Saint Kuitian Comes Back

“I’m not a stupid pig, I’m a little pig.” The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast also knew that the word stupid didn’t sound good, so it quickly sent a voice transmission to Golden-winged Dapeng to correct it.

“Anyway, you’re a pig. Is there any difference between a pig and a stupid pig? Since you say you’re a pig, I’ll let you be a pig!” The golden-winged roc proudly tricked the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast, and became very excited.

With a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, a cutting dao rhyme passed through the mouth of the chaotic spirit-gathering beast, directly cutting off the transverse bone in its throat, and then raised his hand and threw it a holy Lin dao pill, “Swallow it, and restore your strength.” injury.”

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast suddenly felt a sharp pain in its throat. Before it could snort, a Dao Pill flew into its mouth and swallowed it casually. The Dao Pill melted in its mouth and quickly recovered. The broken bone wound in its throat, the broken bone healed after a few breaths.

“It hurts so much! Hmm! I can talk now? I can really talk, hehehe…” The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast felt that its broken bones had healed, so it couldn’t help but yelled, and then burst into ecstasy.

“You’re a pig, what are you humming about? Talking?” The golden-winged roc saw the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast like this, and couldn’t help but sarcasm it.

“I can talk now, and I’m no longer a stupid pig. Thank you, little pig, for your help.” The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast raised its two trotters and saluted Gu Xiangfei.

“What’s your name, little pig? Seeing that you’re all black, you’ll be called Xiao Hei from now on!” Gu Xiangfei doesn’t want to be embarrassed by bringing a little pig with him when he introduces it to his friends in the future.

“Xiao Hei? Well, that’s a good name. I finally don’t have the character pig. Thank you, Master, for giving me the name.” Xiao Hei raised two pig’s trotters to express his gratitude.

“I think it’s better to be called Little Black Pig. You’re a stupid pig, but you’re still a pig after changing your name.” It still wants to swallow it. Now that it is useful, although it has cut off the idea of ​​swallowing it, it always feels uncomfortable when it sees it, and it will sarcasm if it has the opportunity.

“I’ll be called Xiao Hei. If you call me anything else, I won’t agree.” Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast looks like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, you can’t bully me now that you have a master.

“You…” What else did Garuda want to say? Gu Xiangfei stopped it and asked, “Where are those Chaos treasures you found?”

The golden-winged roc heard Gu Xiangfei asking it, and quickly took out the Chaos Dao fruit tree and Chaos Ore it found from the world.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed to see hundreds of Chaos Dao fruit trees. Now he can refine Chaos Dao Pills, which are several times more powerful than the Dao Pills of the Holy Realm.

“You go to practice! I want to refine the Chaos Dao Pill.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, let the two of them go aside and quarrel!

He raised his hand and took out the alchemy furnace, and sacrificed Xinghe to heat and clean the alchemy furnace first. There are so many Chaos Dao fruit trees, and countless mature Dao fruits are enough for him to refine Chaos Dao Pills.

The golden-winged roc and Xiao Hei ran aside, and Xiao Hei began to breath out the chaotic breath again, but the golden-winged roc spread its wings, flew out of the canyon, and went to look for the chaotic treasure in the chaotic star field.


I don’t know how many planes and universes are separated from the crack in the void. The cave of a mountain peak suddenly exploded, and a group of peopleYing appeared in the air, “Hahaha… My Kuitian Saint came out again, three old miscellaneous hairs are waiting! I will kill you one by one, eh! Where did the sky lock go? How do I feel? Can’t reach the location of the soul imprint? Dog! Don’t let me find you.”

After scanning the divine consciousness of Saint Kuitian, he found that there was no trace of the sky lock in the previous position of the chaotic star field. He was furious in his heart and couldn’t help but cursed. After recovering his physical body, he is ready to practice in the Chaos Star Field, and then seek revenge after improving his cultivation.

Now that he can’t feel the location of the soul imprint, how can he improve his cultivation? Relying on the remaining half-day Dao veins in his world? In order to restore the physical body before, he used a lot of resources in his world. The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to restore the physical body, and the more resources are needed.

His cultivation base has only reached the realm of a nine-turn saint. Going to seek revenge on Taoist ancestors is simply asking for death. The most important thing right now is to improve his cultivation base first, otherwise he will definitely die if he is discovered by Taoist ancestors.

Raising his hand to grab the void, he wanted to tear it open and go on his way, but found that his cultivation base had fallen, and he could no longer tear the void away. The angry Kuitian saint raised his hand and blasted out a magical power, and the entire mountain exploded, turning into shards and scattered swirling.

Looking for a direction, Saint Kuitian used his evasion technique to escape from here.

There are five Taoist ancestors in the holy world, two of them are from the gods, one is the Taoist ancestor of the human race, the other is the Taoist ancestor of the monster race, and the other is the Taoist ancestor of the sea clan. He plotted against a Dao ancestor of the human race, and the Dao ancestor of the God race promised many benefits to the Dao ancestor of the Sea race, allowing a nine-turn saint of the God race to break through to the realm of good fortune and become another Dao ancestor of the holy world. In this way, there are two Dao ancestors of the God race. Skyrocketing, fighting against the human race almost everywhere in the holy world.

In order to prevent the saints of the human race from becoming stronger, the Taoist ancestors of the divine race kept setting various rules for the saints of the human race. None of these rules was beneficial to the human race.

The most important rule is that humans cannot ascend to the Holy Realm in the God Realm. For this reason, the Protoss deliberately occupied the passage for the Human Race to ascend to the Holy Realm. Here, you can feel the breath of the human race in the God Realm advancing to the Holy Realm. Once you find the God Realm When the human monks had the aura of advancing to the holy realm, they shot and killed them. This was the plan of the gods to break the foundation of the human race first.

Many saints of the human race in the holy world violated the rules of the god race and were killed. The purpose of the god race is to prevent the race from growing. They know that once the human race grows stronger, it will be the day of the god race’s destruction.

Without the supplement of human monks from the gods, there are fewer and fewer people in the holy world, but even though they are few, they are dozens of times more than the gods. Humans in the holy world know the various rules that the gods have set for them. As long as these human saints saw the god saints, they would swarm up and kill the god saints, and then fled in all directions. For a while, the god saints did not dare to walk outside alone.

Saint Kuitian was attacked by the two Dao ancestors of the gods and the Dao ancestor of the Hai clan. He was originally a saint of the monster race, but the Dao ancestor of the monster race. , and the remaining Yuanshen escaped.

At the entrance of a secret realm in the holy world, two rank seven saints of the protoss are here to monitor. Human saints are not allowed to enter this secret realm. Once found, they will be killed immediately.

A rank five saint of the human race took a god-visiting pill, and the aura on his body instantly turned into the unique breath of a god race saint. When he came to the entrance of the secret realm, two rank seven saints waved him to enter the secret realm.

This human race fifth-rank saint clasped his fists in gratitude to the two seventh-rank saints, turned around and entered the secret realm, a terrifying coercion came in an instant, and the saints at the entrance of the secret realm were burst into blood mist by this terrifying coercion. The seventh-rank saint of the protoss was the first among them, and two clouds of blood mist exploded.

“Go to hell!” A figure landed at the entrance of the secret realm, raised his hand and punched the secret realm, and a huge terrifying force blasted out, and the entire entrance of the secret realm collapsed instantly. The saints who entered the secret realm felt that the secret realm was collapsing, and just wanted to Escaping from here, the space is constantly distorted, ripples spread out, and the entire secret realm is turned into pieces with a loud bang.

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