The Eye of Chaos

“It’s so powerful! I like it.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that after breaking through to the realm of a rank-six saint, his supernatural powers of the Great Thunder Art became more than ten times stronger, and even a rank-eight saint could not withstand the bombardment of his Thunder Arc Dao Rhyme.

He stepped forward and came to the monitoring cave. He wanted to see how the monitoring formation was arranged. He can even view the world of the saint. He needs to learn such a powerful formation.

“It turned out to be like this. It scared me.” Gu Xiangfei saw the center of the monitoring formation. It turned out that there was a chaotic eye. In the monitoring formation, he used the chaotic eye to view the saint’s world.

He raised his hand and grabbed the Eye of Chaos, took out the jade box and put it in, marked it with a restriction, and threw it into the ring. He would not put unrefined things in the star beads or his own world.

“Bold!” A shout came, and a huge coercive breath came. The saints at the entrance of the void saw the battle. In order to avoid affecting themselves, they fled far away and watched with their spiritual consciousness.

“Ninth Rank Saint, just in time, I’m about to try you.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about his coercive aura at all, and raised his hand to blast a great destruction spell at the Ninth Rank Saint.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei, a rank-six saint, dared to take the initiative to attack, the ninth-rank saint of the protoss almost laughed angrily. in the field.

Two huge Dao Yuan and Yuan Li clashed together, Yuan Li shattered in an instant, Dao Yuan shattered Yuan Li, and then blasted on the nine-turn saint again, bang! The ninth-rank saint of the protoss did not expect his origin power to be smashed by the sixth-rank saint of the human race. He was shocked, and a powerful destructive dao rhyme blasted himself, and his body suddenly turned into a blood mist and exploded.

Before the exploding blood mist disappeared, the huge Dao Yun of Destruction turned the blood mist into nothingness. As soon as the primordial spirit left the body, it was invaded by the Dao Yun of Destruction and turned into nothingness. For nothingness, this huge destruction dao rhyme quickly turned this space into nothingness, even the void was turned into nothingness by the destruction dao rhyme, and a void space soon appeared here.

With a wave of Gu Xiangfei’s hand, he shattered the huge Dao Rhyme of Destruction, but he was overjoyed in his heart. The supernatural power of this Great Destruction Art is indeed powerful and boundless. Turning things into nothingness is indeed a great supernatural power that destroys everything.

The saints watching from afar were shocked when they saw that the nine-rank saints of the god race were bombarded and killed by the sixth-rank saint of the human race, but the saints of the human race were extremely surprised. If he is allowed to become a Rank 7 Saint, Dao Ancestor is probably no match for him, but the Dao Ancestor of the Protoss will kill him soon. Thinking of this, the Human Saints are worried about Gu Xiangfei again.

After scanning Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual sense, he found that there were many saints of the god race in this group of saints, but they were all low-level saints, and they stood separately from the saints of other races. , just sent out a message secretly.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a powerful cutting technique. These divine saints felt a powerful aura and wrapped them up in an instant. The slag, the primordial spirit that came out of the body was also chopped into pieces by the cutting dao rhyme, and turned into balls of pure vitality, which dissipated in the void.

Seeing that there was no god saint here, Gu Xiangfei fled away and fled away. The rules of escapism unfolded. After a few breaths, the saints here found that their spiritual sense could no longer find his trace.

“What a powerful rank six saint! What a powerful escape technique!”

“This saint of the human race must have gone to find the god race’s bad luck again.”

“The protoss have bullied the human race all these years. Now the retribution is coming, just wait to be destroyed!”

These melon-eating sages talked a lot, and most of them were talking about what the Protoss did. They not only bullied the Human Race, they were also ruthless enough to attack other races, but they didn’t have as many rules as they did to the Human Race.

Gu XiangfeiAfter only ten breaths away, three God Clan ninth-rank saints came here at the entrance of the void. They saw that the God Race saints were all killed, the monitoring formation was also smashed, and the Eye of Chaos was also snatched away. He was furious, but no saint could be seen at the entrance of the void, either entering the void or fleeing here, no one was waiting here to be questioned by the god saint.

After Gu Xiangfei launched the regular evasion technique and flew away for a long time, he took out the communication beads and sent a message to Xuankong Saint, feeling that he himself came out of the void, whether they can get together together.

He has been in the Holy Realm for so many years, and Xuankong Saint is the only friend he has made. Bei Miyano from the Saint Star Palace is just an acquaintance, not a friend. Xuankong Saint has teamed up with him to kill several ninth-rank saints of the Protoss , can fight side by side, and work together to be friends.

Saint Xuankong quickly sent him a message, telling Gu Xiangfei that his current location was in the holy capital, and that if Gu Xiangfei could come, he would come here to find him.

Gu Xiangfei took out the map jade slips to check. The map jade slips in the world of the gods and saints were all on him. The saint Xuankong knew that he was not familiar with the holy world, so he left these map jade slips to him.

It takes a month to get to the Holy Capital from here, but with Gu Xiangfei’s regular escapism, it is estimated that it will take less than ten days to get there. He wants to ask Saint Xuankong, what method did the gods use to kill the gods and humans? The specific location is at where?

I didn’t ask Saint Xuankong when my cultivation level was low before. I originally thought that Saint Xuankong would follow him to find the land of void and chaos. After my cultivation level improved, I would ask Saint Xuankong again. It’s just that Saint Xuankong wanted to save his daughter and left. .

The regular evasion technique was launched, and he flew towards the holy capital.

In a cave in Shengdu City, Saint Xuankong saw that his daughter Chang Yue was recovering, and his spirit was slowly growing. He was overjoyed and grateful to Gu Xiangfei. Chang Yue’s missing spirit was gathered by the soul-inducing Daoguo and returned to his body. , It’s just that the soul is a little weak now and needs to recover slowly.

A monk has three souls and seven souls, three souls are divided, fetal light, which belongs to the qi of Taiqing Yang harmony, refreshing spirit, which belongs to the qi of the five elements, and secluded spirit, which belongs to the yin qi of the earth.

What Chang Yue lacked was the Yin Qi of the Nether Essence Land, so the sage Xuankong went to the Yin and Underworld to find the soul-inducing Dao Fruit, and recalled the Nether Essence Qi, one of Chang Yue’s three souls.

As for why Chang Yue lost the spirit of seclusion, he hasn’t found the reason yet, but the sage Xuankong is sure that it is caused by human beings, and someone is going to plot against him secretly, so that he has no time to devote himself to other affairs and concentrate on finding the soul-inducing Dao fruit. He has a soul-nourishing stone, which can stabilize Chang Yue’s remaining two souls and seven souls.

The soul-nourishing stone needs to absorb the essence of heaven and earth vitality. Shengdu City is the most suitable place for the soul-nourishing stone to absorb the essence of heaven and earth vitality. Therefore, Saint Xuankong rented a cave in Shengdu City, settled the soul-nourishing stone, and put his daughter Chang Yue in the cave. Resting on the Soul Cultivation Stone, he went out to look for the Soul-Inducing Dao Fruit.

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