Proving Dao Great Destruction Technique

Half a year later, Gu Xiangfei stabilized the realm of the second-turn saint, and planned to use the destruction of the fruit to prove the second-turn saint. He used the Great Destruction Technique more, so he decided to use the destruction of the fruit to prove the way. He is a real second-rank saint.

He received all nine Dao Fruits of Destruction into the jade box, took out one Dao Fruit of Destruction, held it in his hand, felt the Dao Rhyme of Destruction contained in the Dao Fruit of Destruction, thought for a while, and took out another Dao Fruit of Huang Zhongli, With these two dao fruits, the chances of proving the second turn saint will be several times higher.

No matter which plane you practice on, the first level will be easy, especially the higher the plane’s rules of heaven and earth, the harder it will be to practice later on. He has deep feelings in the God Realm, especially when he has cultivated to the God Emperor realm. It took thousands of years, this is due to his powerful talent, and with the help of the treasure of chaos, the star bead, it took tens of thousands of years for Emperor Kanli and the others to cultivate to the realm of God Emperor.

In the ancient ruins, hundreds of thousands of saints of rank two and rank four have searched almost all of them. Some saints of rank four have left the ancient ruins seeing that they don’t have the items they need, and the rest are just some rank one or rank four saints. Rank two saints, even rank three saints are rarely seen.

Ten years later, there was hardly a single monk in this ancient ruins. There were gullies as deep as hundreds of feet everywhere that had been bombarded by the saints, and some mountain peaks were also smashed to pieces. Bones were reduced to ashes by these saints.

A figure came out from the ground. After scanning around with his spiritual sense, he found that there was no saint here.

Gu Xiangfei has now proved to be a second-turn saint. His supernatural powers of the Great Destruction Technique have been cultivated to the peak of Dacheng, and as his cultivation level improves, he will soon reach the state of perfection.

More than a dozen years have passed outside, and hundreds of years have passed inside the star beads. His realm has solidified, and there are faint signs of breaking through to the peak of the early stage of the second turn sage. The speed of Dao vein cultivation is really strong.

Since this place was looted, he didn’t want to stay here, so he raised his hand and sacrificed an acquired flying magic weapon, and headed out of the ruins.

After leaving the ancient ruins, a voice suddenly came from the air. Gu Xiangfei knew it was the voice of the Dao, and only the nine-turn saints and the ancestors of the Tao could make the voice of the Tao, “All the human monks in the holy world, rush to the Lanshi Sanctuary immediately, where there is a ghost The beast attacked our human monks.”

Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, what kind of ghost beast is it? Why attack the human monks? What about other races? Didn’t attack them? Where the hell is Lanshi Sanctuary?

“Fellow Taoist is going to Lanshi Sanctuary? Why don’t we go together? It’s good to have a companion on the way. My name is He Ji.” A voice came from hundreds of feet away.

Gu Xiangfei just doesn’t know what’s going on? Now that someone is with me, I can just go and have a look. I turned around and saw a three-turn sage a hundred feet away, a very mighty young man, driving an acquired magic weapon Xingyue Shuttle, and was stopping to wait for his response.

“Okay, my name is Gu Xiangfei. Fellow Daoist He will go first, and I will follow.” Gu Xiangfei agreed without hesitation. As for going to He Ji’s Xingyue Shuttle, he will not go. This is the first time everyone has seen him. It is impossible to go to the opponent’s flying magic weapon.

When He Ji heard Gu Xiangfei’s agreement, he immediately urged Xingyue Shuttle to gallop in one direction, and Gu Xiangfei then drove the spaceship to follow.

After flying for ten days, the two gradually became acquainted. The two spaceships began to move side by side. The two chatted while flying. Gu Xiangfei also knew the location of the Lanshi Sanctuary. They needed to fly for more than half a year to get there.

The monk He Ji is very talkative, basically he is talking, Gu Xiangfei is listening, but occasionally he will say a few irrelevant words, He Ji is very familiar with the holy world, and he is only familiar with this holy area, no matter how far away He couldn’t tell, so Gu Xiangfei used some introductions of jade slips he had seen in Shengluodao, lest He Ji think that he knew nothing about the holy world and have other thoughts.

The farther you fly, the more monks you meet. Many monks come from all directions. Everyone gathers into a torrent and heads towards the Lanshi Sanctuary. At the beginning, there are only dozens of spaceships in the air, and then it increases every day, and the number of increase is geometric. After five months of flying, there are already hundreds of thousands of spaceships in the air, and spaceships in the distance continue to gather here.

Gu Xiangfei’s spaceship and He Ji’s spaceship are almost less than two feet apart, and they are both squeezed by other spaceships. Such a short distance is very likely to collide. Both of them are driving the spaceship carefully and have no time to chat. .

The spaceship in front began to slow down, then stopped, and landed on the ground. He Ji and Gu Xiangfei also stopped the spaceship. The two retracted the spaceship, and saw a large defensive formation ahead, and several monks who looked like formation masters were constantly Enter the formation flag to maintain the formation.

“All fellow Taoists, please go to the cave on the left to get the identity jade card. Every time you kill a ghost beast, the jade card will have corresponding points. The points can be exchanged for Dao fruits and magic weapons. The points can reach 10,000. Within a short time, get a jade card to enter the Tongtian Tower.” A seven-turn saint with seven halos behind his back floated in mid-air, looking down at the monks below, and roughly introduced the use of the scoring jade card.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know what Tongtian Tower was, but he heard thatThe score needs to be within 10,000 before you can receive the jade card to enter the Tongtian Pagoda. There are probably millions of monks here. Getting score, it doesn’t look like this Babel is that easy to get into.

Following behind a large number of monks, they received the identity jade tokens. Gu Xiangfei didn’t show his real body now, but just picked a random name. To receive the jade tokens here, there is no need to verify his identity, as long as he says his name, he can get the jade token.

He Ji has separated from him now. With so many monks crowding in, the two of them have been separated long ago. Gu Xiangfei didn’t go out to look for him, and they will meet him if they are destined in the future.

“The yin beasts have started to attack.” With a loud cry, Gu Xiangfei saw the dense swarms of yin beasts outside the defensive formation, suddenly popping up from the ground. The fangs, with a big head and a small body, without a single hair on the whole body, look like a skinned wild boar. Each one is several feet in size, and a cold mist is emitted from the body, constantly lingering around.

These ghost beasts did not attack the formation randomly, but obeyed the command of the ghost beast king in a very orderly manner, spit out waves of mist continuously, opened their huge mouths the size of buckets, and gnawed at the formation with their fangs. .

The mist sprayed out by many yin beasts at the same time formed streams of air, hitting the defensive array, and the array patterns flickered continuously. The array mage quickly took out the array flags and drove them into the ground continuously to replace the destroyed array flags.

Gu Xiangfei saw the large defensive formations set up by these holy formation masters. They could only defend passively and could not counterattack. He despised these holy formation masters in his heart. They were not as powerful as Xiao Yu’s formation.

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