: Heading to Kongdock City

Before Gu Xiangfei retreated, he first gave Gu Xiaoyu all the gods and gods in the worlds of God Emperor Lei Ling and the others, and gave Yan Yixue hundreds of high-grade gods and veins, and distributed them to his family members, and then entered The practice room began to retreat and practice hard.

Now that the Five Elements Universe has calmed down, Xuantian Academy has resumed recruiting disciples once every 100 years, and it is becoming more and more difficult for monks to pass the assessment.

A hundred years passed by in a hurry, and several monks in the Xuantian Academy broke through to the realm of God Emperor, and then recruited a group of disciples. The strength of the academy is getting stronger and stronger. Gu Xiangfei has been practicing in closed doors, and no one is there to bother him.Another hundred years later, Gu Xiangfei broke through to the peak of the late God Emperor, and was only one step away from entering the semi-holy realm. He stood up and performed a clear water formula, washed his body, changed his clothes, and left the cave.

“Husband, you are out of customs.” Yan Yixue just came back from the outside, and when she saw Gu Xiangfei coming out of the training room, she asked him happily.

“Well, I guess I’m leaving Xuantian Academy. Are you going to follow me, or stay in the academy?”

“I…let’s stay in the academy! There are many people from our family here, and the academy is very safe now. I will follow you for fear of affecting your path. After I break through to the peak of the late God Emperor, it will not be too late to find you. Maybe Husband has broken through to the Holy Realm at that time, and can protect us in the Holy Realm.”

“That’s fine, I’ll go first, after I break through to the Holy Realm, I’ll come back and take you with me, and get together with my family at night, and now I’m going to find Dean Qiao Tian.” Gu Xiangfei decorated with five-element flags at Xuantian Academy With a large defensive formation, he doesn’t worry about the bombardment of the strong in the holy realm. His family members are safe here, so he feels relieved.

“Dean, I’m out of customs. I’ve learned a lot from this training. Now I’m at the peak of the later stage. I’m going to Kongwu City to break through the holy realm. Do you have anything else to say?” Gu Xiangfei came to the room of Dean Qiao Tian. In the main hall, before Dean Qiao Tian asked him, he first told him his wish to go to Kongwu City.

“Haha… well, you can just rest assured. Now that there are a few more god emperors in the academy, no force in the Five Elements universe dares to covet our academy. It just so happens that Elder Tiansen also broke through to the peak of the late stage this time. You Go with him!” Dean Qiao Tian has just broken through to the late stage of the God Emperor, although he broke through the God Emperor realm earlier than Gu Xiangfei, but he has to deal with the affairs of the academy every day, and his practice is delayed, causing Elder Tiansen to surpass him Gu Xiangfei came from behind and reached the peak state of the late God Emperor.

“Father, you have to be careful outside, we are all here waiting for you to come back.”

“Feifei, the outside world is very dangerous, you have to protect yourself, don’t worry at home.”

“Husband, take care.”

Big Brother… Uncle…

Gu Xiangfei was very moved when he saw his family members telling him incessantly, as if he had returned to Gujia Village, the scene when he was going to school, but now there are many more people in the family than before.

He gave the Qiankun Ding to Gu Xiaoyu, the Braking Spear to Gu Yunhao, and all the acquired magic weapons on his body to Yan Yixue, and now he only carries the Divine Sword, the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and the golden-winged roc in the star bead bird.

The golden-winged roc absorbs the best spiritual energy in the star beads. It devours a large amount of divine fruit every day. It is now the peak of the ninth level of the divine beast. Only by going to the realm of the rules of heaven and earth can we break through to the realm of the holy beast.

It was a lingering night, and on the second day, Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue said goodbye. Elder Tiansen was already waiting for him outside the cave. Dean Qiao Tian and a dozen or so god emperor elders also came with him.

“Let’s go!” Elder Tiansen and Gu Xiangfei stepped onto the teleportation array and gave orders to the deacon who opened the teleportation array.

“Take care, both of you.” Dean Qiao Tian and a dozen elders of the God Emperor clasped their hands together and sent them off respectfully.

“President, please rest assured, brothers, we are waiting for your arrival in Kongwu City.” Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen clasped their fists in return.

A white light flashed, and the two disappeared in the teleportation array.

It takes hundreds of years to walk in the void from the Northern Divine Realm to Kongwu City. Naturally, Gu Xiangfei does not want to follow the route taken by the old dean. He plans to go to Kongwu City according to the route he took before. Many times faster.

“Brother Gu, how do we go?” The two left the teleportation array in Qingshan City in the northern God Realm. Elder Tiansen asked what Gu Xiangfei meant. The two had experienced many things together. This time, Gu Xiangfei went with him to Kongwu City. He was very relieved that everything was up to Gu Xiangfei, and he just had to follow along.

“Come with me! I think it’s much faster to take my route.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and called Elder Tiansen to go up. A gleam of light flashed and disappeared into the sky.

In less than ten days, the Heavenly Dao Wheel sailed into the Void City. The two of them did not delay here, and then flew to the Yubei God Realm of Mutian Universe.

From Void City to Yubei God Realm, it takes about ten years for a normal flight, but Gu Xiangfei has a heavenly wheel, and it took less than a year for the two of them to arrive at Daolin City in Yubei God Realm, where there is a link to Yimu God Realm. The world teleportation array, although one high-grade divine vein is required to teleport at a time, it is worthwhile to save many years of time.

“How many divine stones do you need for the two teleportation jade cards to Wangmu City?” Gu Xiangfei knew that the transmission from Wangmu City was a high-grade divine vein, but he was not sure what he wanted to go to Wangmu City.

“I don’t want the divine stone. Two people need a high-grade divine vein for each teleportation.” The monk who sold the jade tablet window of the teleportation array was shocked. There was a monk who wanted to sit in the teleportation array. This hadn’t happened in tens of thousands of years. It was only thousands of years ago that a monk teleported from Wangmu City. Today, two monks were going to Wangmu City. Although he was a little surprised, he still quoted the price.

When Gu Xiangfei heard that there was one less high-grade divine vein than when he was teleported, he immediately took out a ring and handed it to the monk at the window, “Here are two teleportation jade tokens from Wangmu City.”

The monk who sold the teleportation jade token took the ring. After scanning the ring with his spiritual sense, he confirmed that it was a top-grade divine vein, and quickly took out two jade tokens and handed them to Gu Xiangfei. This kind of monk who can casually take out the high-grade divine vein is not a big sect The disciple is a strong man in the realm of the god emperor, he dare not be careless, in case the twoA God Emperor cultivator was in a bad mood, and he might have slapped him to death, but there was no place to reason.

Gu Xiangfei took the teleportation jade token, handed one to Elder Tiansen, and said, “Let’s go! It will be much faster by taking the teleportation array.”

When they came to the teleportation array in the realm, the two inserted the jade token into the groove on the teleportation array. The teleportation array was instantly activated, a white light flashed, and the two disappeared on the teleportation array.

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