Refining Dao Pill

Ten days later, Gu Xiangfei’s vitality in his body recovered to its peak, and along with other recovering saints, he entered the battlefield again.

In the monitoring formation in the hall, I saw Gu Xiangfei entering the battlefield again. Although these saints have other thoughts, but now is the time of the war, these saints can only bury their thoughts in their hearts, and take away this second time when they find opportunities. Turn saint.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the battlefield, he found that the yin beasts that attacked this time were much stronger than before. His lightning arc hit the yin beasts, but he couldn’t smash them, but they were seriously injured. The Yinming Beast, which was severely injured, lay on the ground and kept spitting out cold mist.

Moreover, the cold mist was much stronger than before, and his saint domain actually made a crackling sound, as if it would shatter at any moment.

Gu Xiangfei was startled, and hastily intensified the bombardment of the supernatural power of the Great Thunder Art. The lightning arcs kept flickering and bombarded these yin beasts, and pieces of yin beasts were smashed by him, and his scoring jade cards continued to rise.

The other monks on the entire battlefield saw his lightning bombardment, and some smart people followed him to help him bombard the surrounding ghost beasts. At first, there were only a few saints, but later everyone saw that there were many people in his place, and they all went to Gather here, quickly form a fan, and bombard the past.

“Aw…” There was a shrill scream, and a white ghost beast was seriously injured by Gu Xiangfei’s great thunderous power, and then killed by the blade lights of other monks.

Roar! With a loud roar, the ground suddenly collapsed, and the surrounding Yinming beasts were all thrown away. A huge golden Yinming beast jumped out of the ground, and a huge coercive aura spread out, and it was surrounded by thousands of feet immediately. The yin beasts and monks inside were all smashed to pieces.

Gu Xiangfei happened to be outside the domain of this golden ghost beast, but Yu Wei also knocked him backwards, his bones creaked, and the dozens of saints who were with him burst into blood mist one after another. It was smashed to pieces, and the remaining soul left the body and fled in a hurry.

Gu Xiangfei hastily raised his hand and took out a handful of pills to swallow. Thanks to the fact that he is now at the ninth level of body refining in the divine realm, otherwise he would definitely be crushed like other saints, and even if he could recover, his realm would drop.

Hastily dodged and flew back, this golden Yinming Beast is definitely the Yinming Beast King, equivalent to the cultivation base of a seventh-to-eighth-rank saint of the human race, only one appeared now, if there are a few more Yinming Beast Kings, the millions Low-level saints will be bombarded and killed. He came here to earn points, not to die. Besides, until now, he has not seen the seventh-rank saint come out.Now, it is said that the Yinming Beastmaster has appeared, and these saints of rank seven or eight should have come out to intercept them. This is obviously for the Yinming Beastmaster to kill them all, these low-level saints.

There are also a lot of monks who have the same thoughts as Gu Xiangfei. Obviously, they let these low-level saints be cannon fodder. There are too many human monks in the holy world, and resources are scarce. Could it be that these seven or eight-rank saints want to take this opportunity to destroy some low-level saints?

These monks can cultivate to saints, and none of them are fools. Seeing that there are no saints of rank seven or eight appearing to intercept the golden Yinming beast king, they immediately fled the battlefield. It’s important to save your life first.

Millions of monks have lost a small part of themselves after so many days of fighting. Now, within a few breaths of the Yinming Beast King’s appearance, hundreds of thousands of saints have fallen. It is no wonder that these low-level saints did not escape if such a large loss was caused all at once.

The saints here in the defensive formation fled the battlefield one after another. Under the leadership of the Yinming beast king, the huge group of Yinming beasts rushed through the defensive formation, chasing and killing these saints.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t go to the formation to restore his strength, he had lost confidence in this place, and if he went to the second defense formation, he had a brain problem, so he turned around and flew in another direction, he wanted to stay away from the battlefield and go to other realms Looking for resources, deriving pills by the way, and refining healing pills.

Since coming to the Holy Realm, he has been seriously injured several times, and the crisis is much greater than when he was in the God Realm. He discovered that the higher the rules of the universe, the more crises there are, and he may be killed if he is not careful.

After flying for five days in a row, Gu Xiangfei stopped beside a dirt hill. His injuries had not recovered, and he needed to find a place to recover quickly. The aura from the golden Yinming Beastmaster actually began to erode his meridians, and appeared Gradual signs of nirvana, now the vitality of the world is thin here, and few monks come here, which is suitable for him to heal his injuries.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t dig the cave, but stepped into the star bead, turned the star bead into a grain of sand, and attached it to the side of the earth mountain.

After entering the star bead, he came under the Jianmu Dao tree, and the regular exercises began to work. The golden Yinming Beast King breath in his body was assimilated by him bit by bit, and then stripped out, his meridians slowly improved.

A year later, his injuries were completely healed. This time, he had to refine Sheng Lin Dao Pill, otherwise he would take pills from the God Realm every time he was injured, and his recovery would be slow and difficult to heal.

He already has the alchemy formula of Shenglin Dao Pill. The Dao fruit he needs includes the Dao fruit tree harvested in the ruins, and the Dao fruit tree in the world of Nangong Mountain. The Dao fruit for refining Sheng Lin Dao Dan can make up three furnaces. As long as he can successfully refine one furnace, he will be sure to refine special elixirs in the future.

Saints in the holy world don’t need many pills. The main reason is that saints can directly understand the Tao and fruit. As long as the realm is improved, they can use the Tao fruit to prove the saint. Therefore, there are only a few kinds of pills in the holy world. Shenglin Dao Dan is Healing elixir, as well as Shengpan Dao Pill is for stabilizing cultivation, Shengling Dao Pill is for restoring primordial spirit, and Shengdu Dao Pill is for restoring spiritual consciousness.

His Qiankun Ding has been given to his daughter Gu Xiaoyu, but he has more than a dozen acquired magic weapons, among which is a defensive magic weapon called Liantian Ding, which is just suitable for alchemy and weapon refining.

He took out the thirty-six dao fruits for refining the Sheng Lin Dao Dan, used regular exercises, found out the regular breath of these Dao fruits, and then combined them to deduce the steps of refining the Sheng Lin Dao Dan, although he There are recipes and refining methods for refining Shenglin Dao Pill, but he still followed his previous method of refining elixir to derive a more perfect method.

The regular breath of each Dao fruit was stripped out by his regular exercises, and the sequence of melting these Dao fruits was deduced. This is the first time refining Dao Dan. As good as it gets.

In the past ten years in the star bead, he has deduced hundreds of methods for refining Shenglin Dao Dan. The regular aura of the thirty-six Dao fruits has been cooked chaotically, and the order of melting before and after has been repeatedly deduced hundreds of times. After many times, I finally selected one of the refining methods.

He raised his hand and dragged out the Heavenly Refining Cauldron, Xinghe flew out of the Purple Mansion, quickly wrapped the Heavenly Refining Cauldron, first heated the Heavenly Refining Cauldron, cleaned it, and then put in one piece of Dao Fruit according to the deduced method to dissolve the liquid , purification, throwing slag, fusion, injecting spirit, dividing Dan, laden.

“Dang! Dang…” A few clear and pleasant voices came, and the nine Holy Rain Dao Pills fell into the prepared jade plate. Gu Xiangfei knew the refining was successful when he heard the sound of the elixir falling into the jade plate, and There are also a few special pills.

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