: Befriend the Sage Xuankong

“Enough, enough. Thank you Brother Gu, from now on you and I are brothers, Brother Gu won’t look down on brother!” Xuankong Saint was about to make friends with Gu Xiangfei, and took this opportunity to give away the soul-inducing Dao fruit, and took the opportunity to mention it. come out.

“Since the old brother is compatible with each other, don’t be polite, just put it away!” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard the words of Xuankong Saint. This Xuankong is a ninth-rank saint. With such a powerful friend, in the future The safety of the holy world is also guaranteed, so he is naturally willing to make friends with the sage Xuankong.

“Okay! Brother Gu is happy.” Saint Xuan Kong took the jade box that Gu Xiangfei handed over. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found two soul-inducing Dao fruits inside.

After Gu Xiangfei’s consciousness swept over, he saw a huge meteorite, gliding along the trajectory in the void, and stepped onto the meteorite, “Brother Xuankong, come up! It’s safer here.”

Saint Xuankong laughed, stepped forward and came to the meteorite, he had to put up a shield to protect his whole body in the void, just like the nine-turn saint of the protoss, and saw that Gu Xiangfei found a huge meteorite and solved his problem. Regarding the safety issue, I am very grateful.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, took out a formation flag, and set up a defensive formation to prevent this meteorite from being crushed by other meteorites.

“Brother Gu is still a holy formation master?” Seeing the formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei, the saint Xuankong felt even more admirable. This brother Gu is not simple! His formation is close to that of the holy formation king.

“My cultivation base is low, so I had to use formations to save my life, so I learned the way of formations, but I haven’t broken through to the king of the holy formation, but I think it will be soon, now let’s see what there is in the world of the nine-turn saints of the god race! After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand and took out the items in the world of the nine-turn saints of the Protoss.

This meteorite is tens of thousands of feet in size, and the items in the world of the God Clan Ninth Rank Saints actually occupy the entire meteorite, and there are still things left.

There is a mountain peak in crystal stones, more than one hundred road veins, hills formed by ores, more than two hundred jade boxes, three innate magic weapons, and all kinds of jade slips are everywhere, row by row. Dao fruit trees are all covered with Dao fruits, there are about 300 trees.

“There are a lot of resources. No wonder the Protoss is so powerful. It is several times more than our Human Race.” Xuankong Saint saw these items. He is a ninth-rank sage, and compared to others, he is simply a beggar.

“I won’t give the dao fruit trees to my brother. I just want to refine dao pills. I take these things as I like.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his hand and put away these dao fruit trees, and transplanted them into his own world. Now you can refine Dao Dan.

“Thank you so much, brother.” Saint Xuankong was overjoyed when he heard what Gu Xiangfei said, and he was even more grateful to Gu Xiangfei.

“You’re welcome, each of us has half of these things.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away half of the mountain’s crystal stones, leaving fifty Dao veins. After choosing some useful ores for himself, he picked up the jade slips and checked them again. Fan, they are all jade slips of exercises and cultivation experience, which are of little use to him, so he finally opened all the jade boxes to check.

Sage Xuankong saw that Gu Xiangfei had put away half of the things first, so he was no longer polite. He raised his hand and put away these items. Among the three innate magic weapons, he chose a Tiankun sword and planned to leave it to his daughter.

After Gu Xiangfei inspected the jade box, he found that there were some top-level Dao fruits and top-level ores, but none of them contained the energy of chaos, so they were useless to him.

After the two of them divided their things, Saint Xuankong went to check the jade slips. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the pseudo-innate alchemy furnace, and took out the Dao fruit to refine the Dao pill. Now that the Dao fruit is sufficient, it is suitable for him to refine the Dao pill.

Call out Xinghe, heat up the alchemy furnace and throw in various Dao fruits, melt liquid, purify, throw away slag, fuse, infuse spirits, divide pills, pull pills, all in one go, “When…” Gu Xiangfei heard the voice of Dao Dan , Knowing that there are two Dao Pills that have not reached the super Dao Pill.

Raising his hand, he took out a high-grade Shenglin Dao Dan, carefully examined it and deduced it.

Saint Xuankong heard the voice of Dao Dan and smelled the fragrance of Dao Dan, and immediately knew that what Gu Xiangfei was refining was Shenglin Dao Pill, which is the healing Dao Pill of the holy world, and any saint can take it.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Gu Xiangfei holding a Shenglin Dao Pill to check the derivation, and saw seven special Dao Pills and one high-grade Dao Pill in the jade plate. He was shocked.The younger brother is still a sage of alchemy? How did this guy practice? It is very difficult for ordinary people to practice one skill to the peak in their whole life, but he actually practiced two more skills, and alchemy has reached the peak state.

Gu Xiangfei kept deriving the way of alchemy, and found the reason why he didn’t refine the super-class alchemy by running the regular exercises, and sacrificed Xinghe to start refining the second batch of alchemy.

This time the time for refining Dao Dan was a bit slower than before, and the control of some fires was also adjusted. With a wave of his hand, “When…” nine clear and pleasant voices came out, and Gu Xiangfei knew that all of them had been refined. Special Dowden.

“Brother Gu is such a powerful alchemy, I really admire it.” The sage Xuankong saw that Gu Xiangfei had refined all the super dao pills in the second furnace, and he also admired Gu Xiangfei. There were still two high-class dao pills just now Well, now it’s only been half a day, and all the special dao pills have been refined. This guy’s alchemy is simply too powerful.

“Give it to my brother. I will continue to refine other Dao Dan. Now that Dao Fruit is sufficient, it happens to be refined into Dao Pill, so as not to waste time when I need it in the future.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and waved his hand. Eighteen pieces of Shenglin Dao Dan were given to Saint Xuankong.

“Great, it seems that getting to know Brother Gu is simply my best chance.” Saint Xuankong was overjoyed, and quickly put away these Dao Pills. You must know that special Dao Pills rarely appear in the holy world, and even if there are, they will not appear. They will be sold, and they are all collected by themselves. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the level of Dao Dan needed.

Saint Xuankong is a rank nine saint. He needs to take Dao Dan after he is injured. It may take five days for a high-grade Dao Pill to recover, and a special Dao Pill may be able to recover in one day.

For ten consecutive days, Gu Xiangfei successively refined the Holy Pan Dao Pill, Shengling Dao Pill, and Shengdu Dao Pill, these three kinds of Dao Pills needed by the holy world.

Sage Xuankong was overjoyed when he saw that Gu Xiangfei refined all the special Dao pills. Brother Gu is simply a genius. You must know that the refining methods of these four kinds of Dao pills are fundamentally different. Dao pills are not like pills from the lower realm. , as long as you reach the level of alchemy, you can basically refine pills of the same level, but Dao Dan is different. Although he has refined the Holy Lin Dao Pill, he may not be able to refine the Holy Pan Dao Pill , it is even more impossible to refine Shengling Dao Pill and Shengdu Dao Pill.

Gu Xiangfei was able to refine four kinds of special dao alchemy, which shows how powerful his alchemy is. No wonder sage Xuankong admired him.

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