Chasing in the Void

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the void, he immediately operated regular exercises to assimilate the regular breath in the void. Fortunately, there were many meteorites in the void, and he was on the ninth floor of the divine realm, so he ignored some small meteorites and rushed over.

The ninth-rank saint of the protoss race saw that Gu Xiangfei hit the meteorite with his body and flew away. Only then did he know that this fifth-rank saint had actually practiced the body exercise formula. Although he was a ninth-rank saint, his body had never practiced the body exercise formula., Hastily cast a Yuanli shield to block the impact of the meteorite, so that his pursuit speed was much slower.

Gu Xiangfei assimilated the rules of the void while flying away. His physical body was strong, and small meteorites could not harm him at all. Only when he encountered a large meteorite did he dodge.

Ten days later, he assimilated the rules of the void, the rules of escapism unfolded, and he even ran the Qianyuan body training formula, flying away while training his body. Five days later, Gu Xiangfei could not feel the breath of the nine-ranked saint of the protoss, and knew that he was safe now , Hastily took out the map jade slip to check.

“Damn it! I went the wrong way, and I have to go back.” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but yelled, it was the nine-turn saint of the protoss who was chasing and killing him, and he went the wrong way in a panic.

“Ant, you can’t run away.” The ninth-rank saint of the protoss chased after him, raised his hand and blasted out a huge terrifying force.

It was too late for Gu Xiangfei to run, so he quickly raised his hand and blasted out a thunderbolt magic power.

Boom! There were bursts of violent noises in the void, Gu Xiangfei retreated thousands of feet, and performed some exercises. Although he was a little bloody, he felt that he was fine. How weak is this ninth-rank saint of the protoss race? He was still stronger, and then he saw the Yuanli shield of the nine-turn saint of the protoss, and saw him avoiding the meteorite, and immediately understood that his strength had declined in the void, and this was a good opportunity to practice.

“Again!” Gu Xiangfei yelled, and raised his hand to blast out a thunderbolt. Countless arcs of thunder were like waves. One wave was not flat, and another wave rose again, constantly bombarding the nine-turn saint of the protoss.

The protoss rank nine saint was furious, and a rank five saint dared to confront him. He raised his hand and was about to unleash a supernatural power with all his strength, but when he saw the meteorite hitting him again, he quickly cast out another shield, using the remaining Yuan Li and Gu Xiangfei confronted each other, aggrieved in their hearts, had nowhere to vent, and had no choice but to fight to get injured, and wanted to kill this human rank five saint, but was afraid that the human rank nine saint would chase him and kill him in one fell swoop. He bombed.

Gu Xiangfei continuously bombarded this rank nine saint of the Protoss race with the supernatural power of the thunderbolt technique, just to bully him for not being a body cultivator. In this void, there are not only meteorites, but also void blades, void vortexes, and void dislocations.

The ninth-rank saint of the protoss became more and more frightened. He didn’t expect to be restrained everywhere in the void. Can’t hurt him one bit.

The ninth rank saint of the god race saw that if he continued like this, he might be bombarded and killed by the fifth rank saint of the human race in the void.

Gu Xiangfei was fighting smoothly, how could he let him run away, and then chased him over, and at the same time continuously blasted the supernatural power of the thunderbolt, the god race nine-turn saint turned around to fight with him, turned around and fled after several times of confrontation, Gu Xiangfei continued to chase him down.

The two were fighting in the void. Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of the Great Thunder Art had reached the state of Dzogchen, and he replaced it with the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Art. This supernatural power of the Great Destruction Art was stronger than the supernatural power of the Great Thunder Art. This supernatural power is even more powerful, bombarded with countless destructive Dao charms, his Yuanli was shattered, even the Yuanli shield was shattered, and he was so scared that he quickly fled and fled. What kind of supernatural power is this? so powerful! Now this human saint is a rank five saint, if he breaks through to a rank seven saint, he may already be killed by him.

Now is the time to run away from here, otherwise I will be killed by this human rank five saint today. Thinking of this, he turned around and fled again, when a huge elemental force bombarded him, the protoss rank nine saint yelled, “It’s not good. “He had already forgotten that there was a ninth-rank human saint behind him. This human ninth-rank saint was so cunning that he sneaked up on him when he turned around.

“Boom!” Half of the body of this divine race nine-turn saint was smashed into pieces, and his shield of origin force also collapsed. Countless void blades bombarded him, and chopped his lower body’s legs, before he could use it. Yuanli gave birth to his legs, and a destructive dao rhyme directly shattered his body. As soon as his primordial spirit came out, he was pierced by two sharp thorns, and his primordial spirit suddenly weakened. Countless complicated hand formulas tore open his world, his primordial spirit was startled suddenly, this human race fifth rank saint actually tore open his world, how is this possible? Even Taoist ancestors may not be able to tear apart the world of a ninth-rank saint!

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and swept away all the items in the world of the protoss ninth-rank saint, and then turned the primordial spirit into nothingness with a fire.

The ninth-rank human saint was shocked when he saw that Gu Xiangfei killed the protoss ninth-rank saint. This human saint is too powerful! Although he succeeded in sneak attacking him with his help, but when he came over, he saw Gu Xiangfei chasing and killing this protoss rank nine saint, otherwise he wouldn’t have succeeded in sneak attacking him.

What made him even more unexpected was that this rank five saint of the human race actually played countless complicated hand formulas, tearing open the world of this rank nine saint of the god race, and swept away all the items in his world. shocked.

“Thank you fellow daoist for your help, otherwise he would have run away.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted this human race nine-turn saint.

“Fellow Daoist, you are too polite. You are too powerful. I just did a little favor. By the way, my name is Chang Qingzhou, and my title is Saint Xuankong. I don’t know what you call it.” He has grown up to four realms, but he made friends with Gu Xiangfei according to the etiquette of his peers. Gu Xiangfei can kill nine-rank saints.If you don’t make friends, when he becomes stronger, people will know who you are? Hastily clasped his fists and returned a salute.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, what did Fellow Daoist Xuankong go to the Netherworld to find?” Gu Xiangfei guessed that Xuankong must have recognized him from his escapism, so before Xuankong asked him about the Netherworld, He asked first.

“It really is Fellow Daoist Gu in the Netherworld, but he is like entering a land of no one in the Netherworld. Compared with Fellow Daoist Gu, I am much worse. I want to find a soul-inducing Daoguo to save my daughter, but it is a pity that I was killed.” The green hat was found, and he didn’t find it until Fellow Daoist Gu left.” Xuan Kong Saint knew that Gu Xiangfei must have the Soul-Inducing Dao Fruit, because when he found Gu Xiangfei, he felt the breath of the Soul-Inducing Dao Fruit, so he chased Gu Xiangfei. It’s just that he didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to run so fast that he didn’t catch up.

“The soul-inducing dao fruit! I have it here, are two enough?” Gu Xiangfei heard that it was the soul-inducing dao fruit, not the Bianhua, and he was determined. The Xuankong sage helped him and gave him two soul-inducing dao fruits. If it can be counted as thanking him for his help, otherwise he would not be able to kill the ninth-rank saint of the Protoss, let alone obtain a world of nine-rank saints.

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