Entrance to the Underworld

When Gu Xiangfei heard what this senior brother Lu said, he immediately used his spiritual consciousness to draw patterns of strangulation in the void. If the dog does not bite, he has to guard against it. What if this senior brother Lu wants to attack him suddenly? Although he is not afraid now, it is always safer to be prepared first.

“I saw that the Dao of Refining God here was destroyed, so I was naturally happy. Didn’t fellow Taoists evacuate? Why did you come back again?” Gu Xiangfei said while drawing the void pattern, delaying for a while if possible, until the drawing is completed After Void strangled the array pattern, he became more confident. Let’s see if Senior Brother Lu means to do something. If he does, don’t blame him for killing Senior Brother Lu.

“Our Daoist disciple is missing. I came here to look for it. Do fellow Daoists find anything here?” Senior Brother Lu didn’t intend to do anything. He wanted to find Junior Brother Wen now. He didn’t salute, and the tone of his speech was not so respectful, which made him hesitate a little. Could it be that this fourth-rank saint has something to rely on?

If Gu Xiangfei was respectful to him, maybe he would raise his hand and smash this rank four saint. Even a rank four saint would dare to talk to him like that. Don’t you know that there is a difference of two big realms between them?

“I haven’t seen that. I’m here to find some magic treasure fragments and go out to exchange some cultivation resources. Unlike you disciples of Taoism, who have rewards and salaries from Taoism, the life of casual cultivators is not easy!” Gu Xiangfei said. Then he even complained to Brother Lu about his suffering.

“How cunning!” Brother Lu yelled, and suddenly raised his hand to grab him. The domain of the sixth-rank saint suddenly bombarded him. The fourth-rank saint was actually drawing void patterns. Junior brother, otherwise why would he draw the void pattern? It must be because he is afraid of being caught and searched by himself.

“Haha! I didn’t want to kill you at first, but since you’re looking for death, you can’t blame me.” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help admiring Senior Brother Lu. When he was drawing the last void pattern, there was a slight space fluctuation, which was noticed by him. The hand activated the void strangle formation, trapping Senior Brother Lu inside.

“Void strangle formation! Great cutting technique supernatural power! Are you a disciple of the ancestor of cutting Dao?” Brother Lu felt that he was suddenly caught in a strangling formation, and countless void blade lights blasted towards him, and then another terrifying cutting dao rhyme bombarded him. When he came over, his face turned pale with shock, this rank four saint was actually so powerful, he quickly sacrificed the pseudo-innate magic weapon Xuanyan Ding to protect his whole body.

The Void Strangling Formation’s blade light blasted on the Xuanyan Cauldron, making a tinkling sound of the blade light’s impact, but the supernatural power of the great cutting technique directly cut Brother Lu’s pseudo-innate magic weapon Xuanyan Cauldron into fine pieces, and then chopped him into pieces. In his fleshly body, the divine channel rhyme of the big cutting technique has not faded, and it chopped up his soul that had just escaped from the fleshy body, and even the void strangled pattern was cut into fragments.

“Oh! I made a mistake, I made a mistake.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect his big cutting technique Dao Yun to be so powerful now, even the pseudo innate magic weapon has been cut into pieces, and he hasn’t opened the world of the sixth-rank saint yet.

He raised his hand to grab the primordial spirit of the fifth-rank sage junior brother Wenwen, and immediately started searching for his soul. After a few breaths, he raised his hand and tore open his world, taking away all the items in his world, and then a flame turned Junior Brother Wen’s primordial spirit into nothingness.

In Junior Brother Wen’s world, there are only a million crystals, some healing pills, dozens of intermediate Dao fruits, two pseudo innate magic weapons, and a few jade slips. It seems that Junior Brother Wen is also a poor ghost.

After searching the soul of Junior Brother Wen, Gu Xiangfei knew the location of that place, and found the map jade slips collected by Junior Brother Wen. After checking it, he sacrificed the acquired flying magic weapon and galloped to that place.

That place has no name. Junior Brother Wen discovered it by accident. He didn’t know what the place was called, so he called it that place when he spoke.

Brother Wen and Brother Lu joined the Saint Star Palace together. During the period, they experienced many life-and-death crises. They also did countless murders and seized treasures. Together they cultivated to become a Rank 5 Saint, but Junior Brother Wen’s aptitude was slightly inferior, and Senior Brother Lu broke through to Rank 6 Saint before him.

After Junior Brother Wen found out about that place, he told Senior Brother Lu when he went back, and wanted to go there with him to find resources. After all, Senior Brother Lu had rescued him several times, and the two of them entered that place together, so they could take care of each other in times of crisis.

This time, taking advantage of the opportunity of conquering the divine way, the two of them transmitted voices to each other on the flying magic weapon, and decided to go to the place that Junior Brother Wen said. The Taoist disciples must report to the Taoist Foreign Affairs Hall when they go out, so as to know which disciple is in which position , It’s easy to find if something goes wrong, this is the advantage of joining the Taoist sect, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, it is difficult to keep personal privacy secret.

However, the sound transmission of the two was intercepted by Gu Xiangfei’s large space technique, and the sound transmission between the two monks would hardly be heard by a third party, but they did not expect that Gu Xiangfei would actually prove the supernatural power of the large space technique. In a piece of space, as long as there is a trace of space fluctuations, he can intercept it.

The place that Junior Brother Wen mentioned is only five days away from practicing the Shinto. No wonder Junior Brother Wen would send a voice transmission to ask Senior Brother Lu.

Gu Xiangfei followed the route on the jade slip on the map, and came to this somewhat dense place. He felt a little familiar with the breath here. After performing the regular exercises, he immediately knew why it was so familiar. The regular breath here is several times more complete than the breath of the yin beast.

Now that we are here, we must go in and have a look. Maybe there is some chance. After Gu Xiangfei decided, he raised his leg and stepped into this slightly gloomy place. His consciousness swept away, and an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles was shrouded in his consciousness in an instant. Below, nothing suspicious was found.

He was just about to fly forward, thinking about passing through this area, a phantom appeared thousands of feet in front of him, and then the phantom slowly solidified, one was wearing a green Taoist crown, and his face was slightly pale, as if for a long time As if he had never seen the sun before, the rank five saint with five halos behind his back revealed his real body.

“Fuck! Are you a human or a ghost? Why do you come out in broad daylight to scare people?” Gu Xiangfei was taken aback by this green Taoist crown, and couldn’t help cursing. When he was a child, he often heard people in the Gu family village talking about ghosts. Things, although now in the holy world, but the memory is still fresh when I was a child, and I was shocked when I saw this saint from the underworld who suddenly appeared, maybe it was a deep-rooted memory.

“Who are you? What are you doing at the entrance of our underworld? Do you want to go in and steal something?” Green Daoguan ignored Gu Xiangfei’s question, and instead asked about his intention.

“Green hat, be careful with what you say. It’s fine if you play tricks and frame me for stealing. Is there anything in your underworld that is worth others stealing?” Gu Xiangfei heard that this is the entrance to the underworld, so he immediately lost interest. The breath of the underworld beast, the underworld is where ghosts live, why would he go to that ghostly place? He also steals things for ghosts, even if they give them for nothing!

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