: Gu Xiangfei’s Guess

“Not good!” Sage Miaoji didn’t expect this rank-six sage to have such a powerful force, so he quickly raised his hand and sacrificed the innate body protection magic weapon, rumbling! Tens of thousands of huge Thunder Dao Rhymes blasted on the innate body protection magic weapon, click! With a sound, the innate body protection magic weapon was shattered, and the body of the saint Miaoji was also shattered.

Boom! A mass of blood mist exploded, and was soon turned into powder by Thunder Dao Yun, and even the primordial spirit that had just escaped was shattered by Thunder Dao Yun, turning into a ball of pure energy and dissipating in the void .

“Okay! Brother Gu has improved a lot, haha…” Sage Xuankong saw Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of the thunderbolt technique, and the terrifying aura of magical energy, he must not be able to withstand this bombardment, but in his heart It’s great joy, the stronger Gu Xiangfei is, the happier he is. It’s better to have a strong friend than a friend who is holding back.

Saint Tianfu and Saint Peihe were trapped and killed by the seventh-level holy formation. Although the seventh-level holy formation could not trap them, they had to break the holy formation to get out.

Gu Xiangfei blasted and killed Saint Miaoji, but they didn’t see it in the trapping and killing holy formation, and they thought that after they smashed the seventh-level holy formation, they went out to help Saint Miaoji deal with the ninth-rank saint. Turning to the saint, before he was taken seriously, the two of them ignored him directly.

Seeing that the trapping formation was about to be shattered, Gu Xiangfei didn’t even think about strengthening the trapping formation. It was enough to block the nine-turn saint’s breath for a few breaths.

He raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique. Before Saint Xuankong could make a move, he felt that this space was wrapped by a huge Dao Rhyme of Destruction. Fortunately, this terrifying Dao Rhyme of Destruction did not wrap him, even This also scared him to dodge Baizhang quickly, and he was even more shocked, what kind of supernatural power is this, such a powerful supernatural power, even Daozu would not dare to resist it!

This terrifying dao rhyme of destruction first turned the trapping and killing holy formation into nothingness, revealing the two nine-rank saints inside. The saint of Tianfu and the saint of Peihe felt a terrifying dao rhyme of destruction approaching in an instant, passing over their bodies The two of them turned into nothingness, and the primordial spirit couldn’t escape from the body. Destroying Daoyun turned the land of this space into nothingness, spreading to the distance, and soon an empty moat appeared here.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand to disperse the terrifying Dao Rhyme of Destruction, otherwise the holy capital would be turned into nothingness by the Dao Rhyme of Destruction.

“What a powerful supernatural power!” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei took a few breaths and turned the two nine-rank saints into nothingness, the sage Xuankong couldn’t help admiring, with a trembling sound in his tone. This terrifying supernatural power is too powerful. Destroy everything, Extinct Starfield!

“Brother Xuan Kong, I’m looking for you this time. I have something to ask. Do you know where the protoss bombarded the lower realm?” Gu Xiangfei was also surprised when he saw that the Dao Yun of Destruction combined with the Dao Yuan of Chaos was so powerful. After a while, he felt that these two rank nine saints had a thicker breath than the rank nine saint of the protoss at the entrance of the void.

“That position was occupied by the gods, right in the center of the Great World of Xiayu Starfield. After the gods occupied it, a Xuanyuan City was built. This city is almost full of god monks. Foreign monks are not allowed to enter at all, and the city There are six god race ninth-rank saints guarding it. Our human saints have attacked Xuanyuan City several times, just to smash Xuanyuan City, so that the human monks from the lower realm can break through to the holy realm and enter the holy realm. Unfortunately, they all failed. “Sage Xuankong sighed when he said this. He had participated in several siege battles, and the severity of them is still fresh in his memory. Tens of millions of saints fell for this.

“Is there any other place where I can enter the Holy Realm?” Gu Xiangfei remembered that he entered the Holy Realm and was led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light. It was only when he felt the crisis at that time that he displayed a few supernatural powers and broke the The one that led the holy light to escape.

“I don’t know about the other locations. Could it be that Brother Gu was led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light?” Saint Xuankong suddenly remembered to ask Gu Xiangfei this question. Everyone in the Holy Realm knew that this location was in the Holy Realm. Xuanyuan City, when Gu Xiangfei asked him this question, he was still a little strange, how could Gu Xiangfei not know about this place?

“I was led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light, it’s just the place I came from…I see, it turned out to be like this, brother Xuankong, I’m going to visit that place.” Gu Xiangfei suddenly thought of Lian Shinto uses the saint’s soul to practice. He was led to the holy world by the holy light. Someone wanted to trap him and then use his soul to practice. At the same time, he also thought of that position. The location may have been discovered by the saints of the holy world, and a formation was arranged here to trap the human monks who entered the holy world. Easy to get caught.

Saint Xuankong heard what Gu Xiangfei said, and immediately said, “I will go with you. If there is a place where the human race can enter the holy world, we will build a city there, just to attract the human monks to enter the holy world. If we are destroyed, our human race will one day become stronger and destroy the god race.”

“Okay! I know the location, let’s go by spaceship!” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard that, with Xuankong, a ninth-rank saint, following him, the speed of building the city will also be accelerated. It is best to call some strong people of the human race to protect this city together. The city, even if the Protoss knows that they will attack later, they can also resistTo protect them, thinking of this, he raised his hand and sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel.

The Heavenly Dao Wheel was raised in his Purple Mansion and absorbed his Chaos Qi. It is now a semi-Chaos Treasure, and it is estimated that it will be promoted to a Chaos Treasure in a while.

“Chaos treasure, no! It’s a semi-chaotic treasure, and it’s being promoted to a chaotic treasure.” Xuankong Saint saw the chaotic atmosphere emanating from the heavenly wheel, and exclaimed. With his rich experience, he quickly saw that the heavenly wheel was advancing to chaos treasure.

A phantom flashed past, and the sky where the Heavenly Dao Wheel disappeared was dozens of times faster than the previous innate treasure.

Gu Xiangfei and Saint Xuankong could not walk more than half a stick of incense, and a figure appeared here, with a huge aura on his body, stronger than the three Saint Capital Nine Rank Saints.

This is a red-haired monk. He is tall and mighty, with a red face, and his beard and hair stand on end. He is the nine-turn sage of the dragon clan, the Aojiang sage. , hurriedly flew over, and after entering the city of Shengdu, he found that the saint Miaoji and the city lord, the saint Tianfu, were not in the city. He followed the breath of the saint Miaoji to find this place, but found that the breath of the saint Miaoji disappeared here.

“Hmm! The supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique!” Ao Jiang felt the aura of the divine channel of the Great Destruction Technique here, and was shocked. Someone in the holy world used the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique here. One of the most powerful skills, the ancestor of cutting Dao can advance to the good fortune realm with the great cutting technique. The saint who performed the great destruction technique will definitely advance to the good fortune realm in the future. It seems that the saints of Miaoji have fallen.

Saint Aojiang has a sense of fear for the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique. He dare not resist the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique head-on. What’s more, the Saint Miaoji is worse than him. It is difficult for them to reincarnate against the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique.

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