: Land of Reception

The Heavenly Dao Wheel has not yet been promoted to the Chaos Treasure, and it is still a semi-chaotic Treasure. It is slower than Gu Xiangfei’s regular escape technique, but they are now sitting on the Heavenly Dao Wheel with three people, and their speed is not too slow.

After the sage Xuankong got on the Heavenly Dao Wheel, he asked his daughter Chang Yue to come out and recover her soul on the Heavenly Dao Wheel. The rules of heaven and earth here are clear, and it is much faster to recover than in her own world.

Gu Xiangfei saw Saint Xuankong put a beautiful girl on the Heavenly Dao Wheel, and knew that this was his daughter Chang Yue.

“Brother Xuankong, your daughter hasn’t recovered yet? Try taking this elixir?” Seeing that Chang Yue’s spirit was a little weak, Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and handed it to Saint Xuankong.

Sage Xuankong knew how powerful Gu Xiangfei’s Dao Pill was. He took the jade bottle and opened it. When he saw that it was the Holy Qin Dao Pill, he put it back into the jade bottle, threw it to Gu Xiangfei and said, “You gave me this Sheng Qin Dao Pill. I have given it to Xiaoyue, and the effect is not very great.”

“Oh… Let me see, it turned out to be like this, I’ll give you this and try again.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and took out two jade boxes and handed them to Saint Xuankong.

“Bi’an flowers! What a treasure, brother Gu is indeed a person with a great chance, and you can get this kind of treasure in the underworld.” Xuan Kong sage opened the jade box and saw a pair of Bi’an flowers, which can not only be used to practice curses, It is also a treasure to restore the soul, which contains powerful principles of the soul.

After the monks in the underworld reach rank seven saints, they all sit by the other shore flower to comprehend the law of the soul and condense a powerful soul. Therefore, the souls of the saints in the underworld are stronger than those of other races. After the soul is strong, they can simultaneously Control several innate treasures to attack the opponent, which is why although there are not many saints in the underworld, they are all very powerful.

Saint Xuankong placed two Bianhua flowers, one red and one white, on the head of his daughter Chang Yue. The two Bianhua flowers turned into two clouds of mist at a speed visible to the naked eye, condensed together, turned pink, and entered Chang Yue’s head .

In just a dozen or so breaths, the two Bana flowers disappeared, and the pink mist was sucked into Chang Yue’s head. Her spirit gradually grew stronger, and she slowly opened her eyes, and saw the sage Xuankong looking at her with concern.

“Father.” Chang Yue yelled, feeling that she had recovered, she sat up first, then stood up again, the realm aura behind her stood out, she was clearly a rank six saint.

“How do you feel now?” Saint Xuankong looked at his daughter excitedly. His wife was murdered by the enemy and had already fallen. Although she took revenge, she couldn’t come back. Yue was taken away by another divine soul. In order to save his daughter, he traveled almost all over the holy world before finding the soul-cultivating stone. Rescuing his daughter, and now seeing his daughter Chang Yue recovering, even if he is a nine-turn saint, he can’t control his excitement.

“Congratulations, brother. Fairy Chang Yue has recovered, and my efforts have not been in vain.” Gu Xiangfei’s congratulations interrupted their father and daughter’s gaze.

“Thank you, Brother Gu. Without Brother Gu’s help, Xiaoyue doesn’t know when she will wake up. Xiaoyue is my father’s best friend, Gu Xiangfei, called Master Uncle.” Sage Xuankong clasped his fists to Gu Xiangfei, he was sincerely grateful to Gu Xiangfei , first took out the soul-inducing dao fruit, and then took out the treasure of the underworld such as the other shore flower.

“Thank you, Uncle Gu, for saving me.” Chang Yue heard her father say that it was the rank-six sage who helped her wake up, so she quickly bowed and thanked Uncle Gu.

“You don’t need to be too polite.” Gu Xiangfei stretched out his hand and lifted it up. Chang Yue felt a gentle force to lift him up, but he couldn’t bend down any more. , is much stronger than myself, as expected, the friends my father made are all very strongBig.

“Xiaoyue, you just recovered, go to the room to rest first! We will call you out when you get to the place.” Xuan Kong Shengren couldn’t bear to let his daughter stand outside. Consolidate it, it can be seen that the sage Xuankong really loves this daughter.

“Brother Xuankong, why is Xiaoyue’s soul missing?” Gu Xiangfei only asked Saint Xuankong about it after seeing Chang Yue recovered.

“Xiaoyue practiced alone. After being captured by a soul, she didn’t feel anything at the time. She just felt that something was wrong. She didn’t know who attacked her. After sending me a message, she entered a resthouse and stayed there. When I found her, she was already in a coma.” The saint Xuankong investigated this matter for many years, but he couldn’t find out the reason, so he had to bury this matter deeply in his heart, and first went to find the soul-inducing Dao fruit Save your daughter.

“After so many years, I’m afraid the clues have been broken. Unless this happens again, we may be able to find the culprit by following the clues.” After listening to the sage Xuankong, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t think of any way, so he had to wait for that person to appear again. But this chance is very small, after all, the holy world is so big, it is impossible for them all to know whose soul has been taken away.

“I thought so too. Fortunately, now that Xiaoyue has recovered, I won’t give up on this matter easily. I also trouble brother Gu to meet me in the future. Send me a message. I want him to never reincarnate and burn his soul forever.” Years.” When the sage Xuankong said this, his eyes lit up, which shows how much resentment he has for his father.

The two chatted while driving the Heavenly Dao Wheel. Half a year later, the Heavenly Dao Wheel stopped. Chang Yue came out of the training room and saw that this was a barren land. She didn’t know why her father and Master Gu came here, so she had to follow them fall to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the Heavenly Dao Wheel. After scanning with his divine sense, he saw that there was no one here, only a few abandoned houses and a collapsed hall. It was obvious that no one had lived here for many years.

Among several abandoned houses, there was a destroyed large formation. Gu Xiangfei stepped out and came to the base of this large formation. After examining it carefully, he felt furious.

It turns out that this is a traction passage. After the monks from the lower realm reach the holy realm, they will be led to the holy realm by the guiding holy light through this passage. After entering the holy world, you will be enveloped by the holy light and fall into this five-level trap.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and punched, and blasted out a supernatural power of the great cutting technique. The space was instantly reduced to slag by the magic channel of the great cutting technique. , Maybe the original soul will also be drawn out and let people use it for cultivation.

Saint Xuankong was shocked when he saw Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of cutting technique. How many supernatural powers does Gu Xiangfei know? The previous supernatural powers of the thunderbolt and the supernatural power of the great destruction, and now the supernatural power of the great cutting technique, and this supernatural power of the great cutting technique feels more powerful than the supernatural power of the great cutting technique of the ancestor of cutting Dao.

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