: Building the Holy Gathering City

Chang Yue saw Gu Xiangfei throw a punch casually, and a huge cutting dao rhyme instantly reduced this space to slag. She could feel this huge cutting dao rhyme behind Gu Xiangfei, which was stronger than her father’s Yuanli. It is several times stronger, if this cutting dao rhyme hits him, he can only be smashed to pieces, he can’t help being shocked, and immediately looks at Gu Xiangfei, a rank six saint, with admiration.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and shattered the Daoyun, revealing a passage several feet wide. This passage is surrounded by holy light, containing the power of attracting and attracting. He was overjoyed. It turned out that this is the leading passage. The saint who occupied this passage escaped. He sealed this passage when he was in the middle of the night, and he might have thought that he would come back after a while and find that no one was paying attention, and continue to arrest the soul of the saint. Now that this passage has been opened by him, monks from the lower realm can be led to the holy world by the holy light. up.

“Brother Xuan Kong, we are building a city here. The leading passage is built in a large hall. Human races from the God Realm can come up through the leading passage. I will arrange the defensive formation first.” Gu Xiangfei saw that the leading passage was blocked. The big cutting technique blasted away, and after speaking, he raised his hand and took out a hill-like material.

“Okay! I’ll help you.” Saint Xuankong raised his hand and took out a bunch of materials. These materials were the items they obtained from their world after killing the ninth-rank saint.

Chang Yue saw that her father and Gu Xiangfei were busy, and she had nothing to do, so she wanted to check this star field first, and said to her father Xuankong Shengren, “Father, I want to take a look around here to learn about this star field. ”

“You’ve just recovered, so let’s build here now! I don’t worry if I go too far away.” Saint Xuankong couldn’t let her go out and wander around alone. If something happened again, it would be too late for him to regret it.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, threw the golden-winged roc out of the star bead, and said, “Since Xiaoyue wants to go and have a look, let Xiaojin accompany you!”

The golden-winged roc came out of the star bead and felt that the vitality here was thin and there was no chaotic breath to absorb, so it immediately became unhappy, but it couldn’t refuse Gu Xiangfei’s words, so it walked to Chang Yue listlessly and said, ” Where are you going? I’ll follow behind.”

“You…you are a holy beast? Such beautiful feathers, are you called Xiaojin?” Chang Yue saw the golden-winged roc and was immediately attracted by its beautiful appearance.

“I’m the Golden Winged Roc, little sister, your cultivation is pretty good! You’re already at rank six, um, and, you can call me Brother Jin, and I’ll cover you.” Golden Winged Roc The bird was praised by Chang Yue for its beauty, Immediately bragging proudly.

Saint Xuankong was also taken aback when he saw the golden-winged roc. Such a powerful holy beast has the realm of a sixth-rank saint. It can be seen that the blood of this holy beast is so powerful that even a seventh-rank saint may not be its opponent. Chang Yue feels relieved to have it with her.

Chang Yue saw that the golden-winged roc liked to brag, and even flattered it with words. The golden-winged roc became even more proud, and even let Chang Yue sit on its back, and took her soaring away in this star field.

Chang Yue sat on the back of the golden-winged roc, only to realize that this holy beast is not only powerful, but also has a speed comparable to the escape technique of a nine-turn saint. The wings spread out and trembled a few times, and it came to the end of the star field .

Gu Xiangfei first set up a seven-level defensive holy array to defend this space, and then began to refine materials to build the city. Saint Xuankong helped him and placed the refined materials.

Half a year later, a city was built. This city is smaller than other cities in the holy world, but it can accommodate tens of millions of monks. Gu Xiangfei buried ten Dao veins in this city, and the vitality of the world immediately filled up. It is so rich that monks feel that their cultivation base is rising even after taking a sip.

In the City Lord’s Mansion, Gu Xiangfei planted two more Dao veins, and the vitality of heaven and earth in the entire City Lord’s Mansion was about to turn into rain and mist. Sitting next to her, Chang Yue felt that her cultivation base was rising, and she was even more amazed at Gu Xiangfei’s wealth. Twelve high-grade Dao veins have been arranged in the city.

“This city has been established, and its name is Jusheng City. Brother Xuankong, you will be the city lord, and I will be the deputy city lord. After all, your cultivation base is high, and other saints can be intimidating if they come here.” Gu Xiangfei After pouring a few cups of spiritual tea, the three of them sat in the hall and drank while chatting about the development of the holy city.

“Okay, although my cultivation level is high, it’s only on the surface. If there are any major issues, I still need Brother Gu to solve them. Three of my friends may come over in the near future. At that time, we will discuss the development concept of Jusheng City together. “Sage Xuankong trapped Gu Xiangfei first, lest he become an idler and push all these things to himself, and then he would have no free time to practice.

“If there is a major event, I will definitely take action. I will place the cave in the main hall of the leading channel. As long as there are people from the god world coming up, we will know soon. As for the affairs of Jusheng City, my brother will make arrangements.” Gu Xiangfei took over the task of leading the channel mainly because he wanted to see his family members immediately after they were led up by the holy light, so that he could arrange for them to practice.

Saint Xuankong heard that Gu Xiangfei was going to be in charge of guiding the channel, so he had something to do, but he always felt that Gu Xiangfei was overqualified by doing so.

Now there are only three people and one bird in Jusheng City. The golden-winged roc prefers to wander around the city. Although there is no one in the city now, it still likes to wander around the city every day before returning to its cave.

Gu Xiangfei built several rows of caves next to the leading channel hall. He occupied the cave in the middle, and arranged defensive formations around it to isolate the formations. He placed a chaotic path in the cave. He is not practicing now, but pushing Yan Zhen said, now he is the king of the seventh-level holy formation, and the seventh-level holy formation he has arranged can be smashed by a ninth-rank saint in a few blows.

If a ninth-rank saint came to this holy gathering city, it would be easy to smash the defensive formation, so he had to practice formation first, and strive to be promoted to the eighth-level holy formation king, so that the defensive formation set up in this way could block the nine Of course, it would be more perfect if it could break through to the ninth-level Saint Array Master’s attack.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in the Dao of Derivation Formation. Sage Xuankong knew that he was learning the Dao of Derivation Formation, so he didn’t bother him. After sending his daughter Xiaoyue to go to the cave to practice, he was busy with some chores in the city and waited for three friends by the way. arrival.

A month later, two rank-nine saints came outside Gathering City. The realm aura behind them was solid and heavy. It was obvious that they were already in the middle stage of rank-nine saints’ cultivation.

“What is Brother Xuan Kong doing here? The communication beads didn’t make it clear, but they insisted on letting us come here. The vitality of the world in this star field is thin, and a city was built, Gathering Holy City, what a tacky name.” One of the nine Zhuan Shengren was standing outside the city and saw the three big characters Jushengcheng floating above the city gate. He didn’t understand why Xuankong Shengren asked them to come here? Do you want to live here and practice? But the vitality of the world here is too thin!

“What are you guessing about? Just ask him and you’ll know, brother Xuankong, we’ve arrived at your door, open the door! Otherwise, you’ll be smashed, so don’t blame us.”

“Haha…you two are still the same, one likes to ask the truth, and the other likes to run amok, come in!” Saint Xuankong opened the restraint at the gate of the city, and the two of them sneaked in and came to the city.

“It’s such a strong heaven and earth vitality, but why is there no one here now? Are you alone? This is an empty city!”

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