Xuantianzong Protectorate

Kongwu City has undergone some slight changes since the old dean came here. The original Pang clan’s property was divided up by the city director Huai God Emperor and Haoyu God Emperor. Void resources, their strength has been greatly improved, but they all abide by a rule not to provoke Xuantianzong.

So when Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen came to Kongwu City, the guards knew they were monks of Xuantianzong when they saw their costumes, so naturally they would not charge them to enter the city, and the entire Kongwu City only had Xuantianzong’s costumes is purple.

The Pang clan has a very large territory. Gu Xiangfei and Elder Tiansen each chose a cave. Gu Xiangfei saw that there are some flaws in the defensive formation and various protective formations here. There may be semi-sacred strong people here, or maybe There will be strong people in the holy realm. After all, this place is in the void, and anything can happen. Such a protective formation can easily be blasted away by the semi-sacred realm.

After his spiritual sense swept across the entire Pang clan’s residence, Gu Xiangfei became more and more dissatisfied with the protective formations here. The old dean and the three elders were not very proficient in fighting, so naturally they would not manage these protective formations. Now he Come here, you must first set up the protective array here, not only to block the attacks of the strong in the holy realm, but also to be able to block the semi-holy realm.

“Old dean, I checked the guard here and found that there are many shortcomings. I want to rearrange the guard here, but I don’t have acquired magic weapon now.” Gu Xiangfei went to the old dean to explain his purpose.

“Elder Gu said exactly, originally I wanted to wait for you to choose the cave, and then let you rearrange the guard formation here, since you proposed it, let’s arrange it! This ring contains what you need Hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, the old dean of course agreed wholeheartedly. Gu Xiangfei’s formation has reached the peak of level nine, and he is only one step away from becoming a holy formation master. It is natural for him to arrange the formation protection.

Gu Xiangfei took the ring, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he was overjoyed. He found that there were more than a dozen acquired magic weapons in the ring, as well as some top-level void materials, all of which were the best materials for arranging formations and refining weapons.

After having these materials, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed Xinghe to refine the array flags, and then carved the array patterns. One by one, the array flags were refined, and the array patterns were carved, and he threw them aside and piled them up.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei began to set up the protective formation. As the formation flags were driven into the ground one by one, forming formation foundations, the entire Xuantianzong’s protective formation slowly took shape.

The territory of Xuantianzong is the largest among the three forces in Kongwu City, occupying more than one-third of the entire Kongwu City, which shows how powerful the Pang clan was at the time.

Ten days later, Xuantianzong’s protective formation was completed. The four directions of the protective formation all used the acquired magic weapon as the foundation, and the center of the formation also used an acquired magic weapon. Delayed counterattack array, and it is also a counterattack array with five acquired magic weapons in turn.

After the defensive formation is completed, GuXiangfei also arranged two defensive formations inside, and each defensive formation echoed the other two defensive formations, forming a series of defensive counterattack formations.

After finishing the layout of the defensive formation outside, Gu Xiangfei arranged the various formations inside the sect again, such as the air-forbidden formation, the trapping formation, the gathering spirit formation, and all kinds of prohibitions. for more than five months.

“Old dean, the guard array has been fully arranged. This is a jade card for entering and leaving the sect. There will be no jade cards in the future, and no one can enter and leave the sect at will.” Gu Xiangfei took out a hundred jade cards and handed them to the old dean.

The old dean took the jade medal and first gave one to each of the three elders and Elder Tiansen. Now there are only six of them in the sect. It is estimated that this is the sect with the smallest number of people in the entire universe.

“Elder Gu has worked hard. With the big formation arranged by Elder Gu, everyone can practice here with peace of mind.” After the old dean distributed the jade cards, although they couldn’t help, they all saw Gu Xiangfei’s arrangement All kinds of formations, and several formations were arranged in a row. When the defensive formation was opened, they could all feel a sense of peace, without the inner uneasiness they had before.

“This is what I should do. The sect has a large defensive formation, and there is no need to worry about being bombarded by semi-sacred monks. This is a void, and there are many unpredictable things happening. It is better to be careful.” Gu Xiangfei said, the old courtyard They all nodded and said yes, Kongwu City is in the middle of the void of the five universes, and many things they don’t know may happen. Void beasts may attack Kongwu City, and fog monsters may suddenly attack here, especially fog. Warcraft, that is the Void God monster that is hard to guard against.

After Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, he raised his hand and pulled out a top-grade divine vein, and then released the golden-winged roc, “Brother Fei, what place is this? Why does it feel like you’re not in the academy anymore?”

As soon as the golden-winged roc came out of the star bead, it felt that the aura here was different, which was very different from the aura in Xuantian Academy, and the regular aura here was obviously more than that of the Five Elements Universe. This feeling is inherently stronger than other races.

“This is Kongwu City. Even if you break through to the realm of holy beasts here, you will not be attacked by the strong in the holy realm. The rules of heaven and earth here cover up the detection of the strong in the holy realm. You can practice with peace of mind.” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help it. I don’t admire the great talent of the golden-winged roc. As soon as he came out of the star bead, he could feel that the atmosphere of the rules here is different.

“That’s great. I’ll go out and have a look at the territory here first.” The golden-winged roc didn’t wait for Gu Xiangfei to stop it after speaking, spread its wings, shook slightly, and disappeared in front of Gu Xiangfei.

“Hey! Wait…” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect the golden-winged roc to be so impatient, and he left as soon as he said it. There are several protective formations here, and he was careful to be trapped by the protective formations. He quickly checked it with his spiritual sense, and was stunned That’s right, the golden-winged roc ignored his protective formations at all, and went directly through the protective formations to the outside of Xuantianzong.

Gu Xiangfei found that when the golden-winged roc passed through the protective formation, it didn’t even cause a flicker in the formation pattern of the defensive formation, and the warning formation did not send out an alarm signal. flew away.

“What a powerful talent.” Gu Xiangfei said to himself.

As soon as the golden-winged roc appeared in Kongwu City, it frightened the monks here. Why did this kind of ninth-level peak beast appear here? This is stronger than the peak of the late god emperor. To deal with this kind of beast, there is no It is really difficult to deal with it if three or five cultivators at the peak stage of the later stage of the god emperor attack at the same time.

Once it wants to slaughter the monks of Kongwu City, it is estimated that the entire Kongwu City will be destroyed by it soon. Soon Emperor Renhuai and God Emperor Haoyu got a report that a ninth-level peak beast appeared in Kongwu City, and the two People hurriedly came out to check. After the golden-winged roc made a circle around Kongwu City, it went straight into Xuantianzong and disappeared.

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