The Heaven Extinguishing Alliance Disbands

God Emperor Ren Huai also had the same thoughts, but his thinking was a step slower than God Emperor Haoyu’s, which made him appear to be weaker than God Emperor Haoyu.

The two of them came outside the main hall, and saw that the plaque had also changed here. The plaque in front of the main hall also had three large characters, Xuantianzong.

“Two fellow Taoists, please come in. The old man Xuantian welcomes you for being late and I hope you will forgive me.” The two of them had just walked outside the main hall when an old man with white beard and hair came out from inside. The aura on his body was vague, and the two of them couldn’t see his cultivation.

“Fellow Taoist Xuantian, you are being polite. The two of us came to visit rashly and hope to forgive our sins.” The three of them performed a monk’s ceremony to each other and took their seats after entering the main hall.

The two of them have also entered the main hall of the Pang clan, and now the main hall has been replaced with new decorations, which is quite different from before, but now things are different, and they can only sigh secretly. Said that this place will always be yours, maybe it will change hands at any time.

“I probably know a little about the purpose of the two fellow Taoists. I have no intention of doing anything in Kongwu City. In the future, the assets of the Pang clan should be divided between the two of you! Our Xuantian Sect is only focused on cultivation, and the other affairs are handled by the two of you. Unless there are other forces to snatch Kongwu City, our Xuantian Sect will not make a move.” The words of the old dean made Emperor Renhuai and God Emperor Haoyu very happy, and the assets of the Pang clan accounted for most of the assets in Kongwu City. , Now this Taoist Xuantian has given up everything, it seems that the other party just robbed the territory, as long as there is a place to live, other Xuantianzong dare not be interested at all.

“Thank you Xuantian Daoist for your generosity. There is no major event in Kongwu City, and we will not disturb Daoist Qingxiu.” Emperor Renhuai and Emperor Haoyu were overjoyed. They did not expect that the other party was not interested in the assets of the Pang clan, so they directly Let them give it to them. This is a huge resource. With these resources, the power of the two of them will become stronger and stronger.

After seeing them leave, the old dean smiled slightly and left Xuantianzong. This is the name he named after Xuantian Academy. In the future, the god emperor elders of Xuantian Academy can advance to the holy realm with peace of mind. Now he I want to go back to the academy and bring the three peak elders in the late stage of the god emperor to occupy this site. There may be other forces entering Kongwu City in the future. He is a little weak alone, so he just brings them here now. By the way Leave the map jade slips here, and in the future, the god emperor elders of Xuantian College will be able to come to Kongwu City to cultivate to the holy realm after advancing to the peak in the later stage.

The Heaven Exterminating Alliance of the Five Elements Universe has now lost two major sects, and the remaining two major sects, Lonely Valley and Fenglei Sect, also intend to withdraw. They saw that the most powerful Jiuyuan Dao Palace had been wiped out.They were all shocked. It seems that Xuantian Academy is about to make a move. Now quickly summon the god emperors of the sects to discuss countermeasures. Zongmen.

The current three major forces, the Danshen League, the Sea Clan Alliance, and the Sanxiu Alliance saw that the four major sects had evacuated the elders of their own sects. As the leader of the alliance, God Emperor Sheng Mao saw that the situation was over. The meeting will be disbanded, which will give Xuantian Academy a chance to destroy them alone, and hastily called the leaders of the three major alliances to discuss the current situation.

The Sea Clan Alliance is the Sea Clan monks of the Endless Sea. They went out to practice alone, and encountered some opportunities to swallow the transformation fruit and turned into a human form. Later, they heard that the Endless Sea was recruited by the Wanyu Business Alliance and the Xuantian Academy. Extinct, these monks of the sea tribe who have been training outside want to avenge the sea tribe, and joined the Tiantian Alliance. They originally thought that after the Xuantian Academy was destroyed, they would deal with the Wanyu Business Alliance. I didn’t expect this alliance to be disbanded now. Yes, although they lost a few sea clan god emperor monks, they are still very powerful among the three major forces.

The Loose Cultivator Alliance was originally composed of a group of Loose Cultivators. These Loose Cultivators like to fight with the wind. Once they encounter setbacks, they can run faster than anyone else, so their losses are not too big. Seeing that the four major sects have wiped out two Well, the remaining two major sects also evacuated one after another, and they were also preparing to withdraw as soon as possible. Now that they received a summons from the leader of the alliance, God Emperor Sheng Mao, they ignored him at all. The God Emperor left the Heaven Extermination Alliance.

The rest of the Danshen League and the Sea Clan Alliance saw the Sanxiu Alliance leave without saying goodbye. They all knew the virtues of the Sanxiu Alliance. Although they were a little annoyed, they did not send a message to God Emperor Dulan to let them come back.

God Emperor Sheng Mao and God Emperor Hurong, the leader of the Sea Clan Alliance, looked at each other with big eyes, and God Emperor Sheng Mao sighed and said, “If our alliance is disbanded like this, it will soon be disbanded by Xuantian. The academy is destroyed, is there any good way for Fellow Daoist Hu Rong to deal with Xuantian Academy’s actions?”

“The current god emperors of our two alliances add up to less than 20 people. Xuantian Academy will not be too easy to deal with our two alliances. I have no good way. I can only disperse and avoid their pursuit. Let’s fight again when we become stronger!” God Emperor Hurong has already thought about the retreat, and the Five Elements Universe will definitely not be able to stay, and now he wants to take his God Emperor to other universes, not only the Five Elements Universe has endless seas, but other universes also have seas They are now going to seek refuge with other Sea Clans, but he did not tell God Emperor Sheng Mao where he was going. It seems that after these Sea Clans transformed, their thinking was close to that of Human Clans, and they became cunning and changeable.

The Mietian Alliance quickly fell apart, and several major forces retreated. The Five Elements Universe was calm for a while, and entered a period of great cultivation of harmony and symbiosis.

Xuantian Academy soon got the news of the disbandment of the Tiantian Alliance, but now that these forces have just disbanded, they have stepped up their defenses, and Dean Qiao Tian did not send anyone to attack them. The current strength of Xuantian Academy does not allow any loss , Dean Qiao Tian is preparing to cultivate his life and rest, while recruiting disciples, he urges the disciples of the college to practice hard, and even increases the reward system to encourage the disciples to practice hard.

Since Gu Xiangfei returned from the expedition, he has been comprehending several supernatural powers. The relatives at home have a large supply of resources, and they all break through the realm one after another, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger.

“Boom!” Nine thigh-thick thunderbolt arcs fell and hit Gu Xiaoyu, tearing her clothes, revealing the acquired magic weapon Kunxu Armor that she was wearing inside. The breath of Thunder Tribulation Arc tempered his body.

Yan Yixue was protecting her from a distance. This daughter is a caring girl. Compared with her two sons, she has to care several times more. Seeing the thick thunder arc hitting Gu Xiaoyu, her eyes showed a trace of worry. , although she knew that Gu Xiaoyu was exercising her body with the help of the Thunder Tribulation Arc, but as a mother, she was unwilling to see her daughter self-torturing in this way.

“Boom!” The second wave of thigh-thick Thunder Tribulation Arc fell again, and Gu Xiaoyu frantically ran the Qianyuan Body Training Art, absorbing the Thunder Tribulation Arc to forge his body, kaka! There was a sound of reorganization of bone meridians in the body, and Gu Xiaoyu felt her physical body suddenly swell and become stronger, and the Qianyuan Exercise Art broke through to the eighth level of the God Realm.

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