Planning Xuankong Saint

“Wait, I don’t think it’s better than this. You send a message to Saint Aojiang to come to the Holy Capital City, and say that you have found a soul-replenishing stone here. At that time, Saint Aojiang and us will make a move. If you kill this ninth-rank saint, you will be killed.” It’s much easier.” The saint of Peihe didn’t wait for the saint of Tianfu, the city lord, to tell his plan first. After the saint of Xuankong rejected him, he thought about how to take revenge on him. Soul stone, he immediately thought of this plan.

Shengren Peihe is relatively stingy and has a character of vengeance. Saint Xuankong didn’t agree to his cooperation conditions, so he held a grudge, otherwise he wouldn’t let that rank eight saint not rent out his cave to Saint Xuankong.

“Okay! Fellow Daoist Peihe’s strategy is clever. In this way, Saint Aojiang will be more grateful to us and will definitely spare no effort to help, haha…” Saint Miaoji now looks at Saint Peihe more and more pleasing to the eye, this guy Although a little stingy, this was exactly what he wanted to hear, and he gave the saint Peihe a thumbs up.

“If there is a big war in our holy capital, the loss is estimated to be huge. We will arrange the formation in the cave in advance, so as not to cause huge damage, and the loss outweighs the loss.” Tianfu sage quickly thought of how to make the loss of the holy capital even bigger. Small.

Gu Xiangfei came outside the city of the holy capital and changed his appearance. Now every time he goes to a strange place, he will change his appearance and aura, making it impossible for people to capture his true identity. The saints in the holy world are too powerful.Now he can deal with the nine-turn saint, but he is still not sure about the Dao ancestor. He has seen the cutting of the Dao ancestor and destroyed the refining gods, and he feels that he cannot be targeted by the Dao ancestor now, otherwise he will flee again. Under heaven, he doesn’t know how to escape.

After entering the holy capital city, feel the vitality of heaven and earth here. It was indeed several times purer than the outside. He immediately performed the regular exercises and assimilated the regular aura here while walking.

The holy capital city is about the same size as other holy city cities. He is not a novice in the holy world now. He has seen a few Taoist gates and a few big cities, which can be regarded as an eye-opener, so after entering the holy capital city, he is not surprised.

He took out the communication beads and sent a message to Saint Xuankong, but after a few breaths, Saint Xuankong sent a message back to tell him the location of the cave.

While looking at the scenery of the holy city, Gu Xiangfei strolled to the vicinity of Xuankong Saint’s cave, and saw that a formation was arranged here to surround the entire cave area. This is a large siege formation. Nothing will be lost.

“What’s going on here? Could it be that someone here is going to fight? Not good! Someone is going to deal with Saint Xuankong.” Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei didn’t continue to go to the cave, but turned around and walked back, and went straight out. Shengducheng, while walking, sent a message to Xuankong Shengren, telling him the news that a siege formation was arranged outside the cave.

Saint Xuankong saw the message from Gu Xiangfei, and quickly used his spiritual sense to look outside the cave. Sure enough, a large siege formation was set up here, but it has not been activated yet, and there are still people coming in and out.

He immediately followed Gu Xiangfei’s intention and took his daughter Chang Yue into his own world first. Fortunately, Chang Yue no longer needed to lie on the Soul Cultivation Stone to nourish his soul. Although it was a bit slow to recover in his own world, but now the matter is urgent, it is also possible. I had to feel wronged first.

Gu Xiangfei came to the outside of the holy capital city, and started to set up formations thousands of miles away, waiting for the arrival of Saint Xuankong. If someone chased him, he would just use the formation to kill him. Now he is the seventh-level holy formation king, although he can’t trap nine Turn saints, but it’s okay to stop them for a few breaths.

After finishing cleaning up, Saint Xuankong sent another message to Gu Xiangfei, confirming that he was already waiting for him to come out, and immediately opened the restriction of the cave mansion, and stepped out. After a few breaths, he left the Holy Capital City and joined Gu Xiangfei.

“Haha… Gu Xiangfei is safe and sound.” Xuan Kong Saint was also very happy to see Gu Xiangfei. He also has a few good friends in the holy world, but among the friends he knows, Gu Xiangfei has the lowest level of cultivation, but he is also the strongest Yes, he estimated that this time Gu Xiangfei came out of the void, and he might have improved his cultivation. He could kill a rank nine saint when he was a rank five saint. Now that he is outside, he probably has the strength to kill a rank nine saint. .

“Thanks to my brother, this time there is no danger, and by the way, I will raise my cultivation base to the sixth-rank realm.” Gu Xiangfei originally had five indistinct realm halos behind him, but after talking with Xuankong Saint, there were more behind him. A realm halo, although still vague, is also the realm of a rank six saint.

“Brother Gu’s… um! Someone is coming, and the siege formation is really aimed at me.” Saint Xuankong saw three figures flying over from a distance, and the aura on his body was clearly three nine-rank saints .

“Three rank-nine saints, I will trap two rank-nine saints with formations first, kill one first, and we will each have one for the remaining two.” As soon as Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, the three rank-nine saints brought three huge breath came before them.

“Fellow Daoist, what’s going on? Your cave rent hasn’t been refunded yet. Are you in such a hurry to leave?” Saint Peihe knew Saint Xuankong and asked first.

“The spar is rewarded to you. My friend and I are here to talk about things. If the three of you are okay, go away!” The saint Xuankong knew the purpose of their visit when he saw the saint Peihe, and refused him to join forces. I did it myself, so I didn’t say any kind words to them at all.

“We came here to return the crystal stones to fellow daoists, and to discuss a business with fellow daoists. Can you sell your soul stones to us?” Sage Miaoji actually didn’t want to make a move. The big formation is here, the three of them plus the upcoming Saint Aojiang can easily kill this Rank Nine Saint, but now that they are here, the three of them are not sure to keep Saint Xuankong, so let’s talk about soul cultivation first stone business.

“Don’t sell it, get out!” If it wasn’t for Gu Xiangfei’s reminder, he might be killed by these three people. He didn’t know that there was still a ninth-rank saint who hadn’t arrived, and Peihe saint and the others didn’t do anything. Soul Cultivation Stone and Saint Xuankong are fighting, waiting for the arrival of Saint Aojiang to make a move, and they can assist from the side.

“If you don’t sell it, you can’t do it! Let’s go together, hold him first, and the saint of Aojiang will arrive after half a stick of incense.” After finishing speaking, the saint of Miaoji raised his hand and blasted out a burst of energy.

Gu Xiangfei laughed, raised his hand and dropped a formation flag, and the trapping and killing formation was activated immediately, besieging Tianfu Saint and Peihe Saint inside, he raised his hand and blasted a thunderous supernatural power, Gu Xiangfei felt the magic power of the Miaoji Saint The cultivation method carries yin energy, so it is bombarded with the powerful thunder technique.

Sage Xuankong and Sage Miaoji had already confronted each other. The two huge sources of energy collided with each other and collapsed.

Saint Miaoji originally saw that a rank-six saint dared to attack, and was furious in his heart. He raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of Yuanli, wanting to smash Gu Xiangfei in one fell swoop, so that he would not disturb him beside him.

Boom! Two huge Dao Yuan and Yuan Li clashed together, tumbling in space, Yuanli supernatural powers shattered inch by inch, Daoyuan power soared, Miaoji Saint felt a huge Yuanli smashed his own Yuanli, and there were tens of thousands of destructive black Thunder Daoyun blasted towards him.

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