Void and Chaos Land

Sage Tiantong was taken aback. How did this rank five sage disappear? It took him only three breaths of time to penetrate the isolation formation of this commercial building, and this rank five saint disappeared. Could it be that this rank five saint has changed his appearance? However, no matter how clever the disguise technique is, he can’t escape his divine power, let alone his aura, which cannot be changed.

Immediately, the Saint Tiantong searched for Gu Xiangfei in the entire Sacred Heart City. After a few breaths, he was disappointed. Tianyan couldn’t find Gu Xiangfei. With his level of seven-turn saint, he didn’t feel Gu Xiangfei’s breath. Could it be that he has already left the city? up?

Saint Tiantong was a little unwilling. He didn’t believe that a rank five saint could escape from his eyes.

He suddenly thought of a possibility that this rank-five sage had an innate treasure to shield his aura, and then thought that this rank-five sage might have great transfiguration supernatural powers. Thinking of this, his heart became hot, great transfiguration supernatural powers! Apart from the supernatural power of the great shape-changing technique, what else can block his supernatural power of the heavenly eye, this rank five sage will definitely have the supernatural power of the great shape-changing technique, and there are innate treasures that can block his breath from being seen by him.

It’s just that when he thought of this, how could he find the rank five saint? The only way for Saint Tiantong now is to check the monitoring array of that commercial building, and check which monk entered and came out of that commercial building. As long as it is not the same person, he can find out his voice and appearance appearance.

As soon as he raised his legs to go to the commercial building, he stopped again. If the fifth-rank sage went out of the city and changed his appearance, even if he found it, he couldn’t find him. Thinking of this, the Tiantong sage had no choice but to return. The Sacred Heart Tower is in charge, he is sure that the rank five saint has left the Sacred Heart City now, and has changed another face, with the cautious heart of this rank five saint, how can he let him find it?

Gu Xiang flew out of the Sacred Heart City, and transformed into a gray-haired old man in his twilight years in no one’s place. The aura on his body carried an aura of decay. It was obvious that his cultivation base could not make further progress, and he was not far from the reincarnation of death.

The regular escape technique unfolded, and after a few breaths, it was a million miles away to the east. There were already six rank five saints, facing each other. Li said, “Get the hell out of here.”

“If you want to kill me, it doesn’t matter! It’s good to have someone buried with you before you die.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a huge Dao Yuan, boom! The two primordial forces are blasted together, and after cultivating to the holy realm, the saints raise their hands to show supernatural powers, and the comparison is whose supernatural power is stronger, not the subtlety of the moves.

After the Yuanli of the rank five saint collided with Gu Xiangfei’s Daoyuan, Yuanli continued to collapse, boom! A mass of blood mist exploded, and the primordial spirit came out of the body. He didn’t expect this old guy’s primordial force to be so powerful. Not only was his primordial force broken by the opponent’s blast, it also passed through his collapsing primordial force and shattered his body. In the flesh body, the primordial spirit was panicked and grabbed by Gu Xiangfei again. He raised his hand and tore open his world, swept away the items in his world, and crushed the primordial spirit of this rank-five saint, turning into a piece of primordial force and dissipating in the void among.

“Who else wants to kill me?” After Gu Xiangfei killed this rank five saint, he looked at the other five rank five saints.

The five rank five saints were taken aback, and they retreated violently.Thousands of feet, but within three breaths, this rank five saint was crushed by this white-haired old man. This is not very surprising. What shocked them the most was that this white-haired old man actually tore open his world, that is, the rank nine saint It may not be possible to tear apart the world of a rank five saint. Who is this white-haired old man? Seeing that he has entered his twilight years, how can he be so powerful and boundless if he can slap him to death by raising his hand.

“I trade with you. This is the fire attribute rule stone you want.” Gu Xiangfei flashed to the red-faced saint. The red-faced saint did not expect him to be so fast. Just as he was about to make a move, he found that the opponent’s domain directly imprisoned him. He was so scared that he immediately wanted to burn his energy and struggle to escape, but found that the white-haired old man took out a watermelon-sized rule stone containing fire attributes and threw it into the void in front of him.

The red-faced sage immediately stopped his actions of burning Yuanli, and found that he had regained his freedom. He quickly raised his hand and took out several Dao fruits and ores, as well as the pseudo-innate alchemy furnace.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away his belongings with a wave, leaving behind a phantom, which disappeared, “It’s so powerful!” A few breaths later, the red-faced saint put away the fire attribute rule stone, shouted, and then walked away from here.

The other four rank five saints looked at each other in blank dismay. Seeing that the master had left, they didn’t dare to chase the red-faced saint any more, so they quickly scattered and left here.

Two days after Gu Xiangfei launched the rule escape technique, he came to a canyon, took a look at the river hanging upside down in the sky, and then found a flat stone to sit down on.

Take out the dao fruit containing the evil spirit of heaven and earth, put it in the jade box, put the restriction on it and throw it into the star bead, then take out the pseudo innate alchemy furnace, raise your hand and put a few restrictions on it, sit cross-legged and run the regular exercises to refine it Pseudo-innate pill furnace.

Two days later, with a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, this pseudo-innate alchemy furnace turned into the size of a child’s head, and he threw it into the ring. If it was an innate treasure, it would turn into a phantom and enter his purple mansion for warming. Unfortunately, this alchemy furnace It has not reached the level of innate treasure, but it is stronger than acquired magic weapon.

After putting away the fake congenital alchemy stove, he checked the items in the world of the fifth-rank sage. There were tens of millions of spars, dozens of Dao fruit trees, more than a dozen jade boxes, a few jade slips, and a few jade bottles. , there is no dao vein, Gu Xiangfei bombarded and killed several rank five saints, none of them had dao veins in their world, so it can be seen that dao veins are also scarce resources in the holy world.

Open all the jade boxes, check them, and put them away again. There are a few Dao fruits that can be used to refine Dao pills, but these Dao fruits are not enough, so I put them away for now, and I will refine Dao pills when I have enough Dao fruits.

He picked up the jade slips to check again, and a map jade slip attracted his attention. This map jade slip recorded a location in the void, and the word Chaos was engraved on it. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, this place of chaos in the void , must be more than a hundred times stronger than the Chaos Qi in the Chaos Ruins, and he needs the Chaos Lands to practice right now.

Looking at the jade slip on the map, he calculated the distance from here to the void. It would take half a year to fly, but with his regular escapism, it is estimated that he can reach it in three months at most.

After making the decision, he immediately tidied up and fled to the void.

Void and chaotic area, there is a void entrance here, and a market has spontaneously formed outside. Many saints set up stalls here, exchanging or selling various items containing the aura of chaos found in the void and chaotic area.

“This place has been taken over by our protoss. Starting today, each booth will charge one thousand spars per day.” A seventh-rank saint of the protoss suddenly appeared in the sky above the square market at the entrance of the void.

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