: Coveting the Soul Cultivation Stone

Saint Xuankong received the message from Gu Xiangfei, and he was overjoyed. Gu Xiangfei was able to come out of the void. Maybe he had found the land of void and chaos, or maybe he came out after searching for so many years without any results. However, Gu Xiangfei’s strength shocked him very much. , the realm of a rank five saint can kill a rank nine saint. Although he has a great advantage in the void, being able to kill a rank nine saint is not something an ordinary rank five saint can do.

After replying Gu Xiangfei’s message, Saint Xuankong sorted out the harvest of these years in the cave. After he returned to Shengdu City, he has been busy using the soul-inducing Daoguo to heal his daughter Chang Yue. Time arranges all kinds of items shared with Gu Xiangfei in the void, now that his daughter’s soul is back to her body, he just needs to rest slowly, and he is also relieved, just waiting for Gu Xiangfei to arrive here, and sorting out these gains by the way.

The restriction on the cave was knocked off, and after Saint Xuankong’s spiritual sense swept over it, there were a rank nine saint and a rank eight saint standing at the gate of the cave, waiting for him to open the restriction.

Saint Xuankong didn’t know this rank nine saint, but he knew this rank eight saint. He was the shopkeeper of the rental cave, and he could let a rank eight saint be the shopkeeper of the rental cave. It can be seen that this power should not be underestimated.

Saint Xuankong opened the restriction, stood at the entrance of the cave and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“To disturb fellow daoist Qingxiu, I’m in Xiajinghe, titled Peihe, deputy city lord of the holy capital, I want to invite fellow daoists to participate in the opening ceremony of the Conferred Saint Tower in the Xiayu Starfield. I don’t know if you are willing to cooperate.” The nine-turn saint Jing He I introduced myself first, and then invited Saint Xuankong to participate in the Saint-Conferring Conference. The meaning is obviously to snatch the innate magic weapon obtained by the seventh-rank saints, but this kind of thing cannot be said clearly. Understand.

Saint Xuankong is not interested in snatching the treasures of rank seven saints. He doesn’t want to be contaminated with this kind of karma and affect his Dao. Besides, he already has several innate treasures on him.

“I still have things to do, and I don’t have time to go. Fellow Daoists, let’s find someone else!” Sage Xuankong rejected the invitation of Sage Peihe, and then closed the gate of the cave and put a ban on it.

The saint of Peihe ate the door shut, his face was a little unhappy, he turned and left here, the rank eight saint didn’t dare to say anything when he saw his complexion, but he despised him in his heart, he blew loudly when he came, what? No one would refuse me in my early years, but now I was rejected with a few words, wouldn’t that be a slap in the face?

“How long will this rank nine saint’s cave expire?” The saint Peihe walked in front, and suddenly asked the rank eight saint this question.

“There are still twelve years. During this period, he renewed the lease several times, and each time he renewed the lease for 300 years. This is the third time he has renewed the lease.” rental situation.

“Next time, if he wants to renew the lease, he will say that the Dongfu needs maintenance, and the Dongfu will not be rented out, so let him go! “When Saint Xuankong opened the cave, he felt the breath of the soul-nourishing stone and another person, but the breath was a little weak. He probably guessed that Saint Xuankong needed the vitality of heaven and earth here to nourish him. The soul of that person.

The damage to the soul cannot be recovered in a year or two. Although there are soul stones, it will take hundreds or thousands of years to restore the soul slowly. If there is no soul stone, even if it is used for tens of thousands of years, it may not be able to recover. .

“Obey.” The eighth-rank sage secretly despised him again. This is simply a villain’s behavior. He used this kind of thing to threaten others. Treasure? Since he doesn’t agree, he can still find someone else! Why bother to be so haggling, and you must get revenge? Besides, doing so will not do you any good, and it will reduce the income of the city lord’s mansion, which is simply harming others and not benefiting oneself, but he is a rank eight saint and can only listen to the words of saint Peihe.

Saint Peihe returned to the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion in the Holy Capital City. There are two Nine Rank Saints here, one is the City Lord Tianfu Saint, and the other is also the Deputy City Lord of the Holy Capital City, Saint Miaoji. Yuxingyu occupies a favorable position.

Rank 9 saints are not the only ones who snatch the innate treasures of rank 7 saints. It is estimated that there will be many rank 9 saints who will take action at that time. Every time the Saint Sealing Tower is opened, it is a huge opportunity for these rank 9 saints.

Conferring the Holy Pagoda is an opportunity to distribute titles and present innate treasures to the seventh-rank saints, but it is also an opportunity for the ninth-rank saints. Although these nine-rank saints have innate treasures, who would dislike the abundance of innate treasures! What’s more, the ninth-rank saints have disciples and family members, and they don’t need to give them to them, which also gives them the power to protect themselves.

“Fellow Daoist Peihe, haven’t you invited the ninth-rank saint? If there is one less person, one less person! This can save a few innate treasures. Although we are a little short of manpower, there may still be people in Xiayu Starfield.” Will cooperate with us.” The city lord, Tianfu Saint, saw that Saint Peihe had a bad face, and knew that he hadn’t invited that ninth-rank saint, but he didn’t care. Some ninth-rank saints are willing to do this kind of thing, but not all All nine-rank saints will do it.

“This ninth-rank saint can’t go away. There is a soul-nourishing stone in his cave. Maybe his relatives are recovering his soul. That person’s breath is very weak. I don’t think he can recover in hundreds of years.” The saint of Peihe said himself I told the Tianfu sage about my conjecture, the meaning is obvious, it’s not that I can’t invite the ninth-rank sage, but because he really has something to do here, so as not to be ridiculed by the Miaoji sage that he is not good at things.

“Soul-nourishing stone? Does it really have the breath of a soul-nourishing stone?” The saint Miaoji who was next to him heard that there was a soul-nourishing stone, and hurriedly asked the saint Peihe, his expression was very surprised.

“Yes, I can feel the breath of the soul-replenishing stone. I guess the relatives of the ninth-rank sage are using the soul-reinforcing stone to restore his soul.” The saint of Peihe said his conjecture again.

“Fellow Daoist Tianfu, I want to go to that sage of Rank Nine to see if he can sell me the soul stone? I have a good friend whose son was wounded and is now looking for the soul stone, or The reason why he can’t cooperate with us this time is because he doesn’t have time to take action on treasures such as the soul-cultivating wood. Once he has the soul-cultivating stone, he will definitely cooperate with us.” The Miaoji sage said his thoughts Come out, this time he didn’t mock the sage Peihe, he was even a little grateful for the news that the sage Peihe could provide.

“Well… I don’t think he will sell it, so don’t ask, think about it, your friend wants the soul stone to save people, and this ninth-rank saint is also to save people, so how can he be willing to sell it. “Sage Tianfu pondered for a moment, stopping Saint Miaoji’s plan.

“My good friend is the Aojiang Saint from the Dragon Clan. He is powerful. With him, we will definitely gain a lot this time. If the Rank Nine Saint is really not for sale, we will…” Saint Miaoji made a With a gesture that everyone understands, kill this Rank Nine Saint.

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