Obtaining the Holy Light

Ever since a ninth-level peak beast appeared in Kongwu City, the monks here all knew that it was the animal pet of the Xuantianzong God Emperor. Both God Emperor Haoyu and Haoyu were shocked, and the two hurriedly ordered to make friends with Xuantianzong and give Xuantianzong more respect. Fortunately, Xuantianzong had no intention of interfering in all affairs of Kongwu City, which made them even more feel at ease.

Today, the guard disciples of Kongwu City were shocked when they saw three more god emperors wearing the purple costumes of Xuantianzong coming to the gate of Kongwu City. They bowed quickly and invited them to enter Kongwu City.

After the three god emperors entered Kongwu City, the guard disciples hurriedly reported to the city lord that Xuantianzong had three more god emperors who were at their peak in the later stage.

God Emperor Ren Huai now regards Xuantianzong as the patron saint of Kongwu City. Hearing that Xuantianzong has three more late-stage peak god emperors, he is even more delighted. The more god emperors from Xuantianzong, the better Anyway, he is not worried that Xuantianzong will rob them of their resources. If they want to rob Kongwu City’s resources, the Xuantian God Emperor can destroy them by himself, and he will not wait until now.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen, Emperor Nie Dan, and Elder Kuangzhan walked in the void for less than three hundred years, and finally came to Kongwu City. They were very excited when they saw the sect with the three characters of Xuantianzong hanging on it. , is even more excited.

“Brother Kanli, Brother Nie, Elder Kuangzhan, you are finally here, please come in!” Gu Xiangfei opened the sect’s protective array to welcome them.

“Brother Gu, why is it you… When did you come here?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Emperor Nie Dan were shocked when they saw Gu Xiangfei come out of the sect’s protective formation.

“Haha… Old KanliSon, Brother Nie, Brother Kuangzhan, you can’t think of it! Brother Gu and I have been here for several years. “Elder Tiansen laughed and also came out of the sect’s protective formation.

Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and the others were even more shocked when they saw Elder Tiansen. Why did Elder Tiansen also come to Kongwu City?

“Quickly tell me what happened? How did you end up here?” Emperor Kanli Shenzhen and Elder Tiansen were old partners, and they grabbed his arm and asked.

“That’s what happened, my brother and I…” Elder Tiansen was grabbed by Emperor Kanli’s arm, and seeing Emperor Nie Dan and Elder Kuangzhan staring at him, he quickly told them what happened .

After listening to Elder Tiansen’s words, the three of Emperor Kanli Shenzhen were all amazed. They must know that there is a route of teleportation formation, and they will definitely take this route. Even if there are difficulties and obstacles, they must take this shortcut route.

But after thinking about it, I realized that Gu Xiangfei didn’t want them to take risks for the sake of their safety. After all, they didn’t have the heavenly wheel, the innate flying magic weapon of Gu Xiangfei, and unpredictable crises might appear in the void.

Xuantianzong now has nine monks who are at the peak of the later stage of the god emperor, and a ninth-level peak beast, and their strength is even more powerful. Fortunately, these people of Xuantianzong rarely appear in Kongwu City, and they are resident in the city. Although all the monks in the city know about this sect, they have basically never seen them, and Xuantianzong is becoming more and more mysterious in the eyes of these monks.

The Xuantian Sect has set up a spirit-gathering formation, and the pure spiritual energy emanating from the top-grade divine veins is so thick that it is about to turn into rain and mist. Gu Xiangfei has also arranged a binding formation, and the rich spiritual energy in the sect has not leaked out.

The old dean was already in the semi-sacred realm, but now that he has the spiritual energy provided by the top-grade divine veins, his cultivation has improved rapidly. Practicing in such an environment, Gu Xiangfei and several other elders of the god emperor are also close to him. Semi-holy state.

In a secret room of a cave mansion, the dense spiritual energy forms a spiritual energy vortex. In the middle of the tumbling vortex, Gu Xiangfei, who is sitting cross-legged, is running regular exercises, absorbing the spiritual energy and refining it into a divine essence, impacting higher-level obstacle avoidance.

As more and more spiritual energy is absorbed, the refined spirit has slowly accumulated to a peak, like a closed water tank that keeps filling water into it. Now the water in the water tank has begun to be full. There was no room for water, but the water was still pouring in, and the water tank began to expand slowly. With a sound of “boom!”, the water tank finally expanded to the extreme and burst.

Gu Xiangfei felt that the divine essence in his body exploded suddenly, and the obstacle avoidance was washed away. One after another, higher rules fell from the void, directly passed through the protective formation and landed on him, and then a huge suction force rolled him up, from the cave. Into the void and disappear.

The old headmaster of Xuantianzong, including all the elders of the god emperor, flew over and looked at Gu Xiangfei’s broken cave. There are still many powerful auras of higher rules remaining here.

“Brother Gu has entered the Holy Realm?” Emperor Kanli asked the god emperor elders next to him suspiciously, but no one answered him. They were all sitting cross-legged on the ground, comprehending the various rules remaining here.

Seeing that they were comprehending the high-order aura here, Emperor Kanli was startled, and quickly sat cross-legged on the ground to capture the remnants of the regular aura here.

The moment Gu Xiangfei broke through the holy realm, countless rules of heaven and earth fell on him, and he suddenly understood the cultivation system of the holy realm. The holy realm is divided into nine ranks, from rank one saint to rank nine saint, and rank nine saint Cultivate to the extreme, and then prove the Tao to become a good fortune saint, and a good fortune saint is called an immortal saint.

He only belongs to the first-rank saint now, and there are still nine realms away from the good luck saint. The suction force formed by the powerful laws of heaven and earth brought him out of the void, passed through countless plane boundaries, and entered a plane with higher rules.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt a crisis. He practiced regular exercises, and he was several times more sensitive to crises than anyone else. This huge suction force just wanted to bring him into a cage and imprison him. He felt that once he Once you enter this cage, your own destiny will be controlled by others.

Destiny should be in your own hands, how can you let others control your own destiny? He was about to enter the prison, so he raised his hand in a hurry and blasted out a few streaks of the divine channel rhyme of the large cutting technique, cutting off several strands of this huge suction force in an instant. The huge suction suddenly became a little weaker, and he took the opportunity to blast out another large space magic channel rhyme, opening a space in the middle of this huge suction, and escaped from this space, and before leaving, he followed This suction blasted out a divine channel rhyme of the great destruction technique, hoping to destroy the cage.

“Holy Lord, someone from the lower realm has broken through to the holy realm again, and has been trapped by the holy light, and is about to be brought to the trapped holy ruins.” In a majestic hall, the purer and richer vitality than the top-grade divine veins filled the entire hall, Sitting is a strong man in the holy realm with a huge aura, and there is a monk who looks like a deacon below him. The aura exuding from his body is several realms higher than that of the god emperor. He is bowing to him and reporting the discovery of the lower realm.

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