: Killing in Wangmu City

Realm teleportation takes a long time. Gu Xiangfei teleported here once. At that time, his cultivation was only at the state of God King. Now he is at the state of God Emperor. His cultivation has increased by two major realms. This time, he teleported again without a trace of dizziness. , Elder Tiansen is also the peak state of the late God Emperor, with a strong cultivation base suppression, and he did not feel dizzy.

With a sound of “Boom!”, the two of them appeared on the teleportation array in Wangmu City, and when they left the teleportation array, looking at the familiar place, Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered that he was chased and killed in the teleportation array. Grab him, now that he is here again, he will definitely not let him go.

He let go of his divine sense, and swept over in a rampage. The restrictions on some commercial buildings and rest houses were forcibly torn apart by his divine sense. It seems to be looking for someone, even though the ban has been torn off, I dare not jump out to find him for compensation and theory.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t find the cultivator of the god emperor realm in these commercial buildings and rest houses, so he swept towards the city lord’s mansion, easily tearing apart the defensive formation of the city lord’s mansion, and even directly swept into the main hall of the city lord’s mansion.

Xingyue, the director of Wangmu City, ever since he failed to catch the cultivator at the level of a god king and escaped in the teleportation formation, although he was a little unwilling, he did not go after him in the teleportation formation, because he knew that he would not be able to catch the monk in the teleportation formation. God King Realm monk, this God King Realm monk is so alert, he must have fled into the void long ago, chasing and killing a monk in the void, even if he is a god emperor, he can’t guarantee that he can find someone.

This matter passed quickly, Ren Xingyue was busy with other things, so she forgot about it, her younger brother Ren Xingyao didn’t come to Wangmu City to look for him afterwards, but sent him a message to go to other places, Ren Xingyao Xingyue told his younger brother about not finding a cultivator in the God King Realm, but Ren Xingyao didn’t say anything, and the matter was over.

Today, the city director Xingyue is dealing with the affairs of Wangmu City, a huge divine sense swept over, first tore open the defensive array of the city lord’s mansion, then swept across his body, staying on him for only two breaths .

Ren Xingyue was furious, even if the other party was a god emperor, he couldn’t treat him like this. After all, he was also a god emperor, and he was also the city lord of Wangmu City. flag, it is necessary to activate the trap and kill array in the city, trap and kill this extremely unreasonable god emperor.

Before he could activate the killing formation in the city, a powerful divine hand broke through the defensive formation of the city lord’s mansion, grabbed his neck and brought him to the teleportation formation.

Ren Xingyue, a cultivator in the realm of the god emperor, had no strength to resist at all. He was imprisoned by the opponent’s domain, grabbed his neck like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and couldn’t break free from the great hand of this god.

“Fellow daoist, what is the meaning of this? If Ren is rude, I am willing to compensate, and please let me go.” Ren Xingyue hurriedly begged for mercy.

“When I teleported here, you wanted to arrest me. Maybe it was the cultivator in the God Realm who sent you a message, wanting my acquired flying magic weapon. Who was that messaged you? Where is he? Don’t say I want to search I’m lost.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei’s words came out, Ren Xingyue immediately remembered that this was the God King Realm cultivator she wanted to catch, but she didn’t expect that it had only been so many years, and he was already strong enough to crush his cultivation at will.

“His name is Ren Xingyao, he is my younger brother, and I don’t know where he is now?” Ren Xingyue heard that he was going to search for the soul, and immediately told the name and origin of the cultivator in the Godly Realm back then. He only wanted Gu Xiangfei to let him go , any kind of compensation is fine.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to grab a drop of blood essence from between his brows, and typed a few complicated hand formulas with one hand, and then slapped the drop of blood essence into pieces, turning into thousands of blood rays and disappearing into the air.

“Ask to kill with a drop of blood? No! You can’t do this!” Ren Xingyue was shocked. He didn’t expect this god emperor monk to have such genocidal supernatural powers. This kind of supernatural power is destroyed, unless you are not in this universe, you can escape death.

“Boom! I don’t like leaving enemies behind.” Gu Xiangfei’s divine essence was activated, and Ren Xingyue was crushed and turned into a cloud of blood mist. He raised his hand to tear apart his world, and swept away the items in his world, Turn the fire into nothingness from his primordial spirit.

At the same time, the relatives of the city lord’s mansion who were related to the city director Xingyue exploded and died. Ren Xingyao, who was hundreds of millions of miles away, was slaughtering a monk family. This family had an acquired magic weapon, the fire dragon mirror, which Ren Xingyao wanted to keep for himself Yes, entering this family, it seems that the patriarch of this family is about to be wiped out. After getting the Fire Dragon Mirror, a huge breath of extinction suddenly erupted from his body. Ren Xingyao was taken aback, and quickly suppressed it with his divine essence, but this huge breath of extinction burst out. It was too strong, and he couldn’t suppress it at all. With a loud “Boom!”, Ren Xingyao turned into a cloud of blood mist, and even his soul was exploded.

“Thank you for your kindness, senior.” The patriarch of this family watched Ren Xingyao’s body suddenly exploded, turning into a cloud of blood mist and dissipating in the air, thinking that some senior could kill Ren Xingyao with a casual shot, and quickly Clasped fists in the air to salute.

“Brother Tiansen, let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei raised his leg and stepped out of Wangmu City. Elder Tiansen didn’t ask why Gu XiangfeiKilling the city lord, he didn’t bother to talk about these trivial matters. Since Gu Xiangfei wanted to make a move, there must be a reason for the move, and he also knew that Gu Xiangfei didn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately.

After leaving Wangmu City, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the wheel of heaven and galloped to the location of the void crack, which is only two hours away from the void crack.

There are many monks coming in and out of the cracks in the void. Gu Xiangfei drove the heavenly wheel to follow the monks who entered the void to search for resources. His heavenly wheel appeared and quickly attracted the greedy eyes of many monks. Although he didn’t know what kind of flying magic weapon it was , but it must have surpassed the ultimate artifact, and it may be an acquired flying magic weapon.

“Fellow Daoist, let’s form a team to go to the void!” Soon after, a cultivator at the Divine King Realm came over to strike up a conversation. He was talking, but his eyes were fixed on his Heavenly Dao Wheel, showing a hint of greed.

“Get lost!” Before Gu Xiangfei could speak, Elder Tiansen raised his hand and slapped the whole body of this cultivator in the Divine King Realm to pieces. This is because Elder Tiansen didn’t want to kill him, otherwise he would have been photographed as blood mist.

The cultivators here saw Elder Tiansen smashing a cultivator at the God King Realm casually. They didn’t know that this was a strong man. It is estimated that the lowest cultivation level was at the late stage of the God Venerable Realm. But why didn’t these two cultivators show their cultivation? , Is it fishing on purpose? Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? They all backed away in fright, and hurriedly let the road out of the way, letting them go first.

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