Entering the Chaos Market

Seeing all this, Gu Xiangfei was furious. On the spaceship, Lao Yixuan had already told Gu Xiangfei about the unequal treaties of the human race in the holy world. Now seeing that the arbiter was so domineering, Gu Xiangfei knew that it was a human monk who entered the fighting platform It is also sending death.

He didn’t want to fight on the martial arts arena. Since whoever has the big fist here has the final say, he will kill the adjudicator, a sixth-rank saint. His fifth-level void strangle formation, plus his two supernatural powers, probably Kill this Judge.

Spiritual consciousness began to draw the pattern of the void, He Ji and Lao Yixuan were also very angry in their hearts, it’s a pity that their cultivation base is low now, otherwise they would definitely go up and kill the adjudicator, and the human monks in the audience were also full of emotions. Speak up against injustice.

The rank-six sage adjudicator has no answer to these rebuttals.If they are moved, the Protoss wants to attack the growth of the human monks in all aspects, and they cannot let the human race become stronger.

After a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei drew a few void serial strangulation formations, void burst patterns, raised his hand to trigger the void serial strangulation formations, and shouted loudly, “Human monks back off.”

“Void strangle formation!” The sixth-rank sage immediately found himself trapped by the void strangle formation, and millions of void blades bombarded him at random. He was so frightened that he quickly sacrificed his shield and suddenly realized the sea. There was a sharp pain, the shield that originally protected the whole body lost the control of his consciousness, and fell to the ground in an instant, “Boom! Boom…” Millions of void blades directly tore his body, Yuan Yuan Just as God escaped from his physical body, he was bombarded and killed by the ubiquitous void blade light.

The monks of various races under the fighting stage saw that the adjudicator was killed by the void strangle formation of the human monks, and they ran away in fright. Without this protoss adjudicator, they have lost their advantage. If they don’t escape here, they will definitely be killed by the human monks. They bombed and killed.

It’s just that they didn’t have time to escape, so they were stopped by the human monks. Two-on-one, three-on-one, or even five-on-one, they were bombarded and killed by the human monks one after another.

“Everyone, hurry up and enter the Chaos Market, depending on the chance.” Gu Xiangfei saw that the adjudicator was shattered, and he set up a few void formations that were useless. He Ji and Lao Yixuan also followed him into the Chaos Ruins, and after the human monks killed some monks of other races, they also followed him into the Chaos Ruins.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the Chaos Ruins, he felt the star beads in the Purple Mansion jump up, and he seemed very excited, as if something was attracting it.

There was a gray mist in front of him. After sweeping through his spiritual sense, he found that he could not see as far as his eyes, and his spiritual sense could not be stretched out at all. He quickly performed the regular exercises, trying to assimilate the regular breath here, but found that there was no rule at all. Assimilate him.

Chaos has no rules, and a message suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness. Gu Xiangfei had only heard about Chaos, and he didn’t know what Chaos was like at all. When he came to a place like Chaos Ruins for the first time, he was a little confused.

Since Chaos has no rules, his supernatural powers cannot be used here at all. What if he is in danger? He raised his hand and sacrificed the divine sword, and grabbed the golden-winged roc from the star bead.

“Hmm! There’s an aura of chaos here! Brother Fei, is this a chaotic area?” The golden-winged roc came out of the star bead and immediately felt the aura of chaos in the chaotic ruins. It was as excited as a baby.

“This is Chaos Market, but there are no rules here. Do you know where there is Chaos Qi?” Gu Xiangfei saw that the golden-winged roc knew that there was Chaos Qi, and immediately told it where it was so that it could find Chaos Qi.

“I know, come with me!” The golden-winged roc immediately walked in one direction after speaking. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and then followed closely in its footsteps.

There was nothing to be seen in the Chaos Ruins. The surroundings were covered with gray mist, and the visibility was no more than ten feet away. The land here was also gray, and everything in front of us was gray, without a gleam of light.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the golden-winged roc was walking fast here. The gray mist did not hinder it at all. There were some ravines in front of it that could be bypassed ahead of time, as if walking during the day.

One month later, Gu Xiangfei practiced regular exercises every day. There is no rule of heaven and earth here, no light and darkness, no trace of color, and what is there is only thick gray mist. This is the only time since he practiced that he did not feel the rule of heaven and earth .

As he walked forward, Gu Xiangfei felt that the thickness of the gray mist was increasing, and he needed to use Yuanli every step he took. On the other hand, the golden-winged roc was not affected by the gray mist at all. Doesn’t work at all.

“Brother Fei, come on my back. There is an empty chasm in front of you. You can’t jump over it. I’ll fly you over it.” The golden-winged roc suddenly stopped, raised its paw and pointed forward.

Gu Xiangfei is like a blind man now, and his current position makes him unable to see the land half a foot away. If there is no warning from the golden-winged roc, he may step into the empty ditch in one step, and even if he does not fall to his death, he will be seriously injured. I don’t know how to get out of the void.

The golden-winged roc spread its wings, shook slightly, and flew forward. The speed surprised Gu Xiangfei. It was no different from flying in other places. I couldn’t help admiring the talent of the golden-winged roc. Beast blood.

On the back of the golden-winged roc, he saw this empty trench, which was hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and it was impossible to see how deep it was below. He estimated that he would not be able to climb out after hundreds of years if he fell.

After a few breaths, the golden-winged roc landed on the ground. Obviously, it was a bit difficult to fly here, and it might be the reason why it didn’t break through to the holy beast. Dao fruit, “Swallow it, and recover first.”

After the golden-winged roc bird swallowed the Dao fruit, it stood up to refine the medicinal power of the Dao fruit. Gu Xiangfei felt the side of the empty moat, and the star beads jumped faster in the Zifu, as if they were getting closer to what it needed. Wanting to come out, he raised his hand and grabbed the star beads.

As soon as the Chaos Star Bead came out of the Purple Mansion, whoosh! The speed was several times faster than that of the golden-winged roc. Gu Xiangfei didn’t have time to react, and lost contact with Xingzhu in an instant.

“Ah! Damn it!” Gu Xiangfei cursed the language of the earth. This sentence is most appropriate at this time and in this situation.

Just a few breathsAfterwards, the Chaos Star Bead flashed past again, entered his Zifu and settled down obediently, this time it didn’t jump again, it seemed to go out and circle around and then came back, and it seemed that something was chasing it, scared It went home and hid again.

“Fuck! You’re back again, and you left without saying hello. I thought you were going to run away. If you were going to run, leave my things behind.” Gu Xiangfei scolded again. Zhu is not as safe as his own world. If Xingzhu really runs away, his Jianmu Dao tree and other Dao fruit trees will be gone, so how can he cultivate supernatural powers in the future.

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