Entering the Underworld

Although this fifth-rank saint in the underworld didn’t know why Gu Xiangfei called him a cuckold, he didn’t take it seriously when he saw that he was a fourth-rank saint of the human race. Wandering at the entrance of the underworld, this place is not just entered by other races.

When Gu Xiangfei saw the green hat, he raised his hand to pat him without saying a word, and a huge sinister aura came over him, and he raised his hand and blasted out a thunderbolt.

Boom! A terrifying arc of lightning shattered the cold aura, and then hit the fifth-rank saint in the underworld, “Boom!” A blood mist exploded, and the fifth-rank saint in the underworld did not expect that this human saint was actually a thunder Daoist saints, their nemesis in the underworld is the bombardment of the thunder system. He didn’t even have time to dodge. He was blasted by the thunder arc and shattered his body. , and then tore apart his world, swept away all the items in his world, and turned his soul into nothingness with a fire.

Gu Xiangfei bombed and killed this fifth-rank saint in the underworld. After searching for souls, he learned some things about the underworld. There are no ghosts in this underworld, but a race from the holy world. However, the underworld is in charge of the souls of the human world. No matter who falls or dies, he or she will enter the underworld and step on the bridge of Naihe for reincarnation.

Ordinary people have no memory after death, and their souls step on the Naihe Bridge to enter the next reincarnation, but monks with primordial spirits and powerful souls will reincarnate with their memories. The higher the cultivation level, the more complete the memory. will be faster.

In the underworld, reincarnation, Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered his great reincarnation technique, which was really effortless. He immediately decided to use the chaotic path to cultivate to a fifth-rank saint, and then use the great reincarnation technique to prove the fifth-rank saint.Now enter the world of the underworld to find opportunities.

After Gu Xiangfei made his decision, he immediately operated the regular exercises to assimilate the regular breath of the fifth-rank saint in the underworld, and then used the supernatural power of the great shape-changing technique to change into the face of the fifth-rank saint in the underworld. The underworld.

Feng Kui, a Rank 5 saint in the Underworld, is a small banner officer of the Inspection Division in the Underworld. During this time, he is in charge of the entrance to the Underworld.

The vitality of heaven and earth in the underworld is quite strong, but the sun is not visible here, and the surroundings are gloomy and foggy, illusory. Gu Xiangfei dare not enter the inner domain of the underworld now, and Feng Kui’s rotation time will expire in three years, and there is no inspection department. The saint came to change his rotation, so he couldn’t return to the inner realm of the underworld at will.

Naturally, Gu Xiangfei would not take turns guarding the entrance of the Underworld for him. Although he cannot enter the Inner Domain of the Underworld, he can walk freely in the Outer Domain. First find out the situation in the Outer Domain. As for other races who want to enter the Underworld, they can do so freely.

First, I checked the items in Feng Kui’s world. There are tens of millions of spars, five bottles of medicinal pills for cultivation and healing, and several Dao Soul Fruits, all of which are used for cultivation in the Yin and Underworld. The rules of heaven and earth in the underworld are quite different from the rules outside, but Gu Xiangfei’s rule method is the method of opening the sky, and any rule can be assimilated. After he absorbed the energy of chaos, he even assimilated the irregular rules of the chaos market, not to mention a The rules of the underworld are just different from the rules of the outside world, and there is not much difference.

One month later, he completely assimilated the heaven and earth rules of the underworld, and one more rule of the underworld was added to his many rules.

There are many rules in the holy world, and the rules of each race are very different. He has assimilated the regular breath of the human race, the regular breath of the gods, the regular breath of the holy world, and now he has assimilated the regular breath of the underworld. Encounter, as long as you meet him, you can quickly assimilate their regular breath.

He practiced using the regular breath of the underworld, but his cultivation base did not improve, so he simply stopped practicing and concentrated on deriving the formation method. Now his formation method has not improved. Be sure, even if you want to sneak attack and kill the rank seven saint, you can’t do it.

Time flies, three years have passed by, and his formation is still at the level of a sixth-level holy formation master, but his void formation pattern has been upgraded to the peak of the sixth level, and he is one step away from becoming a seventh-level holy formation king.

At this time, a rank-five saint who exchanged value with him came, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t go into details with him, mainly because he didn’t know this rank-five saint, and he was afraid that he would miss it, which would arouse his suspicion. Come here, Gu Xiangfei nodded.

“Fellow Daoist Feng Kui, you can go back to inspecting division.” After the rank five saint came over, he greeted him.

“Okay. I feel that my realm has improved recently, so I’ll practice first when I go back, so I’ll leave.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t wait for the Rank 5 saint to speak, and entered the inner realm of the underworld without waiting for him to speak.

“What’s wrong with Feng Kui? I heard that he usually talks a lot. Why is it different from the one in the legend? Could it be that he is in a hurry to go back to practice?” , Thinking according to my own guess.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the inner realm of the underworld, the vitality of the heavens and the earth here became stronger. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he saw a small bridge tens of thousands of miles away. The river under the bridge was surging, but not a single drop of water splashed out.

Could this be the legendary Wangchuan River? That is Huangquan Road, and that small bridge is Naihe Bridge. Where is the legendary Meng Po? Why didn’t you see it? Gu Xiangfei was somewhat puzzled, but he saw ghosts floating by from time to time on Huangquan Road, stepping on the Naihe Bridge, and then floating across the small bridge, disappearing.

In Feng Kui’s memory, his walking route does not need to pass through the Naihe Bridge, and they, the saints of the underworld, are not allowed to disturb the reincarnation of these souls. Once found, they will be thrown into hell.

But there are also some saints in the underworld who will secretly capture some souls to absorb their soul power for cultivation. Feng Kui only heard about it, but he has never seen it before. It may be because of his low cultivation base that some things cannot be accepted He found.

After passing through the area of ​​Naihe Bridge, you enter Yinsi City, which is in the inner realm of the Yin and Underworld. There are many commercial buildings, rest houses, and spiritual tea rooms in the city, which are similar to the buildings in the city of the human race. Moreover, the Yinsi City is brightly lit, and all of them are illuminated by bright stones. , It was like coming to an outside city.

Gu Xiangfei came to the inspection department and handed Feng Kui’s identity jade badge, which is considered to have handed over the task of the inspection department. The next task will take a hundred years before he will be on duty.

Gu Xiangfei came to Fengkui’s cave, took out the jade card to open the restriction, and saw that the cave was huge, with several rooms, and complete facilities. A five-level defensive formation was arranged in the void formation.

He does not have ores with the attributes of the underworld, nor can he refine formation flags that contain the rules of the underworld. Although the formation flags of the holy world can also be used, this is the underworld, and everyone is using the formation flags that contain the rules of the underworld. Using the formation flag of the Holy Realm alone is afraid that people will be suspicious if they see it. When he arrives in an unfamiliar realm, he can’t be free with some details, and it’s better to be careful.

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