: The No. 1 Loose Cultivator

“Boom! Crack!” With a loud noise, the defensive formation was shattered by the mist and giant fangs of the yin beasts, and a large number of yin beasts poured in from the gap in the formation.

“Bombardment!” The seventh-rank sage roared. In fact, he didn’t need to shout at all. Many monks had already sacrificed their own acquired magic weapons, and countless various blades formed a torrent of bombardment.

This kind of group fight doesn’t need any moves at all, and the lowest level of cultivation here is a second-rank saint, urging the Houtian magic weapon in his hand to bombard the Yinming beast indiscriminately, the cold mist collided with the blade light, and there were layers of ripples in the space. A series of cracks appeared, and then were closed by the powerful rules of heaven and earth, and there has been no sign of void collapse.

Gu Xiangfei was at the back of the middle, and there were tens of thousands of fourth-rank saints bombarding the ghost beasts in front of him. These second-rank saints at the back didn’t need to bombard them at all. Even if they bombarded the past blade lights, they couldn’t kill the ghost beasts. Seeing the futility of the bombardment, many second-rank saints simply stopped bombarding, and waited for the fourth-rank saints in front of them to withdraw before going up.

This defensive formation is tens of thousands of miles long, and now there is only a gap of a hundred feet wide. The yin beasts outside the formation are still spraying out cold mist to bombard the other positions of the formation.

Although there are holy formation masters who are constantly maintaining the formation, the formation is still blasted open by the yin beasts. Many gaps soon appeared in this defensive formation, and the yin beasts and the monks formed a battlefield.

Gu Xiangfei and the second-rank saints behind have now left their original positions and entered the forefront to confront the yin beasts. The yin beasts were constantly killed, and the saints were injured or fell. Abandon the physical body and fly away, and then gather the physical body in the second defensive formation behind.

After a monk breaks through to the Holy Realm, his physical body is smashed to pieces. As long as his primordial spirit persists, he can basically re-condense his physical body, but it will cost some cultivation base and Dao fruit, and there may be a situation where the realm will fall.

Boom! Another loud noise came, and Gu Xiangfei saw that the entire defensive formation had been completely blown down, and countless dark beasts rushed up, drowning several holy formation masters in an instant, and even the primordial spirit could not escape.

The four-turn saints in front continued to fall, some primordial spirits escaped, and some primordial spirits were swallowed up.

When Gu Xiangfei received the jade card, he used regular exercises to create two halos. There were many monks who received the jade card, and no one noticed that a third-rank saint would suddenly become a second-rank saint.

Seeing that the number of rank four saints decreased sharply, the rank three saints had no choice but to go up. Gu Xiangfei saw that after He Ji was bombarded by the cold mist, a layer of gray mist appeared all over his body, and then he was bitten into pieces by the ghost beast. His primordial spirit After escaping, a yin beast opened its mouth wide and was about to swallow his primordial spirit, when the thunder god cone in Gu Xiangfei’s hand quickly bombarded it.

Boom! Click! The yin beast was shattered by his lightning arc, and He Ji’s primordial spirit expressed gratitude to Gu Xiangfei, and quickly fled to the rear after saying thank you.

With the continuous fall of the third-rank saints, Gu Xiangfei and the other second-rank saints kept moving forward. Only at this time can they really fight against the yin beast.

Gu Xiangfei’s Thunder God Cone blasted out tens of thousands of arcs of lightning, and these arcs contained a trace of the supernatural power of the thunderbolt technique, rumbling! The thunder arc bombarded these yin beasts, and tens of thousands of yin beasts were smashed instantly, and an open space appeared in front of them, but after a few breaths, it was occupied by a large number of yin beasts.

Although there are not many magical rhymes of the Great Thunder Art, these Yinming beasts will be smashed as long as they touch the lightning arc. The Yinming beast belongs to Yin, and the lightning arc belongs to Yang. It is the law of the yang attribute from the most rigid to the most yang. When these yin and ghost beasts encounter the law of the yang attribute, their instinctive reaction is to avoid it.

Shen Sense glanced at the jade tablet hanging on his waist, and saw that tens of thousands of points had appeared on the scoring jade tablet. It was obvious that these points were for him to kill the yin beast.harvest.

As his supernatural power of Thunderbolt continued to bombard the ghost beasts, his scoring jade card kept changing numbers, increasing almost every breath.

After five days of continuous bombardment, Gu Xiangfei saw that there was no ghost beast within a radius of 100 zhang. He dodged to leave here and fled back. The energy in his body was wasted too much, and he needed to absorb crystal stones and elixir to restore the energy in his body.

Thousands of miles behind, there is a large defensive formation here. There are many saints recovering their vitality in their bodies, and some primordial spirits are also recovering their physical bodies. Opening an opening, he stepped inside, found an open space, took out spar stones and set up a spirit-gathering array, sat down cross-legged and performed regular exercises to restore the energy in his body.

In a hall behind the defensive formation, there are more than a dozen rank-7 saints and three rank-eight saints, staring at the entire formation display screen, entering the scoring of the monks in the defense formation, the highest score ranking The first is Lin Lie, from Holy Sword Palace, scoring points


Suddenly, the display screen of the formation flickered, and Lin Lie, who ranked first, fell to the second place. Now the first place is Pu Li, a loose cultivator, scoring points

, throwing Lin Lie, who was ranked number one, far away.

“Hmm! Is this casual cultivator so powerful?” The seventh-rank saint and eighth-rank saint in the hall were all stunned for a moment. This casual cultivator named Pu Li killed more than 300,000 yin beasts. What kind of skill did he practice? Law? What magic weapon is used? The three rank eight sages looked at each other, they all had the same thoughts in their hearts.

“Check the battlefield situation of this casual cultivator named Pu Li.” A rank-eight saint gave an order to the seventh-level holy formation king.

The seventh-level holy formation king quickly put Pu Li’s battlefield records on the display screen of the formation, and saw that this casual cultivator named Pu Li continuously blasted out tens of thousands of lightning arcs. Everything on the beasts turned into slag, and even the aftermath of the thunder arc could smash these ghost beasts to pieces.

“It turns out that he cultivates the lightning supernatural power, no wonder he is so powerful.” A rank seven sage read Pu Li’s battlefield records, but he said this in his mouth, but he was shocked in his heart. He actually carried the divine channel rhyme of the Great Thunder Technique. Could it be that he is a saint who proved the Great Thunder Technique? This kind of supernatural power made the saints present have some ideas in their hearts.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect these saints to discover a trace of the supernatural power of the Thunderbolt from his lightning arc, and he didn’t expect that there would be a mistake here. Turn the power of the saints.

Back then in Jidaofang City, even a rank four saint could see his details. Although the rank four saint Luanheng had cultivated Celestial Eye, he was a rank four saint after all. Compared with these rank seven and eight saints, he was even more powerful do not.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know all this, and he was still proud of what he did. He didn’t expect to be targeted by others, but he kept changing his appearance, and changed into a halo of the holy world. , Unknowingly escaped the search of Saint Luan Heng.

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