing the removal of the Pang clan from Kongwu City, the two of them came Arriving at the residence of the Pang clan, there has been another card face, Xuantianzong, with three big characters floating on the original residence of the Pang clan.

“Two fellow Taoists, please come in.” As soon as Emperor Renhuai and Emperor Haoyu arrived at the original site of the Pang clan, the defensive array opened automatically, and a voice came from inside.

God Emperor Ren Huai and God Emperor Haoyu looked at each other. Everyone knew that if they entered this defensive formation, they might be trapped and killed here. But now that the opponent has opened the defensive formation, it is clear that they are just to see if they dare to come in. , Once they dare not go in, they will not be able to gain a foothold in Kongwu City in the future, but they are afraid of being trapped and killed after entering.

God Emperor Haoyu hesitated for a moment, and raised his legs to enter the defensive formation. They were betting whether the opponent would kill them. Since the Pang clan could be wiped out, they would not wait until now if they wanted to kill them, and the opponent never At the beginning, they didn’t move their influence, just dealt with the Pang clan. If people wanted to deal with them, it would be much easier than dealing with the Pang clan. After all, their power was weaker than that of the Pang clan.

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