Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast

How could the golden-winged roc let it escape? It spread its wings, trembled a few times, and swished.With a sound, he came to the front of the little pig, opened his mouth and long beak to reveal a mouthful of knives, and waited for the little pig to throw itself into the trap.

The speed of the little pig and the Garuda was only a breath away. Seeing the Garuda’s long-beaked tooth knife waiting for it to get in, it was so frightened that it immediately thumped! With a sound, lying on the ground, due to the inertial force of flying, the limbs drew two deep grooves on the ground, just under the sharp claws of the golden-winged roc, and the golden-winged roc raised its claws to hold its mouth, Prevent it from sending out sonic attacks.

“Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Can’t move either.

“You still want to run! You stupid pig, don’t even look at who I am? Who else is faster than me? What kind of pig is your name? How can you survive here? Say it quickly, if you don’t say it, I will swallow it You.” The wisdom of the golden-winged roc is just an immature child now, and it never thought that its claws are still holding the pig’s mouth, so how can it speak?

“Woo… woo.” The little pig can only make a whining sound, but can’t speak at all, and it can’t speak human words either.

“You have a stubborn temper! Since you don’t speak, I’ll just swallow you.” Garuda saw that the little pig was only whining, and thought it wanted to attack with sound waves, so it didn’t talk to it at all. Meaning, opening its mouth and long beak to expose the tooth knife, it will tear up the piglet and swallow it.

“I am a Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, brother, please forgive me! I can find the treasure here, I will take my brother to dig the treasure, please forgive me!” The little pig pointed at the claws of the golden-winged roc. In the movie, seeing the Golden-winged Dapeng stretching out its long beak to swallow it, in desperation, he quickly sent a sound transmission to the Golden-winged Dapeng.

“Oh! You are a Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast? What talent do you have?”

“I can gather pure chaotic air in the chaotic star field, and let these pure chaotic air condense into chaotic veins or chaotic crystals. Brother, let me go, I will give you the condensed chaotic veins and chaotic spars ” Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast heard the golden-winged roc asking about its talent, and quickly sent it a voice transmission.

“Good talent, good ability, quack…” After hearing the talent of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, the golden-winged roc immediately laughed out loud, spread its wings, grabbed it and flew to Gu Xiangfei’s training place, what’s wrong with such a talent? Maybe let it go, let it recognize the master first!

Gu Xiangfei has already cultivated to the middle and late stage of Rank 5. He is surrounded by a strong chaotic atmosphere, and his cultivation is improving every moment.

“Brother Fei, what do you think I caught?” The golden-winged roc landed on the ground, but its claws pressed the mouth of the chaotic spirit-gathering beast. It was afraid of the sonic attack of the chaos-gathering spirit beast.

“Well, why are you catching this little pig? Do you want to roast it?” Gu Xiangfei’s golden-winged roc was holding a jet-black little pig, with a proud expression on his face, thinking that it had found something to eat, and wanted to take this little pig. A piglet was given to him to be roasted and eaten.

When the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast heard that the human sage was going to roast and eat it, it was so frightened that it sent a sound transmission to the golden-winged roc to beg for mercy.

“Brother Fei, why are you only thinking about eating? This is not a pig, this is the talent of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast…” Golden-winged Dapeng slapped Gu Xiangfei dissatisfiedly, and explained to him again. The talent of the first Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast.

Gu Xiangfei was stunned by the golden-winged roc, and he didn’t care at all. He only heard that it was a chaotic spirit-gathering beast, and that it could condense chaotic dao veins and chaotic crystals in the chaotic star field. He was overjoyed for a long time. Who cares about the dissatisfaction of the golden-winged roc.

“Then you hold its mouth because you are afraid of its sonic attack?” Gu Xiangfei saw that the golden-winged roc was still holding the chaotic gathering spirit beast’s mouth with its paws. The strength of the bird should not be feared.

“I don’t like it screaming, so don’t ask, let it recognize the master first! I’m afraid that after a long time, I can’t control it and scratch it.” Golden-winged Dapeng urged Gu Xiangfei, so much nonsense. Well? After you recognize the Lord, you can ask it whatever you want.

Gu Xiangfei was said several times by the golden-winged roc, his face became slightly hot, and he also felt that he had talked too much. He raised his hand and typed out a few complicated hand formulas. The breath circulating in the body penetrated into the depths of its primordial spirit and hid itself.

Feeling that the aura of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast was connected to him, he said to Garuda Dapeng, “Okay, let it go!”

The golden-winged roc raised its paws, and when the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast realized it was free, it opened its mouth and let out a sound wave attack, “Chi…”

Gu Xiangfei felt that his sea of ​​consciousness was shaken by a huge sound wave, and he almost lost his mind. Fortunately, his sea of ​​consciousness is strong and he has several defenses, so this sound wave did not penetrate his sea of ​​consciousness, “What a powerful sound wave attack. ”

The golden-winged roc had been prepared for a long time. It is also a holy beast. It used its powerful skills to resist the sonic attack of the chaotic gathering spirit beast, and raised its paws to hold down the chaotic gathering spirit beast to stop its screaming sonic attack.

After the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast made a scream and attacked, it turned around and swished, and disappeared. The golden-winged roc bird’s claws hit the air, and its claws pushed the ground into a pit several feet deep. The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast was pressed into the pit.

The golden-winged roc raised its claws angrily and spread its wings to catch it back. Gu Xiangfei quickly stopped it and said, “Don’t chase it, it will come back obediently.”

The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast just escaped, thinking that it must run farther this time. This golden-winged roc is too scary. If it catches it again, it will definitely not let itself go. It may be swallowed by it. As for the imprint that Gu Xiangfei drove into its body, it didn’tFeel any discomfort and think that your own talent has made the brand useless.

Suddenly, I felt that the meridians of my whole body were imprisoned, and the energy in my body was uncontrollable. Countless sources of energy began to reverse in the meridians, and all the energy in the meridians rushed towards its head. Blast your soul with force.

Just when the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast was in despair, it felt that the energy in its body had stopped, and there was no longer any reversal. It immediately understood that this was the activation of the brand mark, and this time it was to give itself a warning. It is estimated that it will explode and die, so scared that it turned around and ran back, but found that as long as it ran back, the energy in its body could be controlled again, and I felt sorry for it. It turns out that this human saint is the most powerful .

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast realized that the faster it went back, the faster the branding would disappear. As long as it stopped, its power would immediately reverse, and it was so scared that it didn’t dare to stay any longer. It galloped back, and after a few breaths, the Chaos Gathering Spirit The beast came to Gu Xiangfei, like a child who did something wrong, lowered its head, wagging its tail, waiting for Gu Xiangfei’s disposal.

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