Proving Dao with the Thunderbolt Technique

Gu Xiangfei felt that his hands were empty, and the lightning-type Dao fruit had turned into nothingness. The regular aura contained in the thunder-type Dao fruit had been completely absorbed into his body. A huge thunder system rule filled the entire cave, boom! With a bang, the cave was smashed to pieces by the huge thunder system’s regular breath.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the scattered mountains and rocks, and continued to use his exercises to absorb the vitality emitted by the spar. His Saint Realm quickly stabilized in one turn, and the supernatural power of the Great Thunder Technique entered the Dacheng Realm. The Great Thunder Art practiced in the Immortal Realm has become more than hundreds of times more powerful. The first conversion in the Holy Land is the Great Thunder Art.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei stabilizedAfter a few breaths, he came to a mountain peak, dug out a cave, arranged various defensive formations, entered the cave, and sat cross-legged. Next, take out the array to introduce the jade slip, and check it with your spiritual sense.


The fourth-turn saint in Haifeng Building, after leaving the commercial building, did not find Gu Xiangfei in the whole Jidaofang City, and left Jidaofang City in a flash. Seeing that he did not find Gu Xiangfei, Deacon Yun was also relieved, he was unwilling to do this Once this kind of thing is contaminated with karma, traces will appear in his Dao heart, which will form a big barrier for him to break through the realm in the future. Now that he knows that Gu Xiangfei has left here, he secretly thinks that he is lucky.

The fourth-rank saint in the Gale Tower is named Luan Heng, and he is a fourth-rank saint who was born in the protoss. He wants to get the rule stone most now to prove the fifth-rank saint. As for karma, he doesn’t care about it, only human monks will value it Karma, their protoss never value these things, as long as they can break through the realm, they will do anything.

After Saint Luanheng left Jidaofang City, he immediately checked it with his spiritual sense for hundreds of millions of miles around the entire city. After seeing the monitoring formation, he knew that it had only been five days since Gu Xiangfei had left. Cultivation, under the powerful rules of heaven and earth in the holy world, it is impossible to escape within 80 million to 90 million miles at most, and it is impossible to go beyond hundreds of millions of miles.

After scanning hundreds of millions of miles around, Saint Luan Heng didn’t find Gu Xiangfei’s aura, and checked again in four directions after fleeing hundreds of millions of miles, but he still couldn’t find Gu Xiangfei’s trace. He couldn’t help being extremely disappointed in his heart. The opportunity is not enough, the rule stone has no chance for him, so he has to leave here very depressed.

How did he know that Gu Xiangfei had assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here, flying here is as easy as a fish entering the sea, not to mention that he can’t escape hundreds of millions of miles in five days, and he can escape hundreds of millions of miles in one day, let alone already After walking for five days, I don’t know how many hundreds of millions of miles away.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in the formation path jade slips, the formation path in the holy world has many more rules of heaven and earth, these rules are thicker and more complex and changeable, but fortunately he has assimilated the rules of heaven and earth here, backed by regular exercises, He only needs to integrate these rules into the formation pattern, and his formation way will be promoted to the holy formation master. Everything is difficult at the beginning. reduction.

Ten years later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, raised his hand to call out Xinghe, took out a few pieces of top-grade ore, refined the array flag, and then carved the array pattern on the array flag, boom! With a bang, the formation flag could not withstand the rules of heaven and earth here and exploded.

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized that refining the array flags in the holy world also needs to integrate into the regular atmosphere of the holy world, and refining the holy artifacts can only depict the array patterns.

Once again, he took out two pieces of top-level ore, and began to refine the array flag, melt liquid, purify, throw away slag, fuse, inject spirits, and continuously type complicated hand formulas with both hands, integrating the rules of the holy world into it. Just entering the holy world, Unaccustomed to the rules of heaven and earth here, he frantically refined a formation flag.

After merging into the regular atmosphere of the holy world this time, he successfully refined a formation flag, and then continued to refine the second and third formation flags. As he became more and more familiar with the various heaven and earth rules of the holy world, The speed of refining the array flags is getting faster and faster, and the formation method has not improved. With the continuous refining of the array flags, his refining method has been promoted to the first-level holy weapon master, which is considered unintentional.

Another ten years later, Gu Xiangfei looked at the tens of thousands of array flags piled up, and began to draw array patterns on the array flags. First, he drew a set of simple spirit-gathering array patterns. There are nine array flags in total. , After the characterization was completed, Gu Xiangfei waved his hands away, and a holy-level spirit-gathering array instantly wrapped him up, and soon the vitality of the world around the cave gathered here.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, the first-level holy array was finally set up successfully, and twenty years had passed, but he knew that since he could break through to the first-level holy array master, his formation skills would soon be improved.

In the days that followed, he continued to draw various patterns of formations, trapping and killing formations, strangling formations, isolation formations, air banning formations, and various restrictions. Array attainment is also constantly improving.

When he raised his hand to grab the formation flag again, he caught nothing, only to find that the formation flag was gone. Gu Xiangfei came to his senses. Looking at the fourth-level strangulation formation flag in front of him, he realized that he was now a fourth-level holy formation teacher.

After the formation flag was gone, Gu Xiangfei did not leave the cave. He took out the remaining millions of crystals, leaving one hundred thousand crystals for backup, and scattered the rest in the cave. He was going to deduce the void pattern. He felt that the void Array patterns are more convenient to arrange than array flags, and void array patterns can make people hard to guard against, it is a good helper suitable for sneak attacking Yin people.

One after another void pattern was carved by him, and there were still traces to follow at the beginning. The reason why the void pattern can be dark is that the void pattern is carved in the void, so that monks cannot see a trace of space fluctuations, and the formation For the patterns to be completely integrated into the void, it is necessary to communicate with the spiritual consciousness to activate the formation patterns, trap or strangle monks and monsters.

His rules and exercises were in operation, and while he deduced the flaws in the void pattern, he practiced to improve his cultivation.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the cave formed a vortex, constantly tumbling around Gu Xiangfei, his cultivation gradually improved, and the void pattern he drew, from traceable to the last silent, completely integrated into the void Among them, there is no longer a trace of spatial fluctuations.

Cultivation has no years, and retreat has no age. In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and the incomparably rich vitality in the cave gradually dried up, until one day the spar, boom! It turned into powder with a sound, and there was no trace of vitality anymore. Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes only after he couldn’t feel the vitality.

After carefully comprehending the void formation pattern, I found that I can already describe the fourth-level void strangling formation, the fourth-level trapped killing formation, the fourth-level forbidden space formation pattern and the fourth-level…

Let’s feel my cultivation again. I’m already at the peak of a mid-stage saint, and with some crystals, I can enter the late stage of a saint.

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