Leaving Jidaofang City

When he came to this commercial building again, it was still the female nun’s counter. He was looking for acquaintances to avoid exposing himself.

“Fellow Daoist, you need… Hey! It’s you!” Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming again, the female cultivator immediately showed a pleasant expression. Obviously, she brought Gu Xiangfei to sell the rule stone last time and got a reward.

“Take me to see the deacon from last time. I have something to sell to your Shanglou.” Gu Xiangfei smiled. This female nun can still recognize him after a year, obviously she was rewarded by the Shanglou.

“Okay, fellow daoist, please follow me.” The female cultivator hurried out of the counter happily, took him to the deacon’s room on the second floor, and knocked the door lock.

In just a short while, the door opened and the deacon’s face was revealed, “Deacon Yun, this fellow Taoist is looking for you.” The female cultivator hurriedly introduced Gu Xiangfei.

“Fellow daoist, please come in, go get busy!” Deacon Yun smiled immediately when he saw Gu Xiangfei, and invited him into the room. The nun turned and went downstairs with a happy face. The Shanglou will definitely reward herself.

“I still have rule stones to sell, and I want to exchange some cultivation resources.” After Gu Xiangfei entered the room, he didn’t talk nonsense. He just made a deal with this Deacon Yun, and he was not familiar with it. He took out two watermelon-sized rules Shi, put it on the table, waiting for Deacon Yun to bid.

“Such a big rule stone?” Deacon Yun cried out in surprise when he saw the watermelon-sized rule stone, and then he was overjoyed. If he could receive these two rule stones, he would definitely get a lot of rewards. Thinking of following Gu Xiangfei to snatch his rule stone, after all, some people are greedy, and some people are doing legitimate business, and Deacon Yun is a deacon monk doing legitimate business, so he has no other thoughts.

“Five million crystal stones, plus ten Dao fruits of various attributes.” Deacon Yun immediately quoted a price.

“I don’t need those dao fruits, do you have a jade slip introduced by the array here, give me one, and I want the thunder attribute dao fruit and the space attribute dao fruit, or other age dao fruits, reincarnation dao fruits are all fine. “Gu Xiangfei is not interested in those attribute Dao fruits, he needs to feelThese Dao fruits of enlightenment.

“We don’t have these dao fruits here, maybe we can only have these dao fruits at the headquarters, but it takes too long to transmit them from the headquarters, I’m afraid fellow daoists won’t be able to wait, so I can decide to give them to fellow daoists after introducing the jade slips. “At the words of Deacon Yun, Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered that this is a square city, and it is not bad to have a thunder-type Dao fruit, and there are those Dao fruits he needs.

“Okay! If there is no Dao fruit, give it to the spar! How many spars do you want? If it is suitable, I will sell it to you.” Since there is no Dao fruit here, Gu Xiangfei didn’t force it.

“Ten million crystals.”

“make a deal!”

“Fellow Taoist, walk slowly.”

Gu Xiangfei was sent away from the commercial building by Deacon Yun with a smile on his face.

After leaving Jidaofang City, Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to check his body, but there was no mark left. He was not at ease, so he checked it several times with false eyes to confirm that he was not marked by Deacon Yun, so he was relieved a lot. I also have some good feelings for Deacon Yun. After all, there are very few monks who can not stop thinking about the rule stone the size of a watermelon.

Sacrifice a top-grade artifact spaceship, and gallop away in one direction.

The territory of the Holy Realm is too large. Any realm is several times larger than the Five Elements Universe. The time required to go from one realm to another is calculated in years.

There are very few teleportation arrays in the holy world. This kind of ultra-long-distance teleportation requires an astronomical number of materials, and ultra-long-distance teleportation is easy to encounter various space rules. There are many crises, so many The monk would rather drive the spaceship to walk, and would not choose to sit in the teleportation array.

Besides, the teleportation fee is not a small expense. Not every monk is rich enough to spend a lot of money on the teleportation fee, so large spaceships will be used to travel between each realm, although the time is much slower, But safety is the most important thing.

After flying for five days in the super-artifact spaceship, Gu Xiangfei came to a mountain peak. There are all kinds of peaks for millions of miles. He chose a mountain near the outside. Monster beasts, now that he has just changed to the cultivation level of a saint, he can’t resist the random appearance of a few holy monsters.

I chose a location, dug out a cave, then set up a defensive formation, an isolation formation, and a void strangle formation, took out the spar and set up a spirit gathering formation, sat cross-legged on the futon, took out The jade box, hold the thunder-attribute Dao fruit in your hand, feel the thunder-attribute aura, and practice the supernatural power of the great thunder technique.

He used the Thunder Lingzhu to understand the supernatural power of the Great Thunder Technique before, but he was in the fairy world at that time, and the rules of heaven and earth there naturally cannot be compared with the rules of heaven and earth in the holy world. , was absorbed by him to practice the Great Thunder Art. His Great Thunder Art was already close to the peak of Xiaocheng. Now that he has the Thunder Element Dao Fruit for him to comprehend, his Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Thunder Art is constantly rising. He did not realize it before. Dao Yun’s Dao Yun is now slowly being completed.

Deacon Yun was overjoyed when he saw the surprise expression on his boss’s face, but then the request made by his boss made him very uncomfortable.

“Take me to see the monitoring formation.” The four-turn saint who came from the realm suddenly made this request, and Deacon Yun immediately understood what he was thinking. He wanted to snatch the monk’s rule stone. I am ashamed of such behavior, but who makes someone a boss? If he doesn’t follow suit, he may be slapped to death.

After seeing the monitoring array that sold the rule stones twice, the fourth-rank sage closed his eyes and meditated in silence.

This monk didn’t change his appearance or wear a mask. Even though it was on the monitoring display screen, the fourth-turn saint could tell whether the monk had changed his appearance and wore a mask. This was the true face of the monk, and he was still a Turning to a saint, where did he get these rule stones?

The rule stone contains many kinds of rule breaths, and these rule breaths are all left after the fall of the saint. Although the rules are somewhat mottled, as long as you can understand one of the rule breaths, you can use this rule breath to prove the way and break through the realm, so the rule stone It is very rare in the holy world, which is equivalent to the elixir that breaks through the barrier, but it is much rarer than the elixir.

This commercial building belongs to a third-rate force in the holy world, and has many branches under its jurisdiction. Except for some remote areas or areas with many crises, there are no branches. Almost every big city and every big square city has their branches. set up.

The third-rate forces do not sound like they are of a very high level, but in the entire territory of the holy world, even the third-rate forces are not a small force.

This commercial building is called Gale Tower. The owner, Gale Saint, is a seventh-rank saint. Every rank seven saint lowered his title.

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