Unequal Treaties

Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s face, He Ji was overjoyed. He and Gu Xiangfei had known each other for a few months, and the two got along very well on the spaceship. They talked a lot about the cultivation of the holy world along the way, and Gu Xiangfei benefited a lot. This is why he couldn’t bear to see He Ji being abused, so he rescued him.

Lao Yixuan was also overjoyed to see that He Ji and Gu Xiangfei got to know each other. He and He Ji fled here together, were arrested together, and hung on the city wall together for public display.

“Fellow Daoist Gu was able to rescue us from the seventh-rank sage and escape from the pursuit of the seventh-rank sage. What Lao admires is everything.” After finishing speaking, Lao Yixuan bowed to Gu Xiangfei to express his gratitude.

“Fellow Daoist Lao, you are welcome. I was able to escape from the pursuit of the seventh-rank saint, but I just arranged a few formations to delay his time. It is a fluke.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists in return, and told how he rescued them .

“Fellow Daoist Gu is still a holy formation master? No wonder he can stop the pursuit of the seventh-rank saint.” Only now did Lao Yixuan know that Gu Xiangfei used formations to block the pursuit of the seventh-rank saint, which shows that his formation skills are very high , otherwise how could it be possible to block the rank seven saint.

“I would also like to thank Fellow Daoist Gu for the elixir. This kind of top-level Shenglin Dao Pill is rare.” After He Ji finished speaking, he also bowed to Gu Xiangfei to thank him for his Dao Pill.

“I made this at will, but unfortunately there is no good alchemy furnace, and my cultivation base is low, so I can only refine high-grade pills. When my cultivation base improves, I think I should be able to refine super-grade Dao pills.” Gu Xiangfei He didn’t care much about Dao Dan, but he was worried about the lack of a pill furnace.

“Fellow Daoist Gu or Dan Sheng? It’s a great fortune to meet fellow Daoist Gu. I know a place where I can improve my cultivation quickly. I originally wanted to go to that place, but in the end, I was forced to join in the battle with the ghost beast. , and was used again, so I had to run away, but I was caught again, without the help of Daoist Gu, I had no choice but to go to reincarnation, this is the jade slip of the map of that place.” Lao Yixuan told them the ins and outs in detail, He took out another jade slip and handed it to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei took the jade slip, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he found that the place was called Chaos Market. It took a year and a half from Shengtong City to Chaos Market. That’s why they were arrested in Shengtong City.

Gu Xiangfei has never heard of Chaos Ruins, but he knows that if he cultivates in Chaos Ruins, his speed will definitely be faster. The Qi of Chaos is the treasure of heaven and earth, and he needs the Qi of Chaos to condense the Dao Law. If he has a trace of Qi of Chaos , the two supernatural powers he proved, are definitelywill enter the realm of perfection.

Now that I heard about this place, I will naturally go to the Chaos Ruins to find the Qi of Chaos, condense the laws of the Dao, and prove the two supernatural powers to the perfection, so that his strength will be more than several times stronger. It needs the air of chaos to nourish.

“Okay, let’s go to Chaos Market.” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed after reading the jade slips, and immediately decided to go to Chaos Market.

Lao Yixuan was going to Chaos Ruins, He Ji also wanted to get a trace of Chaos Qi, and even thought of cultivating in Chaos Ruins. He fell in a battle with a ghost beast and needed Chaos Qi to repair the Dao Foundation. The three hit it off. , I happened to have a companion on the road.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the acquired flying magic weapon, and greeted the two of them to get on the flying magic weapon. Now the three of them have a common goal, and Gu Xiangfei is their savior, so naturally he would not suspect that they are going to harm them, so he hurriedly stepped into the flying magic weapon and went to the Chaos Ruins. The direction gallops away.

There are countless races in the holy world, and the most powerful are the gods, humans, monsters, seas, Yinming, beasts, winged, and dragons. These races are not friendly to humans without exception, and the gods are the most. Often provoke other races to attack humans.

The Protoss was originally the most powerful race in the holy world, but there are very few monks of the Protoss, and their reproductive ability is too poor. There are no descendants of the Protoss in other realms, and the supply of biological chains cannot be supplied. As long as they fall, it is difficult to reincarnate. The rules gave them a powerful talent for cultivation, but they did not give them successor clansmen, who had a definite plan for drinking and pecking, which made the monks of the Protoss dare not easily start wars with other races.

The human race is the second largest race. Although they don’t have the powerful talent of the gods, the human race has the most monks, and the human race’s ability to reproduce is extremely strong. In the mortal country, although there are few monks with spiritual roots, they always appear, and the human race There are as many mortal kingdoms as a cow’s hair, so adding them up is a huge number.

Although the human race in the cultivation world has been born for too long, as long as they are born in the cultivation world, almost everyone has a spiritual root. The vast universe is vast and boundless, and there are countless cultivation planets. Finally entered the holy world, so the saints of the human race are the most race in the holy world, directly threatening the most powerful god race.

After the Protoss was threatened, they began to formulate some unequal rules, or secretly arranged to try to weaken the number of the Terrans.

The first unequal treaty is to prevent god emperors from the God Realm from ascending to the Holy Realm. Once it is discovered that there are monks in the God Realm who have cultivated to the Holy Realm, saints from other races will kill the monks from the God Realm.

There were originally two Dao ancestors in the human race, but they were united by the gods and other races to kill a relatively strong Dao ancestor of the human race, allowing the dragons to take the opportunity to occupy the position of a Dao ancestor, and there was only one Dao ancestor left in the human race. .

This Taoist ancestor of the human race didn’t pay much attention to the human race, he only cared about being wise and safe, and he was unable to refute some unequal rules proposed by the gods, and he couldn’t refute them, and he didn’t want to provoke the gods. Thanks to the fact that there are many rank nine saints in the human race, the god race does not dare to fight with the human race, but secretly arranges to weaken the human race, otherwise the human race can only be reduced to slaves of other races.

Not everyone can enter the chaotic ruins of the holy world. At the entrance of the chaotic ruins, there is a fighting platform. Only those who win three games in a row can enter the chaotic ruins. Cultivation, once a large number of human monks enter the Chaos Market and get a chance, it may even threaten the status of the gods.

The three of Gu Xiangfei came to the entrance of Chaos Ruins, and saw that there were two three-rank saints fighting at the fighting platform, one of which was a human saint, and the other was a monster saint. Next to the fighting platform, there was a sixth-rank saint making a judgment.

This three-turn saint of the human race had a long spear in his hand, rolled up tens of thousands of gun lights, passed through the layers of defense of the monster saint, and was about to pierce the eyebrow of the monster saint, but suddenly found that his spear was imprisoned, unable to Advance half an inch, the third-turn saint of the human race raised his hand in desperation to activate a talisman, and the talisman turned into a white light, directly passing through the chest of the monster saint, smashing half of the monster saint’s body, and immediately fell down with serious injuries on the ground.

“The Dou Fatai does not allow the use of talismans. You violated the regulations and you will be killed on the spot.” The adjudicator raised his hand and slapped the third-rank saint of the human race to pieces without allowing him to explain at all.

“It’s not fair! Who said that the use of talismans is not allowed on the fighting stage? When was it stipulated? Why didn’t you tell us clearly.” The saints of the human race under the fighting stage retorted loudly. The saint shoots and kills.

“What I just stipulated. How about it? If it’s not fair, don’t go to the fighting stage.”

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