Arriving at Kongwu City

After entering the crack in the void, Gu Xiangfei used the route in his memory to stimulate the heavens to the extreme. Some small meteorites were smashed directly, and the large meteorites bypassed. He had false eyes to check the route ahead, and his speed was not much slower than outside. .

Flying in the void is boring. Fortunately, both of them are in the realm of god emperors, and the monks can endure loneliness. Elder Tiansen greeted Gu Xiangfei and entered the room to practice.

The Heavenly Dao Wheel is also extremely powerful in the void. It is indeed an innate treasure. After hitting the meteorite countless times, it has not been damaged at all. The innate treasure comes with a hundred and eight kinds of restrictions. Every time it hits a meteorite, these defensive formations The ribs will open in advance to block the impact of the meteorite.

Gu Xiangfei estimated that even if the Heavenly Dao Wheel hit a large meteorite, it would not be damaged at all, but he was reluctant to test it once. If it was damaged, he would have no place to repair it. He could not find the material of the Heavenly Dao Wheel, let alone the innate Treasures are all innate, and no monk can refine innate treasures.

Five months later, Gu Xiangfei discovered the boulder he occupied at the beginning, and there was a large defensive formation he had arranged on it. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there were no monks on this boulder. The monks may have already left here, or maybe this boulder has slid so far in the void, they don’t need to stay on this boulder and glide in the void with the boulder.

He didn’t stop there, and continued to drive the Tiandao Wheel to Kongwu City. It will take more than half a year to fly to Kongwu City.

At the beginning, he wandered in the void for an unknown number of years, wandering around without purpose. Now that he knows the route and has the innate flying treasure of the Heavenly Dao Wheel, it is many times faster than before.

It took almost a year for the Heavenly Dao Wheel to fly before Gu Xiangfei’s illusory eyes saw the outline of Kongwu City, and he was overjoyed.

It took him more than two years to reach Kongwu City after flying from the Northern God Realm to the present. Thanks to them taking the teleportation array, they saved a lot of time. He still has the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and some small meteorites do not need to be bypassed. If it were replaced by other flying magic weapons, it would take a teleportation array, and it is estimated that it will not be able to reach Kongwu City in decades.

“Brother Tiansen, we are almost at Kongwu City, come out quickly!” Gu Xiangfei looked at Kongwu City, which was getting closer and closer, and quickly used his spiritual sense to send a sound transmission to Elder Tiansen.

“Are here so soon? Then maybe we will arrive earlier than Kanli. Although they have traveled for more than two hundred years, our speed is much faster than theirs.” Elder Tiansen looked expectantly. In the distant Kongwu City, looking forward to the surprised expression on Emperor Kanli Shenzhen’s face after seeing them, it must be very rich.

Within a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei came to the gate of Kongwu City, raised his hand to put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel and Elder Tiansen floated down.

The four guards at the gate of the city were about to ask questions, but they were shocked when they saw the purple clothes on their bodies. They quickly bowed and saluted, “Please come in, seniors.”

Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen nodded, and raised their legs to enter Kongwu City. After scanning with their spiritual sense, they quickly found Xuantianzong’s residence.

Seeing them entering, the four guarding monks began to discuss, “This Xuantian sect is so powerful, and all the people who came here are god emperors with late stage cultivation. Looking at their flying magic weapon, it must be the acquired flying magic weapon. Its speed is faster than that of the gods. It’s a little faster, I just found their spaceship, they arrived at the gate of the city, and now they have six god emperors.”

“The Xuantian Emperor, the suzerain of the Xuantian Sect, wiped out the Pang clan by himself. The Pang clan had six god emperors who were at their peak in the late stage, but he was beheaded in half a day.”

“We told the other guard disciples that once they find a cultivator wearing purple clothing, they must not be rude, otherwise the city lord will not be able to bear the consequences.”

These guard disciples are all sent by the city lord’s mansion. To enter Kongwu City, you need to collect 10,000 god stones, which is not too much in the void. No matter how many god stones you collect, you are willing to take them out.

Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen came to the outside of Xuantianzong’s defensive formation and slammed the prohibition of the formation. Soon a divine sense swept over, and then the defensive formation was opened, and a voice came from inside.A voice with a trace of surprise said, “It turns out that Elder Gu and Elder Tiansen have arrived, come in quickly!”

“I’ve met the old dean, and I’ve seen the three elders.” Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen came to the main hall of the sect where the plaque was hung. Seeing the old dean and the three god emperor elders here, they quickly clasped their fists and saluted.

“Forget it! You don’t have so many etiquettes here. Elder Gu and Elder Tiansen’s cultivation base is not slow to improve. It is really gratifying to be able to rise to the peak of the late God Emperor in just a few hundred years. How’s it going?” The old dean waved his hand, motioning for them to excuse himself, and asked about the academy, it seemed that he still had some concerns about the academy.

“The college is very good now. There are more than 40 god emperor elders, and now there are less than 100 god emperors in the five elements universe. Our college is standing at the top of the five elements universe. The alliance and sect that attacked the college before have been defeated by me. Leading the team to destroy five, and the remaining two alliances…” Gu Xiangfei told the old dean everything that happened in Xuantian Academy recently.

“Okay! That’s how it should be done. Dean Qiao Tian has done a good job. He is tougher than Elder Tiansen. Elder Gu is a model for the academy.” The old dean didn’t care about Elder Tiansen at the side and listened. Yes, yes. , If you are wrong, you have to admit that his character is so strong.

“Elders Kanli, Elder Nie, and Elder Kuangzhan also came to Kongwu City, but their route was different from ours. Although they traveled more than two hundred years in advance, we would not have used it if we hadn’t arrived first. It took three years to reach Kongwu City.” Elder Tiansen didn’t see the three of them, Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Emperor Nie Dan, and began to brag.

“Oh! What route are you taking? Is there a faster shortcut?” The old dean asked Elder Tiansen in surprise when he heard that their route was so fast.

“Brother Gu brought me here in a teleportation array. We came from…” Elder Tiansen excitedly told the old dean this route.

“I was hunted down by the God Emperor of the Brahma Universe back then, and after wandering in the void…” Gu Xiangfei saw the old dean looking at him, and told him what happened before he asked.

“It turned out to be like this! I blamed me for leaving too hastily. I should have asked Elder Gu, so I wouldn’t have wasted so much time.” After hearing what Gu Xiangfei said, the old dean regretted that he acted too hastily, but Now that he has arrived here with three elders, it is too late to say anything.

“This route is very expensive, and there may be some crises in the void. Although the speed is much faster, it may be smashed by the void when encountering a crisis. It is not as safe as the old dean’s route. If it is not urgent, I would suggest that it is best not to go this route.”

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