Proving the Great Years Technique

After seeing the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast, the golden-winged roc raised its paws and pressed its mouth to the ground, saying, “You stupid pig, run! Run again next time, and I promise to swallow you in one bite. Now take out your condensed Chaos Dao Veins and Chaos Crystals to make atonement.”

Gu Xiangfei has never seen the chaotic veins and chaotic crystals condensed by the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast. He saw that the golden-winged roc only cared about teaching the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, but did not let go of it. How could it take out something?

“You let go of it first.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and pushed the golden-winged roc away, and the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast was freed. He glanced at Gu Xiangfei gratefully. It’s too bullying, it’s not right, it’s too bullying to pigs, it’s not right! They bullied me so much, they would hold my mouth and eat dirt at every turn.

The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast opened its own world, and took out thirty-four top-quality chaotic veins. The strong chaotic atmosphere instantly filled the space, turned into rain and mist, and fell to the ground with sound. Tens of millions of chaotic spar, more It exudes a strong chaotic atmosphere, which merges with the chaotic rain and fog.

“Is there any more? Why is it so small? Open your world and let me see.” Golden-winged Dapeng saw the best Chaos Dao, and his eyes were bright. There are so many good things, it is not satisfied, thinking that Chaos has gathered The spirit beast didn’t take out all the good things.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xiangfei put away these chaotic veins and chaotic crystals, and put one more breath here to consume more chaotic energy. He couldn’t bear to waste it in vain. , he will practice faster, and it is estimated that his cultivation base will soon break through to the sixth-rank realm, and then use the Great Years Technique to prove the sixth-rank saint.

“Okay, what’s interesting about the things in its world, let’s go to the place you mentioned to practice.” Gu Xiangfei stopped Garuda’s unreasonable request.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast looked at Gu Xiangfei gratefully, then turned around and galloped towards the canyon.

One person and two beasts soon came to the canyon. Gu Xiangfei felt the chaotic atmosphere here, and it was indeed several times stronger than where the spirit body Xiaotian was.

With the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, Gu Xiangfei didn’t even need to set up the Spirit Gathering Formation. As the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast began to swallow, the dense chaotic atmosphere instantly enveloped the space.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in cultivation, and turned into pure chaotic energy like rain and mist. With the operation of his regular exercises, they got into his body one after another, refined into his own Dao Yuan, and his cultivation level rose rapidly.

There is no time to practice, and it has been a hundred years in the blink of an eye. Gu Xiangfei has cultivated to the Dzogchen of the fifth rank saint, and is attacking the realm of the sixth rank saint. The Dao Yuan in his body is gathering more and more. He keeps compressing the Dao Yuan to let the Dao Yuan in his body Constantly tamping, finally the Dao Yuan in the body has been filled to the extreme.

“Crack!” Dao Yuan circulated in his body, breaking through a barrier. A large amount of Dao Yuan entered another space like a flood, and a huge breath surged out from his body and spread around.

The Golden-winged Roc and the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast were fluctuated by this huge aura, and they stumbled a few times. The Golden-winged Roc was a little better, pressing its claws on the ground, and after drawing tens of feet, it stopped. , Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast rolled out of the canyon like a ball.

Gu Xiangfei felt the Dao Yuan in his body. When he reached the Holy Realm, he really was one step at a time. Gu Xiangfei felt that he could save his life even against a rank nine saint. Maybe a rank eight saint could kill him. Such great confidence is all because of the thick Dao Yuan in his body, and the power of chaotic Dao Yuan is hundreds of times stronger than the Yuan Power cultivated by the saints in the holy world with spar.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years passed, and his rank-six sage realm stabilized. He raised his hand and took out a Years of Dao Fruit, preparing to use the supernatural power of the Great Years of Time to prove the way of a rank-six saint.

Holding the Dao Fruit of Time in his hand, running the supernatural power of the Great Suiyue Art, a trace of Dao Rhyme of Time entered his perception from the Dao Fruit of Time, Gu Xiangfei felt that the supernatural power of the Da Sui Yue was lacking some rules of time, so he immediately raised his hand and took it out again. A yellow middle plum dao fruit supplements the missing law of time.

The Dao Yun of the Great Years Art is constantly filling his body, and his breath of the Dao Rhyme of the Years is getting stronger and stronger. From the realm of the supernatural powers of the Great Years Art, he quickly stepped into the realm of great accomplishment, and then stepped into the peak realm.

After the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast fled back to the canyon, it looked at Gu Xiangfei in horror. The master’s aura was so strong, and it was blown hundreds of thousands of feet away by the aura it just released unintentionally. If this aura hit it alone, estimateJi will directly turn into a blood mist and explode to death.

The golden-winged roc muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, and went back to cultivation. The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast came back and breathed out the chaotic breath, condensing the top-quality chaotic Dao veins and chaotic crystals, and the space of the canyon was immediately filled with strong wrapped in the air of chaos.

Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of the Great Years Art. The golden-winged roc bird and the chaotic gathering spirit beast suddenly felt that the time in this space stopped, the thick chaotic mist was no longer lingering, and the rain that the chaotic gas turned into stopped. In the air, it took a few breaths for time to recover, the mist began to linger, and the rain fell on the ground.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast was shocked when it saw Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural powers. This is the power of the law of time. Its master originally practiced the law of time. No wonder it is so powerful. Following such a powerful master, it might be able to get a fruit in the future. It turns out that this big The bird already knew it, otherwise how could it recognize the master based on its cultivation base!

Gu Xiangfei stood up, his hands were empty. Suiyue Daoguo and Huang Zhongli Daoguo had already turned into nothingness in his hands. He had already cultivated to the state of Dzogchen with the supernatural power of the Great Suiyue Technique, and at the same time proved to be a sixth-rank saint.

“How long have we been practicing?” Gu Xiangfei asked the golden-winged roc.

“Hundreds of years!” The golden-winged roc has also cultivated to the level of a six-turn holy beast. It doesn’t need to prove the way, just work hard.

“It’s been three hundred years. I can condense one chaotic vein every 100 years. Now I have condensed three chaotic veins.” he.

“You put it away! I still have some Dao veins here, I don’t know if you can use them.” Gu Xiangfei grabbed a Dao vein, and the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast glanced at it and shook its head.

“Can I eat this vein?” Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast asked Gu Xiangfei via sound transmission.

“Can you eat Dao Mai? Then you can eat it!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect this little pig to want to eat Dao Mai.

When the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, it immediately opened its mouth to the Dao veins, click! Click! There was a sound of chewing, but within half a stick of incense, a Dao vein with a length of several hundred feet was swallowed by the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast, and its stomach didn’t bulge at all.

“You really are a pig, you can eat so much without gaining weight, Brother Fei, from now on it will be called a stupid pig!” Gold-winged Dapeng saw that after the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast swallowed the Dao veins, its belly did not grow at all, Couldn’t resist giving it a name.

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