Cutting the Weakness of the Dao Ancestor

Gu Xiangfei stared blankly at the refining divine way in front of him. After the aura of the cutting dao rhyme blasted out, the three nine-turn saints of the refining divine way were cut into pieces, and the Taoist gate was also blasted to pieces by the cutting dao rhyme, and a wave of millions of miles appeared. The ravine almost cut the planet occupied by the Dao of Refining into two halves, and the terrifying rhyme of cutting the Dao continued to spread outward, but after a few breaths, the entire Dao of the Dao of Refining disappeared into nothingness.

“Thank you Daozu for saving me.” All the saints in the holy world bowed to the void.

“It’s such a powerful supernatural power. It turns out that the big cutting technique is so powerful. It seems that I haven’t reached the perfect state of cultivation.” Gu Xiangfei was thinking secretly in his heart, awakened by the words of the saints, and quickly clasped his fists and saluted, and suddenly remembered something , Immediately stood up straight.

When he wanted to fly to the God Realm, he was cut off by a cutting Dao Rhyme, causing him to deviate from the planned ascension location and land in the Dry God Realm. He once swore to settle accounts with this monk who performed the Great Cut Technique, and now Knowing that this person is the cutting Taoist ancestor, he will naturally not salute him again.

After Lao Tzu cultivates to rank nine sages and proves the nine supernatural powers, he will settle old scores with you. What happened to Dao Patriarch, he can also be killed.

Gu Xiangfei’s character is to receive the kindness of a drop of water from others, and he should repay him with a spring, but whoever has a grudge against him will repay him double, otherwise he would not wipe out other people’s entire sects at will, only because he is in those sects enemy.

Now that he knows about Cut Dao Ancestor, his goal is to practice hard, and then kill Cut Dao Ancestor, in order to avenge being cut to Dry God Realm.

Kitamiyano was also blown away by the coercive aura of the ninth-rank sage practicing Shinto, but fortunately, the eight-rank sage in front blocked the coercive aura, so he didn’t suffer much injuries, but some qi and blood were churning, and his meridians were running Unsmooth, after taking the elixir, he has recovered.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, we are going back to the Sacred Star Palace, where are you going?” Bei Gongye received the summoning order from the Sacred Star Palace Taoist sect. Although the disciples under the sect suffered some losses, fortunately, the losses were not large and were within their tolerance. Now that the Dao of Refining God has been shattered and destroyed by the cutting Taoist ancestor, they will also return to the Saint Star Palace.

“I’m a casual cultivator, let’s wander around in the holy world! Fellow Daoist Beigong, see you someday.” Gu Xiangfei saw that Beigongye wanted him to join the Holy Star Palace, but he didn’t want to join any sects now. Those Taoist sects can’t give him the resources to practice. What he needs now is the energy of chaos. Even if the Holy Star Palace has the energy of chaos, he won’t be able to cultivate it. Besides, a saint who has just joined the Holy Star Palace has no credit. Give him the air of chaos.

“Take care, take care.” The two hugged each other and saluted. Bei Gongye saw that Gu Xiangfei had no intention of joining the Saint Star Palace, and he did not force it. Everyone has their own ideas, and he would not block the way of others.

“Hey! Why is Junior Brother Wen missing? I’ll look for him, you guys go first.” Senior brother Lu, a rank six saint from the Saint Star Palace, didn’t find the rank five saint, Junior Brother Wen, thinking he took the opportunity to escape, and he couldn’t help but think inwardly. Si was so cunning that he ran away early, but this also gave him an excuse to leave behind.

The eighth-rank saint of Saint Star Palace didn’t pay attention to what he said. Instead, he praised him a little. When he evacuated, he could not forget his disciples. This is the friendship that a Taoist disciple should have.

The Daomen of the Holy Realm approached menacingly, but withdrew anticlimactically. After they came to practice the divine way to attract the nine-turn saints, they had nothing to do with them later. If they had known that the Taoist ancestor would make a move, why bother to run so far? It was simply unnecessary.

Gu Xiangfei was a little puzzled about this matter, but he didn’t think about it. It’s none of his business. He hangs it up high. If these holy world sects are willing to make such a fuss, let them do it. Anyway, it’s none of his business.

He is now at the side of this ravine that is tens of thousands of feet deep, and the cutting dao rhyme here is still spreading outward. He wants to assimilate this cutting dao rhyme, assimilate the breath of this cutting dao rhyme, and fight against the cutting dao ancestor in the future At that time, he found his weakness and killed and cut Daozu in one fell swoop. He didn’t believe that after becoming Daozu, no one would be able to kill them. Otherwise, how could the human Daozu be killed?

The regular skills started to work, and the Dao Yun of the Great Cutting Technique was absorbed by him. He found that the Dao Rhyme of the Cutting Technique belonged to the aura of the violent Dao Rhyme, which was more than powerful, but it lacked a trace of the rule of the Dao, and it was not as complete as his Great Cutting Technique. Now with his cultivation base, he doesn’t know who made the mistake in cultivation.

extractAfter a trace of Dao Yun assimilation of the Great Cutting Technique, now he is cultivating as a sage at four turns, and he is cultivating with the energy of chaos. He is not as domineering as when he extracted the Dao Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique next to the ravine in the fairy world. He was almost cut into pieces by the cutting Dao Yun situation occurs.

A trace of cutting dao rhyme was continuously absorbed and assimilated by him, and the cutting dao rhyme that spread around was absorbed and assimilated by him. The cutting dao rhyme that took a hundred years to assimilate before was completely absorbed and assimilated by him in less than half a month.

After the last bit of cutting Dao Rhyme was absorbed and assimilated by him, Gu Xiangfei stood up, raised his hand and blasted out a cutting Dao Rhyme, although his big cutting skill Dao Rhyme was still far behind that of the Cutting Dao Ancestor, but His Dao Rhyme of the big cutting technique is more solid, and the rules are more complete.

He suddenly understood why Dao Yun, the Great Cutting Technique of Cutting Daozu, lacked a trace of aura of Dao rules, because Cutting Daozu did not practice regular skills, but he practiced regular skills, which made the big cutting technique work more completely, Dao Yun The more complete the rules, the more powerful the power will naturally be.

Knowing the weakness of Daoist Cutter, he was overjoyed. When fighting against Daoist Cutter, he happened to use the big cutting technique to attack him, looking for his weakness. Thinking of Daoist Cutter’s panicked expression, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help laughing stand up.

“Fellow Daoist looks very excited! If there is something happy, everyone will be happy when you say it.” A voice approached from a distance, and then a figure fell in front of him, it was Senior Brother Lu from the Saint Star Palace.

This Senior Brother Lu came to the place mentioned by Junior Brother Wen, the fifth rank sage, and found that there was no sign of Junior Brother Wen at all, and he did not reply to messages sent to him. He did not dare to enter that place without Junior Brother Wen’s jade slip map.

Senior Brother Lu thought to himself, didn’t Junior Brother Wen come here? It is estimated that his body was smashed by the nine-turn saint who practiced the divine way, and his soul was also severely injured. Where should he hide to recover his soul first, and then restore his body?

The situation at that time was very chaotic. Some low-level saints in the Saint Star Palace were blasted to pieces, but the souls escaped, and it was really possible that Junior Brother Wen hid. Thinking of this, he returned to the Daomen station for refining the divine way, just to hear Dao Gu Xiangfei laughed.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect Senior Brother Lu to come back suddenly, and he blamed him for being happy and didn’t use his spiritual sense to look around. It might be Senior Brother Lu, a rank-six saint, whose speed was too fast, even if his divine sense found him, He couldn’t escape, after all, he and Gu Xiangfei were two realms behind.

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