Sacred Heart Building Trade Fair

More than a month later, Gu Xiangfei stood up. This more than a month was not enough for him to deduce the way. Although there was some progress, it was only a little bit better than before, not much difference.

He calculated that his room was about to expire. Although the energy of heaven and earth here was strong, it had no effect on him. He decided to leave the Sacred Heart Tower and go outside to find opportunities.

When I reached the fourth floor, I took out the jade token and handed it to the nun, and didn’t ask for the remaining spar, and came to the third floor amidst the nun’s grateful thanks.

“Do fellow Taoists want to participate in the exchange meeting? You only need 10,000 spars to enter the jade token.” A rank five sage on the third floor was standing at the entrance of the exchange meeting hall to solicit guests.

Gu Xiangfei thought for a while, since he met him, he could just go in and have a look. He took out 10,000 crystals, took the jade card and entered the exchange meeting hall.

The hall is very large. There is a huge display screen on the entire west wall. There are many messages posted by saints on it. They are all trading their own items. Many saints are checking the information on it.

There is a huge long table in the middle, surrounded by saints of rank five realm, there are hundreds of people, and a group of low-level saints around it, it seems that only rank five saints are qualified to sit there.

After Gu Xiangfei came in, he first went to the display screen to check the above information. He now wants to exchange for some top-level ore, or a pseudo-innate treasure alchemy furnace. His Dao Dan has not been able to refine super-class Dao Dan. The second is that his alchemy furnace is of a low level, and he cannot refine super dao alchemy.

After checking the information on the formation screen, I didn’t find anything useful to me. All the items traded on it were Dao fruits and the like, and there were very few ores.

After the monks have cultivated to the holy realm, the saints will use these top-level ores to refine their own magic weapons. Even if the saints themselves do not know how to refine magic weapons, they will keep these top-level ores and find them to help them refine them. The magic weapon needed for the system, and no one wants ordinary low-level ores, so the ores rarely appear here.

Turning around, he came to the long trading table. There happened to be a Rank 5 sage leaving here. He might have traded what he needed, and he left with a happy face, leaving an empty seat. Gu Xiangfei took advantage of the opportunity to sit down.

“I need a star fruit, this is the item I want to exchange.” A fifth-rank saint waved his hand, and a pile of items appeared in the air, including Dao fruit, ore, acquired magic weapon, and array disk. messy.

After Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness scanned, he didn’t find what he needed. He had a Dao Star Fruit Tree, and he had already harvested 18 Dao Star Fruits. Without maturity, the Star Dao Fruit is the Dao Fruit to comprehend the rules of the Starry Sky Avenue, and to communicate with the power of the starry sky to temper one’s own Dao.

Seeing that no one traded with him, the fifth-rank sage raised his hand and put away the items in disappointment, but he didn’t leave his seat. He probably wanted to see if there were any items he needed that were traded by other sages.

“I need an ice-attribute space rule stone. This is the item I exchanged.” A white-faced five-turn saint waved his hand, and a Dao fruit, an ore, a pill furnace, and three items appeared in the air. Although there are few items, they are all high-level Dao fruits, high-level ores, and the alchemy furnace is an acquired magic weapon.

Gu Xiangfei paid a little attention to this alchemy furnace, but he lost his mind the next moment. This is obviously a somewhat incomplete alchemy furnace. He wants an ice-attribute space rule stone for such a thing. He is afraid that he doesn’t know how precious his own thing is. ?

“Haha… you still want to exchange these few things for ice-attributed space rule stones. I think you are dreaming and haven’t woken up!” A red-faced rank five saint laughed loudly, and then mocked the rank five saint again, The other rank five saints also smiled and remained silent.

“You…” The white-faced rank-five saint was ridiculed by the red-faced rank-five saint, and immediately became furious. He stood up and was about to strike when he suddenly remembered that this was in the Sacred Heart Tower. How could he dare to strike unless he didn’t want to live anymore? , and sat down resentfully.

“Haha…” Seeing that he didn’t dare to make a move, the red-faced rank-five saint sat down aggrieved and laughed wildly again.

“Let you see what is a top-level Dao fruit, what is a top-level ore, and what is a pseudo-innate alchemy furnace. I need a space rule stone with a fire attribute. Is there any fellow Taoist who needs to exchange it?” The red-faced fifth-rank saint After speaking, he raised his hand and waved, several top-level Dao fruits, three top-level ores, and a pseudo-innate alchemy furnace appeared in the air, each of which was an item needed by a rank-five saint.

Gu Xiangfei checked this pseudo-innate alchemy furnace first, and found that it was not very ideal, but it could be used. Then he checked the three top-level ores, and one of the ores faintly exuded a trace of chaos, but this is not a refining alchemy furnace. After looking at the ore, he lost his mind after reading it. He checked these few Dao fruits again, and found that one of the Dao fruits contained the evil spirit of heaven and earth. Heavenly and earthly evil spiritDao Fruit, he just needs this kind of Dao Fruit to prove the Great Changing Shape Technique.

“Yeah!” There was a voice transmission, he sensed spatial fluctuations, and immediately caught the source of the voice, “I have the fire attribute rule stone that fellow Taoists need, but it’s not convenient to trade here. Waiting for you.” Gu Xiangfei immediately saw a fiery red-haired rank five saint, stood up and left the trading hall.

The red-faced sage waited for a few more breaths, and seeing that no one was trading, he put away his belongings with a face of disappointment, turned and left the trading hall, obviously a little disappointed with this trading hall, the white-faced rank-five saint saw After he left, he also stood up and left the trading hall. Someone immediately thought that this white-faced rank-five sage might have settled with the red-faced rank-five sage.

After seeing them leave, Gu Xiangfei also stood up and left the trading hall. Just as he left, several rank five saints also left the trading hall one after another.

“Interesting, these little guys may be going to kill and seize treasure.” Everyone in the trading hall was under the surveillance of Tiantong Saint, and he saw the actions of these rank-five saints, and then Tiantong Saint also Leaving the top floor in a flash, his target was Gu Xiangfei, and the other rank five saints hadn’t noticed yet.

Gu Xiangfei left the Sacred Heart Building, turned around and came to another commercial building, and went directly to the second floor. He felt that someone was checking him, and he didn’t use his spiritual sense to check him. He immediately thought that it might be a supernatural power like Tianyan. The nine small magical powers below the Great Yixingshu magical power have the supernatural power of the eye of the sky.

The second floor of this commercial building is equipped with an isolation formation. The moment he stepped on the second floor, he immediately changed his appearance, changed his aura, turned around and went downstairs, and left the commercial building to experience the regular exercises. , Without the feeling of being stared at by others, he felt a little relieved and walked out of the Sacred Heart City slowly.

Saint Tiantong had already left the Sacred Heart Building. He probably guessed Gu Xiangfei’s intention and waited for him to come out at the city gate in advance, but he was still worried. He didn’t know what Gu Xiangfei was going to do. This commercial building had an isolation formation, and his Celestial Eye had to pass through the isolation formation. It took a few breaths to do it. Afterwards, he found that Gu Xiangfei was nowhere to be found.

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