The Realm Ring of the Holy Realm

Gu Xiangfei stood up, performed a clear water formula to wash his body, then changed into a set of clothes, burned the original clothes to ashes, and then lifted his legs out of the cave.

After a hundred years, the vines and weeds outside have covered the surroundings of the cave. Looking at these vines and weeds, Gu Xiangfei knew that it must have been a long time.

One step out of the cave, into the air, the figure flashed again and was already sitting on the spaceship, galloping forward.

Only now does he have time to appreciate the scenery of the holy world, the vast universe, the vast expanse, a single mountain peak is tens of millions of feet high, the river hangs in the void, and fish jump out of the water from time to time in the river, not a single drop of water Or the scattered fish may have something to do with the rules of heaven and earth here, and these are wonders that cannot be seen in the God Realm.

“Fellow Daoist just came to the Holy Realm?” Gu Xiangfei was fascinated by these wonders, but he didn’t realize that there was a monk who was no more than a thousand feet away from him. If the monk wanted to sneak attack him, he would definitely not be able to hide, so he couldn’t help being startled, but he turned around Look, I found that there are two seven-color halos behind this monk, which are constantly surrounding the back of his head with his breath. What kind of halos are these?

“I’ve been in the Holy Realm for a long time, but I just thought of something for a while, so I was distracted. Why did Fellow Daoist say that?” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself that I have been in the Holy Realm for more than two hundred years! It’s just that I didn’t take a serious look at the scenery here. Why did this monk ask me that I just came to the holy world?

“Haha, fellow daoist, you are obviously lying. If you have been in the holy world for a long time, why is it still in the realm of the god emperor? There is no realm ring behind it?” Gu Xiangfei was taken aback by what the monk said. Could it be that the halo behind him distinguishes realms? ? How could I not have it?

“Fellow Daoist, you don’t have to feel inferior. When you have a good exercise, just replace the current exercise.” The monk asked another question that left Gu Xiangfei at a loss. Is this so lacking in halo yet connected with low self-esteem?

“I’ve really been in the holy world for a long time. Why do fellow Taoists say that?” Gu Xiangfei didn’t know why, so he naturally wanted to know the reason, so he insisted on what he said earlier, and waited for the monk to explain it to him.

“Seeing that you are a god emperor who has just entered the holy world, I am too lazy to kill you, so as not to increase my karma, let’s take this jade slip and have a look!” The monk heard what Gu Xiangfei said before he died without repentance. With an unwavering look, he threw him a jade slip, turned around and drove the spaceship, and disappeared in an instant.

After Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip, he checked it with his spiritual sense. It turns out that after a monk breaks through to a rank one saint, a seven-color halo will appear behind his head, two halos are for a rank two saint, and three halos are for a rank three saint. The higher the level, the more halos at the back of the head, and as the realm improves, the halos will become more solid.

The god emperor does not have a halo, so the monk thinks that he just came to the holy world, or the rubbish of the cultivation method will not appear in the halo, or it is the practice of opening the sky. The rules of the holy world are not suitable for this kind of open heaven The law is powerless, just like they are all middle-aged people, one is strong and the other is weak. The rules of the holy world are the weak middle-aged people, so naturally there is nothing they can do to the strong middle-aged people.

Many cities and squares in the holy world have formations that cover the aura. No matter what monk enters the city or the square, the halo behind his head will be covered, so that no one knows who is what cultivation level, and they are afraid of each other. Will attack at will, but some monks with advanced cultivation bases, or monks with unique talents, can tell a monk’s cultivation base at a glance. The four-turn saint in the Gale Tower has such a talent, which is unique to the Protoss The talent of the Celestial Eye, but this fourth-rank sage still can’t see the supernatural power of the Great Transformation Technique, because the supernatural power of the Great Transformation Technique is stronger than his talent.

After reading these introductions, Gu Xiangfei thought about it, and immediately analyzed the stakes. It is impossible for him to appear in the holy world as a god emperor. No one would pursue such a trivial matter, and the lower the cultivation level, the easier it would be to be suppressed.

Thinking of the operation of his regular exercises here, two halos soon appeared behind him. After thinking for a while, he added another halo. These realm halos can be as many or as many as he likes after the operation of his regular exercises.

He was still in the realm of a god emperor just now, but now he has transformed into a third-rank saint.

After flying for half a year, he no longer pays attention to the scenery of the holy world. The spaceship flies aimlessly. Here is a wilderness. A large formation.

It was the first time he saw hundreds of thousands of monks bombarding a large formation in the holy world. These monks even had a halo at the lowest cultivation level, and most of them were monks with three or four halos.

With so many saints bombarding a large formation at the same time, this space was not shattered, and there were no cracks in the void. It can be seen how thick and powerful the rules of heaven and earth here are.

Gu Xiangfei stopped the spaceship and did not continue to move forward. He stood on the spaceship and let go of his illusory eyes to look at the large formation.

As his realm improved, the Eye of Illusion also rose, but just after passing through the large defensive formation, the Eye of Illusion was blocked by the pattern of the large formation. No matter how hard he tried, the pattern of the formation blocked him He firmly blocked his illusory eyes and could not move forward.Gu Xiangfei was very surprised. It seems that his false eyes can only wreak havoc in the God Realm. After entering the holy world, although the false eyes have improved, but under the powerful rules of heaven and earth in the holy world, the false eyes have almost no effect. function, unless the Eye of Illusion is promoted to the Holy Realm, but now where can I find the treasures of heaven and earth to enhance the Eye of Illusion? Besides, he doesn’t know what to use to raise the false eye to the holy realm.

Gu Xiangfei was not discouraged as the eyes of emptiness couldn’t see through this large defensive formation. After all, he had just arrived in the holy world, and his understanding of the holy world was only from the jade slips. Thousands of years can’t do it. Thinking of this, there is a good opportunity to integrate into the holy world.

Start the spaceship and gallop towards the defensive formation in front. There are so many monks there, and it is impossible for someone to deal with him, unless his luck is too bad and he is remembered by others. Besides, he has nothing to worry about. of.

Before reaching the defensive formation, a fourth-rank sage greeted him when he saw him coming, “Fellow Taoist, come and help us. Let’s work together to blast away the ruins. When the time comes, we will enter the ruins according to our ability to find resources.”

Gu Xiangfei nodded and put away the spaceship, joined the group of monks, and sacrificed an acquired magic weapon, the Thunder God Cone, which he seized after beheading the Thunder God Emperor, along with a Thunder God Shield.

Originally, he gave all the acquired magic weapons to Yan Yixue, but his family didn’t have Lei Linggen, so he put them away again, and now it’s just right to take them out, otherwise a third-rank saint who doesn’t even have a single acquired magic weapon will definitely be rejected. suspicious.

He doesn’t dare to sacrifice the divine sword now. The innate treasures will definitely be coveted by others. Even in the holy world, there are not many innate treasures. Didn’t you see that the fourth-rank saints here are all using acquired magic weapons! In front of so many rank-four saints, he sacrificed the divine sword, unless his brain was flooded and he didn’t want to live.

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